dojo.provide("demos.mojo.src.drop"); // adds gravity effect to mojoDemo dojo.require("dojo.fx"); dojo.require("dojo.fx.easing"); dojo.require(""); (function(){ var mojo = {}; var nodes; var _coords = []; var cb = null; dojo.mixin(mojo, { drop: { _calcPositions: function(e){ // store or return the current calculated positions of each ball var c = []; nodes.forEach(function(n){ c.push(dojo.coords(n)); }); if(e){ _coords = c; // with luck maybe in this limited scope, but this is bad. } return c; // Array }, dropNodes: function(){ // summary: drop all the nodes using the bounce easing function _coords = mojo.drop._calcPositions(); // store positions for later // ball is 310px, so the bottom edges are height - 310 roughly. var t = dijit.getViewport().h - 310;,"overflow","hidden"); var _anims = []; nodes.forEach(function(n,idx){ // we want to keep the left: attribute in tact, so pass it along var l = _coords[idx].l; _anims.push(dojo.fx.slideTo({ top:t, left:l, node:n, duration:1000, easing:dojo.fx.easing.bounceOut })); }); // play the _anims as one animation dojo.fx.combine(_anims).play(); }, floatNodes: function(){ // summary: reset all the nodes to the orig. positions var _anims = []; nodes.forEach(function(n,idx){ // push each slide animation in _anims, based on it's stored coords var t = _coords[idx].t; var l = _coords[idx].l; _anims.push(dojo.fx.slideTo({ top: t, left:l, node:n, duration:500 })); }); // play the anim, and set overflow:auto on body var _anim = dojo.fx.combine(_anims); var con = dojo.connect(_anim,"onEnd",function(){, "overflow", "visible"); });; } } }) var _toggleGravity = function(e){ // drop or float the nodes based on the state of the checkbox mojo.drop[(cb.checked ? "dropNodes" : "floatNodes")](); }; dojo.addOnLoad(function(){ // convenience: nodes = dojo.query("#container > div"); // setup the "gravity toggler" cb = dojo.byId("gravity"); cb.checked = false; // FIXME: ie7 fires onchange after blur() ... ugh dojo.connect(cb,"onchange",_toggleGravity); // just in case, because our nodes are absolutely positioned: dojo.connect(window,"onresize",mojo.drop,"_calcPositions"); // lets make the logo drag/snap-able, too. new dojo.dnd.Moveable("logoImg");"logoImg","cursor","move"); }); })();