dojo.provide("dojox.uuid._base"); // Public constants: dojox.uuid.NIL_UUID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; dojox.uuid.version = { // Enumeration for the different UUID versions. UNKNOWN: 0, TIME_BASED: 1, DCE_SECURITY: 2, NAME_BASED_MD5: 3, RANDOM: 4, NAME_BASED_SHA1: 5 }; dojox.uuid.variant = { // Enumeration for the different UUID variants. NCS: "0", DCE: "10", MICROSOFT: "110", UNKNOWN: "111" }; dojox.uuid.assert = function(/*Boolean*/ booleanValue, /*String?*/ message){ // summary: // Throws an exception if the assertion fails. // description: // If the asserted condition is true, this method does nothing. If the // condition is false, we throw an error with a error message. // booleanValue: Must be true for the assertion to succeed. // message: A string describing the assertion. // throws: Throws an Error if 'booleanValue' is false. if(!booleanValue){ if(!message){ message = "An assert statement failed.\n" + "The method dojox.uuid.assert() was called with a 'false' value.\n"; } throw new Error(message); } }; dojox.uuid.generateNilUuid = function(){ // summary: // This function returns the Nil UUID: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000". // description: // The Nil UUID is described in section 4.1.7 of // RFC 4122: // examples: // var string = dojox.uuid.generateNilUuid(); return dojox.uuid.NIL_UUID;; // String }; dojox.uuid.isValid = function(/*String*/ uuidString){ // summary: // Returns true if the UUID was initialized with a valid value. uuidString = uuidString.toString(); var valid = (dojo.isString(uuidString) && (uuidString.length == 36) && (uuidString == uuidString.toLowerCase())); if(valid){ var arrayOfParts = uuidString.split("-"); valid = ((arrayOfParts.length == 5) && (arrayOfParts[0].length == 8) && (arrayOfParts[1].length == 4) && (arrayOfParts[2].length == 4) && (arrayOfParts[3].length == 4) && (arrayOfParts[4].length == 12)); var HEX_RADIX = 16; for (var i in arrayOfParts) { var part = arrayOfParts[i]; var integer = parseInt(part, HEX_RADIX); valid = valid && isFinite(integer); } } return valid; // boolean }; dojox.uuid.getVariant = function(/*String*/ uuidString){ // summary: // Returns a variant code that indicates what type of UUID this is. // Returns one of the enumerated dojox.uuid.variant values. // example: // var variant = dojox.uuid.getVariant("3b12f1df-5232-4804-897e-917bf397618a"); // dojox.uuid.assert(variant == dojox.uuid.variant.DCE); // example: // "3b12f1df-5232-4804-897e-917bf397618a" // ^ // | // (variant "10__" == DCE) if(!dojox.uuid._ourVariantLookupTable){ var variant = dojox.uuid.variant; var lookupTable = []; lookupTable[0x0] = variant.NCS; // 0000 lookupTable[0x1] = variant.NCS; // 0001 lookupTable[0x2] = variant.NCS; // 0010 lookupTable[0x3] = variant.NCS; // 0011 lookupTable[0x4] = variant.NCS; // 0100 lookupTable[0x5] = variant.NCS; // 0101 lookupTable[0x6] = variant.NCS; // 0110 lookupTable[0x7] = variant.NCS; // 0111 lookupTable[0x8] = variant.DCE; // 1000 lookupTable[0x9] = variant.DCE; // 1001 lookupTable[0xA] = variant.DCE; // 1010 lookupTable[0xB] = variant.DCE; // 1011 lookupTable[0xC] = variant.MICROSOFT; // 1100 lookupTable[0xD] = variant.MICROSOFT; // 1101 lookupTable[0xE] = variant.UNKNOWN; // 1110 lookupTable[0xF] = variant.UNKNOWN; // 1111 dojox.uuid._ourVariantLookupTable = lookupTable; } uuidString = uuidString.toString(); var variantCharacter = uuidString.charAt(19); var HEX_RADIX = 16; var variantNumber = parseInt(variantCharacter, HEX_RADIX); dojox.uuid.assert((variantNumber >= 0) && (variantNumber <= 16)); return dojox.uuid._ourVariantLookupTable[variantNumber]; // dojox.uuid.variant }; dojox.uuid.getVersion = function(/*String*/ uuidString){ // summary: // Returns a version number that indicates what type of UUID this is. // Returns one of the enumerated dojox.uuid.version values. // example: // var version = dojox.uuid.getVersion("b4308fb0-86cd-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66"); // dojox.uuid.assert(version == dojox.uuid.version.TIME_BASED); // exceptions: // Throws an Error if this is not a DCE Variant UUID. var errorMessage = "dojox.uuid.getVersion() was not passed a DCE Variant UUID."; dojox.uuid.assert(dojox.uuid.getVariant(uuidString) == dojox.uuid.variant.DCE, errorMessage); uuidString = uuidString.toString(); // "b4308fb0-86cd-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66" // ^ // | // (version 1 == TIME_BASED) var versionCharacter = uuidString.charAt(14); var HEX_RADIX = 16; var versionNumber = parseInt(versionCharacter, HEX_RADIX); return versionNumber; // dojox.uuid.version }; dojox.uuid.getNode = function(/*String*/ uuidString){ // summary: // If this is a version 1 UUID (a time-based UUID), getNode() returns a // 12-character string with the "node" or "pseudonode" portion of the UUID, // which is the rightmost 12 characters. // exceptions: // Throws an Error if this is not a version 1 UUID. var errorMessage = "dojox.uuid.getNode() was not passed a TIME_BASED UUID."; dojox.uuid.assert(dojox.uuid.getVersion(uuidString) == dojox.uuid.version.TIME_BASED, errorMessage); uuidString = uuidString.toString(); var arrayOfStrings = uuidString.split('-'); var nodeString = arrayOfStrings[4]; return nodeString; // String (a 12-character string, which will look something like "917bf397618a") }; dojox.uuid.getTimestamp = function(/*String*/ uuidString, /*String?*/ returnType){ // summary: // If this is a version 1 UUID (a time-based UUID), this method returns // the timestamp value encoded in the UUID. The caller can ask for the // timestamp to be returned either as a JavaScript Date object or as a // 15-character string of hex digits. // returnType: Any of these five values: "string", String, "hex", "date", Date // returns: // Returns the timestamp value as a JavaScript Date object or a 15-character string of hex digits. // examples: // var uuidString = "b4308fb0-86cd-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66"; // var date, string, hexString; // date = dojox.uuid.getTimestamp(uuidString); // returns a JavaScript Date // date = dojox.uuid.getTimestamp(uuidString, Date); // // string = dojox.uuid.getTimestamp(uuidString, String); // "Mon, 16 Jan 2006 20:21:41 GMT" // hexString = dojox.uuid.getTimestamp(uuidString, "hex"); // "1da86cdb4308fb0" // exceptions: // Throws an Error if this is not a version 1 UUID. var errorMessage = "dojox.uuid.getTimestamp() was not passed a TIME_BASED UUID."; dojox.uuid.assert(dojox.uuid.getVersion(uuidString) == dojox.uuid.version.TIME_BASED, errorMessage); uuidString = uuidString.toString(); if(!returnType){returnType = null}; switch(returnType){ case "string": case String: return dojox.uuid.getTimestamp(uuidString, Date).toUTCString(); // String (e.g. "Mon, 16 Jan 2006 20:21:41 GMT") break; case "hex": // Return a 15-character string of hex digits containing the // timestamp for this UUID, with the high-order bits first. var arrayOfStrings = uuidString.split('-'); var hexTimeLow = arrayOfStrings[0]; var hexTimeMid = arrayOfStrings[1]; var hexTimeHigh = arrayOfStrings[2]; // Chop off the leading "1" character, which is the UUID // version number for time-based UUIDs. hexTimeHigh = hexTimeHigh.slice(1); var timestampAsHexString = hexTimeHigh + hexTimeMid + hexTimeLow; dojox.uuid.assert(timestampAsHexString.length == 15); return timestampAsHexString; // String (e.g. "1da86cdb4308fb0") break; case null: // no returnType was specified, so default to Date case "date": case Date: // Return a JavaScript Date object. var GREGORIAN_CHANGE_OFFSET_IN_HOURS = 3394248; var HEX_RADIX = 16; var arrayOfParts = uuidString.split('-'); var timeLow = parseInt(arrayOfParts[0], HEX_RADIX); var timeMid = parseInt(arrayOfParts[1], HEX_RADIX); var timeHigh = parseInt(arrayOfParts[2], HEX_RADIX); var hundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582 = timeHigh & 0x0FFF; hundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582 <<= 16; hundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582 += timeMid; // What we really want to do next is shift left 32 bits, but the // result will be too big to fit in an int, so we'll multiply by 2^32, // and the result will be a floating point approximation. hundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582 *= 0x100000000; hundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582 += timeLow; var millisecondsSince1582 = hundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582 / 10000; // Again, this will be a floating point approximation. // We can make things exact later if we need to. var secondsPerHour = 60 * 60; var hoursBetween1582and1970 = GREGORIAN_CHANGE_OFFSET_IN_HOURS; var secondsBetween1582and1970 = hoursBetween1582and1970 * secondsPerHour; var millisecondsBetween1582and1970 = secondsBetween1582and1970 * 1000; var millisecondsSince1970 = millisecondsSince1582 - millisecondsBetween1582and1970; var timestampAsDate = new Date(millisecondsSince1970); return timestampAsDate; // Date break; default: // we got passed something other than a valid returnType dojox.uuid.assert(false, "dojox.uuid.getTimestamp was not passed a valid returnType: " + returnType); break; } };