dojo.provide("dojox.grid._View"); dojo.require("dijit._Widget"); dojo.require("dijit._Templated"); dojo.require("dojox.grid._Builder"); dojo.require("dojox.html.metrics"); dojo.require("dojox.grid.util"); dojo.require("dojo.dnd.Source"); dojo.require("dojo.dnd.Manager"); (function(){ // private var getStyleText = function(inNode, inStyleText){ return == undefined ? inNode.getAttribute("style") :; }; // public dojo.declare('dojox.grid._View', [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], { // summary: // A collection of grid columns. A grid is comprised of a set of views that stack horizontally. // Grid creates views automatically based on grid's layout structure. // Users should typically not need to access individual views directly. // // defaultWidth: String // Default width of the view defaultWidth: "18em", // viewWidth: String // Width for the view, in valid css unit viewWidth: "", templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.grid","resources/View.html"), themeable: false, classTag: 'dojoxGrid', marginBottom: 0, rowPad: 2, // _togglingColumn: int // Width of the column being toggled (-1 for none) _togglingColumn: -1, postMixInProperties: function(){ this.rowNodes = []; }, postCreate: function(){ this.connect(this.scrollboxNode,"onscroll","doscroll"); dojox.grid.util.funnelEvents(this.contentNode, this, "doContentEvent", [ 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'click', 'dblclick', 'contextmenu', 'mousedown' ]); dojox.grid.util.funnelEvents(this.headerNode, this, "doHeaderEvent", [ 'dblclick', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mousemove', 'mousedown', 'click', 'contextmenu' ]); this.content = new dojox.grid._ContentBuilder(this); this.header = new dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder(this); //BiDi: in RTL case, style width='9000em' causes scrolling problem in head node if(!dojo._isBodyLtr()){ = ""; } }, destroy: function(){ dojo.destroy(this.headerNode); delete this.headerNode; dojo.forEach(this.rowNodes, dojo.destroy); this.rowNodes = []; if(this.source){ this.source.destroy(); } this.inherited(arguments); }, // focus focus: function(){ if(dojo.isWebKit || dojo.isOpera){ this.hiddenFocusNode.focus(); }else{ this.scrollboxNode.focus(); } }, setStructure: function(inStructure){ var vs = (this.structure = inStructure); // FIXME: similar logic is duplicated in layout if(vs.width && !isNaN(vs.width)){ this.viewWidth = vs.width + 'em'; }else{ this.viewWidth = vs.width || (vs.noscroll ? 'auto' : this.viewWidth); //|| this.defaultWidth; } this.onBeforeRow = vs.onBeforeRow; this.onAfterRow = vs.onAfterRow; this.noscroll = vs.noscroll; if(this.noscroll){ = "hidden"; } this.simpleStructure = Boolean(vs.cells.length == 1); // bookkeeping this.testFlexCells(); // accomodate new structure this.updateStructure(); }, testFlexCells: function(){ // FIXME: cheater, this function does double duty as initializer and tester this.flexCells = false; for(var j=0, row; (row=this.structure.cells[j]); j++){ for(var i=0, cell; (cell=row[i]); i++){ cell.view = this; this.flexCells = this.flexCells || cell.isFlex(); } } return this.flexCells; }, updateStructure: function(){ // header builder needs to update table map this.header.update(); // content builder needs to update markup cache this.content.update(); }, getScrollbarWidth: function(){ var hasScrollSpace = this.hasVScrollbar(); var overflow =, "overflow"); if(this.noscroll || !overflow || overflow == "hidden"){ hasScrollSpace = false; }else if(overflow == "scroll"){ hasScrollSpace = true; } return (hasScrollSpace ? dojox.html.metrics.getScrollbar().w : 0); // Integer }, getColumnsWidth: function(){ return this.headerContentNode.firstChild.offsetWidth; // Integer }, setColumnsWidth: function(width){ = width + 'px'; if(this.viewWidth){ this.viewWidth = width + 'px'; } }, getWidth: function(){ return this.viewWidth || (this.getColumnsWidth()+this.getScrollbarWidth()) +'px'; // String }, getContentWidth: function(){ return Math.max(0, dojo._getContentBox(this.domNode).w - this.getScrollbarWidth()) + 'px'; // String }, render: function(){ = ''; this.renderHeader(); if(this._togglingColumn >= 0){ this.setColumnsWidth(this.getColumnsWidth() - this._togglingColumn); this._togglingColumn = -1; } var cells = this.grid.layout.cells; var getSibling = dojo.hitch(this, function(node, before){ var inc = before?-1:1; var idx = this.header.getCellNodeIndex(node) + inc; var cell = cells[idx]; while(cell && cell.getHeaderNode() && cell.getHeaderNode().style.display == "none"){ idx += inc; cell = cells[idx]; } if(cell){ return cell.getHeaderNode(); } return null; }); if(this.grid.columnReordering && this.simpleStructure){ if(this.source){ this.source.destroy(); } this.source = new dojo.dnd.Source(this.headerContentNode.firstChild.rows[0], { horizontal: true, accept: [ "gridColumn_" + ], viewIndex: this.index, onMouseDown: dojo.hitch(this, function(e){ this.header.decorateEvent(e); if((this.header.overRightResizeArea(e) || this.header.overLeftResizeArea(e)) && this.header.canResize(e) && !this.header.moveable){ this.header.beginColumnResize(e); }else{ if(this.grid.headerMenu){ this.grid.headerMenu.onCancel(true); } // IE reports a left click as 1, where everything else reports 0 if(e.button === (dojo.isIE ? 1 : 0)){, e); } } }), _markTargetAnchor: dojo.hitch(this, function(before){ var src = this.source; if(src.current == src.targetAnchor && src.before == before){ return; } if(src.targetAnchor && getSibling(src.targetAnchor, src.before)){ src._removeItemClass(getSibling(src.targetAnchor, src.before), src.before ? "After" : "Before"); }, before); if(src.targetAnchor && getSibling(src.targetAnchor, src.before)){ src._addItemClass(getSibling(src.targetAnchor, src.before), src.before ? "After" : "Before"); } }), _unmarkTargetAnchor: dojo.hitch(this, function(){ var src = this.source; if(!src.targetAnchor){ return; } if(src.targetAnchor && getSibling(src.targetAnchor, src.before)){ src._removeItemClass(getSibling(src.targetAnchor, src.before), src.before ? "After" : "Before"); }; }), destroy: dojo.hitch(this, function(){ dojo.disconnect(this._source_conn); dojo.unsubscribe(this._source_sub);; }) }); this._source_conn = dojo.connect(this.source, "onDndDrop", this, "_onDndDrop"); this._source_sub = dojo.subscribe("/dnd/drop/before", this, "_onDndDropBefore"); this.source.startup(); } }, _onDndDropBefore: function(source, nodes, copy){ if(dojo.dnd.manager().target !== this.source){ return; } this.source._targetNode = this.source.targetAnchor; this.source._beforeTarget = this.source.before; var views = this.grid.views.views; var srcView = views[source.viewIndex]; var tgtView = views[this.index]; if(tgtView != srcView){ var s = srcView.convertColPctToFixed(); var t = tgtView.convertColPctToFixed(); if(s || t){ setTimeout(function(){ srcView.update(); tgtView.update(); }, 50); } } }, _onDndDrop: function(source, nodes, copy){ if(dojo.dnd.manager().target !== this.source){ if(dojo.dnd.manager().source === this.source){ this._removingColumn = true; } return; } var getIdx = function(n){ return n ? dojo.attr(n, "idx") : null; } var w = dojo.marginBox(nodes[0]).w; if(source.viewIndex !== this.index){ var views = this.grid.views.views; var srcView = views[source.viewIndex]; var tgtView = views[this.index]; if(srcView.viewWidth && srcView.viewWidth != "auto"){ srcView.setColumnsWidth(srcView.getColumnsWidth() - w); } if(tgtView.viewWidth && tgtView.viewWidth != "auto"){ tgtView.setColumnsWidth(tgtView.getColumnsWidth()); } } var stn = this.source._targetNode; var stb = this.source._beforeTarget; var layout = this.grid.layout; var idx = this.index; delete this.source._targetNode; delete this.source._beforeTarget; window.setTimeout(function(){ layout.moveColumn( source.viewIndex, idx, getIdx(nodes[0]), getIdx(stn), stb ); }, 1); }, renderHeader: function(){ this.headerContentNode.innerHTML = this.header.generateHtml(this._getHeaderContent); if(this.flexCells){ this.contentWidth = this.getContentWidth(); = this.contentWidth; }, "onAfterRow", [-1, this.structure.cells, this.headerContentNode]); }, // note: not called in 'view' context _getHeaderContent: function(inCell){ var n = || inCell.grid.getCellName(inCell); var ret = [ '
'); }else{ ret = ret.concat([ ' ', inCell.grid.sortInfo > 0 ? 'dojoxGridSortUp' : 'dojoxGridSortDown', '">
', inCell.grid.sortInfo > 0 ? '▲' : '▼', '
' ]); } ret = ret.concat([n, '
']); return ret.join(''); }, resize: function(){ this.adaptHeight(); this.adaptWidth(); }, hasHScrollbar: function(reset){ if(this._hasHScroll == undefined || reset){ if(this.noscroll){ this._hasHScroll = false; }else{ var style =, "overflow"); if(style == "hidden"){ this._hasHScroll = false; }else if(style == "scroll"){ this._hasHScroll = true; }else{ this._hasHScroll = (this.scrollboxNode.offsetWidth < this.contentNode.offsetWidth); } } } return this._hasHScroll; // Boolean }, hasVScrollbar: function(reset){ if(this._hasVScroll == undefined || reset){ if(this.noscroll){ this._hasVScroll = false; }else{ var style =, "overflow"); if(style == "hidden"){ this._hasVScroll = false; }else if(style == "scroll"){ this._hasVScroll = true; }else{ this._hasVScroll = (this.scrollboxNode.offsetHeight < this.contentNode.offsetHeight); } } } return this._hasVScroll; // Boolean }, convertColPctToFixed: function(){ // Fix any percentage widths to be pixel values var hasPct = false; var cellNodes = dojo.query("th", this.headerContentNode); var fixedWidths =, function(c, vIdx){ var w =; dojo.attr(c, "vIdx", vIdx); if(w && w.slice(-1) == "%"){ hasPct = true; }else if(w && w.slice(-2) == "px"){ return window.parseInt(w, 10); } return dojo.contentBox(c).w; }); if(hasPct){ dojo.forEach(this.grid.layout.cells, function(cell, idx){ if(cell.view == this){ var cellNode = cell.view.getHeaderCellNode(cell.index); if(cellNode && dojo.hasAttr(cellNode, "vIdx")){ var vIdx = window.parseInt(dojo.attr(cellNode, "vIdx")); this.setColWidth(idx, fixedWidths[vIdx]); cellNodes[vIdx].style.width = cell.unitWidth; dojo.removeAttr(cellNode, "vIdx"); } } }, this); return true; } return false; }, adaptHeight: function(minusScroll){ if(!this.grid._autoHeight){ var h = this.domNode.clientHeight; if(minusScroll){ h -= dojox.html.metrics.getScrollbar().h; } dojox.grid.util.setStyleHeightPx(this.scrollboxNode, h); } this.hasVScrollbar(true); }, adaptWidth: function(){ if(this.flexCells){ // the view content width this.contentWidth = this.getContentWidth(); = this.contentWidth; } // FIXME: it should be easier to get w from this.scrollboxNode.clientWidth, // but clientWidth seemingly does not include scrollbar width in some cases var w = this.scrollboxNode.offsetWidth - this.getScrollbarWidth(); if(!this._removingColumn){ w = Math.max(w, this.getColumnsWidth()) + 'px'; }else{ w = Math.min(w, this.getColumnsWidth()) + 'px'; this._removingColumn = false; } var cn = this.contentNode; = w; this.hasHScrollbar(true); }, setSize: function(w, h){ var ds =; var hs =; if(w){ ds.width = w; hs.width = w; } ds.height = (h >= 0 ? h + 'px' : ''); }, renderRow: function(inRowIndex){ var rowNode = this.createRowNode(inRowIndex); this.buildRow(inRowIndex, rowNode); this.grid.edit.restore(this, inRowIndex); if(this._pendingUpdate){ window.clearTimeout(this._pendingUpdate); } this._pendingUpdate = window.setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){ window.clearTimeout(this._pendingUpdate); delete this._pendingUpdate; this.grid._resize(); }), 50); return rowNode; }, createRowNode: function(inRowIndex){ var node = document.createElement("div"); node.className = this.classTag + 'Row'; dojo.attr(node,"role","row"); node[dojox.grid.util.gridViewTag] =; node[dojox.grid.util.rowIndexTag] = inRowIndex; this.rowNodes[inRowIndex] = node; return node; }, buildRow: function(inRowIndex, inRowNode){ this.buildRowContent(inRowIndex, inRowNode); this.styleRow(inRowIndex, inRowNode); }, buildRowContent: function(inRowIndex, inRowNode){ inRowNode.innerHTML = this.content.generateHtml(inRowIndex, inRowIndex); if(this.flexCells && this.contentWidth){ // FIXME: accessing firstChild here breaks encapsulation = this.contentWidth; }, "onAfterRow", [inRowIndex, this.structure.cells, inRowNode]); }, rowRemoved:function(inRowIndex){, inRowIndex); delete this.rowNodes[inRowIndex]; }, getRowNode: function(inRowIndex){ return this.rowNodes[inRowIndex]; }, getCellNode: function(inRowIndex, inCellIndex){ var row = this.getRowNode(inRowIndex); if(row){ return this.content.getCellNode(row, inCellIndex); } }, getHeaderCellNode: function(inCellIndex){ if(this.headerContentNode){ return this.header.getCellNode(this.headerContentNode, inCellIndex); } }, // styling styleRow: function(inRowIndex, inRowNode){ inRowNode._style = getStyleText(inRowNode); this.styleRowNode(inRowIndex, inRowNode); }, styleRowNode: function(inRowIndex, inRowNode){ if(inRowNode){ this.doStyleRowNode(inRowIndex, inRowNode); } }, doStyleRowNode: function(inRowIndex, inRowNode){ this.grid.styleRowNode(inRowIndex, inRowNode); }, // updating updateRow: function(inRowIndex){ var rowNode = this.getRowNode(inRowIndex); if(rowNode){ = ''; this.buildRow(inRowIndex, rowNode); } return rowNode; }, updateRowStyles: function(inRowIndex){ this.styleRowNode(inRowIndex, this.getRowNode(inRowIndex)); }, // scrolling lastTop: 0, firstScroll:0, doscroll: function(inEvent){ //var s = dojo.marginBox(this.headerContentNode.firstChild); var isLtr = dojo._isBodyLtr(); if(this.firstScroll < 2){ if((!isLtr && this.firstScroll == 1) || (isLtr && this.firstScroll == 0)){ var s = dojo.marginBox(this.headerNodeContainer); if(dojo.isIE){ = s.w + this.getScrollbarWidth() + 'px'; }else if(dojo.isMoz){ //TODO currently only for FF, not sure for safari and opera = s.w - this.getScrollbarWidth() + 'px'; // = s.w + 'px'; //set scroll to right in FF this.scrollboxNode.scrollLeft = isLtr ? this.scrollboxNode.clientWidth - this.scrollboxNode.scrollWidth : this.scrollboxNode.scrollWidth - this.scrollboxNode.clientWidth; } } this.firstScroll++; } this.headerNode.scrollLeft = this.scrollboxNode.scrollLeft; // 'lastTop' is a semaphore to prevent feedback-loop with setScrollTop below var top = this.scrollboxNode.scrollTop; if(top != this.lastTop){ this.grid.scrollTo(top); } }, setScrollTop: function(inTop){ // 'lastTop' is a semaphore to prevent feedback-loop with doScroll above this.lastTop = inTop; this.scrollboxNode.scrollTop = inTop; return this.scrollboxNode.scrollTop; }, // event handlers (direct from DOM) doContentEvent: function(e){ if(this.content.decorateEvent(e)){ this.grid.onContentEvent(e); } }, doHeaderEvent: function(e){ if(this.header.decorateEvent(e)){ this.grid.onHeaderEvent(e); } }, // event dispatch(from Grid) dispatchContentEvent: function(e){ return this.content.dispatchEvent(e); }, dispatchHeaderEvent: function(e){ return this.header.dispatchEvent(e); }, // column resizing setColWidth: function(inIndex, inWidth){ this.grid.setCellWidth(inIndex, inWidth + 'px'); }, update: function(){ this.content.update(); this.grid.update(); //get scroll after update or scroll left setting goes wrong on IE. //See trac: #8040 var left = this.scrollboxNode.scrollLeft; this.scrollboxNode.scrollLeft = left; this.headerNode.scrollLeft = left; } }); dojo.declare("dojox.grid._GridAvatar", dojo.dnd.Avatar, { construct: function(){ var dd = dojo.doc; var a = dd.createElement("table"); a.cellPadding = a.cellSpacing = "0"; a.className = "dojoxGridDndAvatar"; = "absolute"; = 1999; = "0px"; // to avoid dojo.marginBox() problems with table's margins var b = dd.createElement("tbody"); var tr = dd.createElement("tr"); var td = dd.createElement("td"); var img = dd.createElement("td"); tr.className = "dojoxGridDndAvatarItem"; img.className = "dojoxGridDndAvatarItemImage"; = "16px"; var source = this.manager.source, node; if(source.creator){ // create an avatar representation of the node node = source._normailzedCreator(source.getItem(this.manager.nodes[0].id).data, "avatar").node; }else{ // or just clone the node and hope it works node = this.manager.nodes[0].cloneNode(true); if(node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "tr"){ // insert extra table nodes var table = dd.createElement("table"), tbody = dd.createElement("tbody"); tbody.appendChild(node); table.appendChild(tbody); node = table; }else if(node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "th"){ // insert extra table nodes var table = dd.createElement("table"), tbody = dd.createElement("tbody"), r = dd.createElement("tr"); table.cellPadding = table.cellSpacing = "0"; r.appendChild(node); tbody.appendChild(r); table.appendChild(tbody); node = table; } } = ""; td.appendChild(node); tr.appendChild(img); tr.appendChild(td);, "opacity", 0.9); b.appendChild(tr); a.appendChild(b); this.node = a; var m = dojo.dnd.manager(); this.oldOffsetY = m.OFFSET_Y; m.OFFSET_Y = 1; }, destroy: function(){ dojo.dnd.manager().OFFSET_Y = this.oldOffsetY; this.inherited(arguments); } }); var oldMakeAvatar = dojo.dnd.manager().makeAvatar; dojo.dnd.manager().makeAvatar = function(){ var src = this.source; if(src.viewIndex !== undefined){ return new dojox.grid._GridAvatar(this); } return; } })();