var buildUtil = {}; //Default build options. buildUtil.DojoBuildOptions = { "profile": { defaultValue: "base", helpText: "The name of the profile to use for the build. It must be the first part of " + "the profile file name in the profiles/ directory. For instance, to use base.profile.js, " + "specify profile=base." }, "profileFile": { defaultValue: "", helpText: "A file path to the the profile file. Use this if your profile is outside of the profiles " + "directory. Do not specify the \"profile\" build option if you use \"profileFile\"." }, "action": { defaultValue: "help", helpText: "The build action(s) to run. Can be a comma-separated list, like action=clean,release. " + "The possible build actions are: clean, release." }, "version": { defaultValue: "", helpText: "The build will be stamped with this version string." }, "localeList": { defaultValue: "ar,ca,cs,da,de-de,el,en-gb,en-us,es-es,fi-fi,fr-fr,he-il,hu,it-it,ja-jp,ko-kr,nl-nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt-pt,ru,sk,sl,sv,th,tr,zh-tw,zh-cn", helpText: "The set of locales to use when flattening i18n bundles." }, "releaseName": { defaultValue: "dojo", helpText: "The name of the release. A directory inside 'releaseDir' will be created with this name." }, "releaseDir": { defaultValue: "../../release/", helpText: "The top level release directory where builds end up. The 'releaseName' directories will " + " be placed inside this directory." }, "loader": { defaultValue: "default", helpText: "The type of dojo loader to use. \"default\" or \"xdomain\" are acceptable values." }, "internStrings": { defaultValue: true, helpText: "Turn on or off widget template file interning." }, "optimize": { defaultValue: "", helpText: "Specifies how to optimize module files. If \"comments\" is specified, " + "then code comments are stripped. If \"shrinksafe\" is specified, then " + "Dojo Shrinksafe will be used on the files, and line returns will be removed. " + "If \"shrinksafe.keepLines\" is specified, then Dojo Shrinksafe will be used " + "on the files, and line returns will be preserved. If \"packer\" is specified, " + "Then Dean Edwards' Packer will be used." }, "layerOptimize": { defaultValue: "shrinksafe", helpText: "Specifies how to optimize the layer files. If \"comments\" is specified, " + "then code comments are stripped. If \"shrinksafe\" is specified, then " + "Dojo Shrinksafe will be used on the files, and line returns will be removed. " + "If \"shrinksafe.keepLines\" is specified, then Dojo Shrinksafe will be used " + "on the layer files, and line returns will be preserved. If \"packer\" is specified, " + "Then Dean Edwards' Packer will be used." }, "cssOptimize": { defaultValue: "", helpText: "Specifies how to optimize CSS files. If \"comments\" is specified, " + "then code comments and line returns are stripped, and files referenced via @import " + "are inlined. If \"comments.keepLines\" " + "is specified, then code comments are stripped and @import calls are inlined, but line returns are preserved." }, "cssImportIgnore": { defaultValue: "", helpText: "If using cssOptimize=\"comments\", then you can force the @import inlining step " + "to ignore a set of files by using this option. The value of this option should be a comma " + "separated list of CSS files names to ignore. The file names should match whatever strings " + "are used for the @import calls." }, "stripConsole": { defaultValue: "", helpText: "Strips console method calls from JS source. Applied to layers and individual modules " + "resource files. Valid values are \"normal\" (strips all but console.warn and console.error " + "calls), \"all\" (strips all console calls), \"normal,warn\" (strips all but console.error " + "calls), \"normal,error\" (strips all but console.warn errors). WARNING: stripConsole is " + "regexp-based and could cause code side effects. Make sure to only " + "call console methods on their own line, not as part of an expression and always be sure " + "to use braces around code blocks that have console calls (like if/else)." }, "copyTests": { defaultValue: true, helpText: "Turn on or off copying of test files." }, "mini": { defaultValue: false, helpText: "Removes files like tests, demos dijit/bench, unfinished themes, and interned " + "Dijit templates from the build. Overrides the value set for copyTests." }, "log": { defaultValue: logger.TRACE, helpText: "Sets the logging verbosity. See jslib/logger.js for possible integer values." }, "xdDojoPath": { defaultValue: "", helpText: "If the loader=xdomain build option is used, then the value of this option " + "will be used to call dojo.registerModulePath() for dojo, dijit and dojox. " + "The xdDojoPath should be the directory that contains the dojo, dijit and dojox " + "directories, and it should NOT end in a slash. For instance: ''." }, "symbol": { defaultValue: "", helpText: "Inserts function symbols as global references so that anonymous " + "functions will show up in all debuggers (esp. IE which does not attempt " + "to infer function names from the context of their definition). Valid values " + "are \"long\" and \"short\". If \"short\" is used, then a symboltables.txt file " + "will be generated in each module prefix's release directory which maps the " + "short symbol names to more descriptive names." }, "scopeDjConfig": { defaultValue: "", helpText: "Burn in a djConfig object into the built dojo.js file. Useful if you are making your own scoped dojo and you want a " + "djConfig object local to your version that will not be affected by any globally declared djConfig object in the page. " + "Value must be a string that will look like a javascript object literal once it is placed in the built source. " + "use Dojo as part of a JS library, but want to make a self-contained library with no external dojo/dijit/dojox. Example " + "(note that the backslashes below are required to avoid shell escaping if you type this on the command line):\n" + "scopeDjConfig={isDebug:true,scopeMap:[[\\\"dojo\\\",\\\"mydojo\\\"],[\\\"dijit\\\",\\\"mydijit\\\"],[\\\"dojox\\\",\\\"mydojox\\\"]]}" }, "scopeMap": { defaultValue: "", helpText: "Change the default dojo, dijit and dojox scope names to something else. Useful if you want to " + "use Dojo as part of a JS library, but want to make a self-contained library with no external dojo/dijit/dojox " + "references. Format is a string that contains no spaces, and is similar to the djConfig.scopeMap value (note that the " + "backslashes below are required to avoid shell escaping):\n" + "scopeMap=[[\\\"dojo\\\",\\\"mydojo\\\"],[\\\"dijit\\\",\\\"mydijit\\\"],[\\\"dojox\\\",\\\"mydojox\\\"]]" }, "xdScopeArgs": { defaultValue: "", helpText: "If the loader=xdomain build option is used, then the value of this option " + "will be used as the arguments to the function that defines the modules in the .xd.js files. " + "This allows for more than one version of the same module to be in a page. See documentation on " + "djConfig.scopeMap for more information." }, "xdDojoScopeName": { defaultValue: "dojo", helpText: "If the loader=xdomain build option is used, then the value of this option " + "will be used instead of 'dojo' for the 'dojo._xdResourceLoaded()' calls that are done in the .xd.js files. " + "This allows for dojo to be under a different scope name but still allow xdomain loading with that scope name." }, "expandProvide": { defaultValue: false, helpText: "Expands dojo.provide calls with faster calls at the expense of a larger file size. Only use the option " + "if your profiling reveals that dojo.provide calls are taking a noticeable amount of time. It replaces " + "dojo.provide(\"\") statements with the shortest valid programmatic equivalent:\n" + "if(typeof foo==\"undefined\"){foo={};};||{};" }, "buildLayers": { defaultValue: "", helpText: "A comma-separated list of layer names to build. Using this option means that only those layers will be built. " + "This helps if you are doing quick development and test cycles with layers. If you have problems using this option, " + "try removing it and doing a full build with action=clean,release. This build option assumes you have done at least one full build first." }, "query": { defaultValue: "default", helpText: "Select a DOM query engine. Default value is the normal dojo.query engine. Using query=sizzle will use the Sizzle engine." + "Normal Dojo tests are not run routinely with the Sizzle engine. See dojo/_base/sizzle.js for the version of Sizzle." } }; buildUtil.makeBuildOptions = function(/*Array*/scriptArgs){ //summary: constructs the build options by combining the scriptArgs with //default build options and anything specified in a profile file. var kwArgs = {}, param; //Parse the command line arguments kwArgs = buildUtil.convertArrayToObject(scriptArgs); if(!kwArgs["profileFile"] && kwArgs["profile"]){ kwArgs.profileFile = "profiles/" + kwArgs.profile + ".profile.js"; } //Load dependencies object from profile file, if there is one. var dependencies = {}; if(kwArgs["profileFile"]){ var profileProperties = buildUtil.evalProfile(kwArgs.profileFile); if(profileProperties){ kwArgs.profileProperties = profileProperties; dependencies = kwArgs.profileProperties.dependencies; //Allow setting build options from on the profile's dependencies object. //Do not override existing values from the command line though. for(param in dependencies){ if(!(param in kwArgs) && param != "layers" && param != "prefixes"){ kwArgs[param] = dependencies[param]; } } } } //Set up default options for(param in buildUtil.DojoBuildOptions){ //Only use default if there is no value so far. if(typeof kwArgs[param] == "undefined"){ kwArgs[param] = buildUtil.DojoBuildOptions[param].defaultValue; }else if(kwArgs[param] === "false"){ //Make sure "false" strings get translated to proper false value. kwArgs[param] = false; } } //Make sure releaseDir uses / since rest of build assumes / paths. kwArgs.releaseDir = kwArgs.releaseDir.replace(/\\/g, "/"); //Set up some compound values if(kwArgs["releaseName"]){ ///Make sure releaseDir ends in a / so releaseName concat works. if(!kwArgs.releaseDir.match(/\/$/)){ kwArgs.releaseDir += "/"; } kwArgs.releaseDir += kwArgs["releaseName"]; }else{ //No releaseName, so strip off trailing slash kwArgs.releaseDir = kwArgs.releaseDir.replace(/\/$/, ""); } kwArgs.action = kwArgs.action.split(","); kwArgs.localeList = kwArgs.localeList.split(","); //Attach the final loader type to the dependencies dependencies.loader = kwArgs.loader; return kwArgs; } buildUtil.interningDojoUriRegExpString = "(((templatePath|templateCssPath)\\s*(=|:)\\s*)|dojo\\.uri\\.cache\\.allow\\(\\s*)dojo\\.(module)?Url\\(\\s*?[\\\"\\']([\\w\\.\\/]+)[\\\"\\'](([\\,\\s]*)[\\\"\\']([\\w\\.\\/]*)[\\\"\\'])?\\s*\\)"; buildUtil.interningGlobalDojoUriRegExp = new RegExp(buildUtil.interningDojoUriRegExpString, "g"); buildUtil.interningLocalDojoUriRegExp = new RegExp(buildUtil.interningDojoUriRegExpString); //Even though these are i18n-specific, they are not in i18nUtil.js since one is referenced //in this file. Want to avoid circular dependency loading issues. buildUtil.masterRequireLocalizationRegExpString = "dojo.(requireLocalization)\\(([\\w\\W]*?)\\)"; buildUtil.globalRequireLocalizationRegExp = new RegExp(buildUtil.masterRequireLocalizationRegExpString, "mg"); buildUtil.requireLocalizationRegExp = new RegExp(buildUtil.masterRequireLocalizationRegExpString); //FIXME: This should take the build kwArgs now instead. buildUtil.getDojoLoader = function(/*Object?*/dependencies){ //summary: gets the type of Dojo loader for the build. For example default or //xdomain loading. Override for web builds. return (dependencies && dependencies["loader"] ? dependencies["loader"] : java.lang.System.getProperty("DOJO_LOADER")); } buildUtil.includeLoaderFiles = function(/*String*/dojoLoader, /*String or Array*/hostenvType, /*String*/buildscriptsPath){ //summary: adds the loader files to the file list for a build file. dojo._loadedUrls.push(buildscriptsPath + "jslib/dojoGuardStart.jsfrag"); dojo._loadedUrls.push(buildscriptsPath + "../../dojo/_base/_loader/bootstrap.js"); if(dojoLoader == "default"){ dojo._loadedUrls.push(buildscriptsPath + "../../dojo/_base/_loader/loader.js"); }else if(dojoLoader == "xdomain"){ dojo._loadedUrls.push(buildscriptsPath + "../../dojo/_base/_loader/loader.js"); dojo._loadedUrls.push(buildscriptsPath + "../../dojo/_base/_loader/loader_xd.js"); } if(hostenvType.constructor == Array){ for(var x=0; x= layerCount){ //Dealing with the xd files. if(i == layerCount){ //Reset the dependencies. namedLayerUris = {}; } j = i - layerCount; isXd = true; } var layer = layers[j]; var layerName = layers[j].name; if(isXd){ layerName = layerName.replace(/\.js$/, ".xd.js"); } //Add dojo.i18n to dojo.xd.js. Too complicated to dynamically load it in that case. if(isXd && layerName == "dojo.xd.js"){ layer.dependencies.splice(1, 0, "dojo.i18n"); } djConfig = { baseRelativePath: "../../dojo/" // isDebug: true }; load(buildscriptsPath + "../../dojo/_base/_loader/bootstrap.js"); load(buildscriptsPath + "../../dojo/_base/_loader/loader.js"); load(buildscriptsPath + "../../dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_rhino.js"); = {}; if(!hostenvType){ hostenvType = "browser"; } if(dependencies["prefixes"]){ var tmp = dependencies.prefixes; for(var x=0; x= 0; i18nIndex--){ if(depList[i18nIndex].match(/\/dojo\/i18n\.js$/)){ i18nXdEntry = depList.splice(i18nIndex, 1)[0]; break; } } //Only operate if we have an i18n entry. We may allow building without //dojo.i18n as part of the xd file. if(i18nXdEntry){ var foundBrowserJs = false; for(i18nIndex = depList.length - 1; i18nIndex >= 0; i18nIndex--){ if(depList[i18nIndex].match(/dojo\/_base\/browser\.js$/)){ depList.splice(i18nIndex, 0, i18nXdEntry); foundBrowserJs = true; break; } } //If did not find browser entry (maybe a customBase build), //Just add the i18n entry to the end. if(!foundBrowserJs){ depList.push(i18nXdEntry); } } } //Add the final closure guard to the list. if(layerName == "dojo.js" || layerName == "dojo.xd.js"){ depList.push(buildscriptsPath + "jslib/dojoGuardEnd.jsfrag"); } //Store the layer URIs that are in this file as well as all files it depends on. namedLayerUris[] = layerUris.concat(depList); //Add to the results object. if(!layer["discard"]){ result.push({ layerName: layerName, resourceName: layer.resourceName, copyrightFile: layer.copyrightFile, depList: depList, provideList: currentProvideList }); } //Reset for another run through the loop. currentProvideList = []; load = old_load; // restore the original load function dojo["eval"] = dojo._oldEval; // restore the original dojo.eval function var djGlobal =; djGlobal['djConfig'] = undefined; delete dojo; } } return result; //Object with properties: name (String), depList (Array) and provideList (Array) } buildUtil.removeComments = function(/*String*/contents){ //summary: strips JS comments from a string. Not bulletproof, but does a good enough job //for stripping out stuff that is not related to mapping resource dependencies. //If we get the contents of the file from Rhino, it might not be a JS //string, but rather a Java string, which will cause the replace() method //to bomb. contents = contents ? new String(contents) : ""; //clobber all comments return contents.replace( /(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|\/\/(.*)$)/mg , ""); } //Function to do the actual collection of file names to join. buildUtil.determineUriList = function(/*Array*/dependencies, /*Array*/layerUris, /*Object*/filters){ for(var x=0; x= 0){ shortName += '["'+a[x]+'"]'; }else{ shortName += "."+a[x]; } } // make sure that if, in a given module, we've already seen a // parent that we don't re-generate its stub detection if(!seenProvides[simpleShortName]){ seenProvides[simpleShortName] = true; if(idx == 0){ ret += 'if(typeof ' + shortName + '=="undefined"){' + shortName + '={};};'; }else{ ret += shortName+'='+shortName+'||{};'; } } // at the last one? if(idx == (a.length-1)){ // register in _loadedModules: ret += 'dojo._loadedModules["'+simpleShortName+'"] = '+shortName+';'; } }); return ret; }else{ return s; } }); } //Set version number. dojoContents = buildUtil.changeVersion(version, dojoContents); return dojoContents; //String } buildUtil.changeVersion = function(/*String*/version, /*String*/fileContents){ //summary: Changes the version number for dojo. Input should be the fileContents //of a file that contains the version number. //Set version number. //First, break apart the version string. var verSegments = version.match(/^(\d*)\.?(\d*)\.?(\d*)\.?(.*)$/); var majorValue = verSegments[1] || 0; var minorValue = verSegments[2] || 0; var patchValue = verSegments[3] || 0; var flagValue = verSegments[4] || ""; //Do the final version replacement. fileContents = fileContents.replace( /major:\s*\d*,\s*minor:\s*\d*,\s*patch:\s*\d*,\s*flag:\s*".*?"\s*,/g, "major: " + majorValue + ", minor: " + minorValue + ", patch: " + patchValue + ", flag: \"" + flagValue + "\"," ); return fileContents; //String } buildUtil.makeDojoJs = function(/*Object*/dependencyResult, /*String*/version, /*Object?*/kwArgs){ //summary: Makes the uncompressed contents for dojo.js using the object //returned from buildUtil.getDependencyList() var lineSeparator = fileUtil.getLineSeparator(); //Cycle through the layers to create the content for each layer. for(var i = 0; i< dependencyResult.length; i++){ var layerResult = dependencyResult[i]; layerResult.contents = buildUtil.createLayerContents(layerResult.layerName, layerResult.resourceName, layerResult.depList, layerResult.provideList, version, kwArgs); } //Object with properties: //depList: Array of file paths (src/io/js) //provideList: Array of module resource names ( //name: name of the layer file //contents: the file contents for that layer file. return dependencyResult; //Return the dependency list, since it is used for other things in the ant file. return { resourceDependencies: depList, dojoContents: dojoContents }; } buildUtil.getDependencyPropertyFromProfile = function(/*String*/profileFile, /*String*/propName){ //summary: Gets a dependencies property from the profile file. The value //of the property is assumed to be an array. An array will always be returned, //but it may be an empty array. //Use new String to make sure we have a JS string (not a Java string) var profileText = fileUtil.readFile(profileFile); //Get rid of CR and LFs since they seem to mess with the regexp match. //Using the "m" option on the regexp was not enough. profileText = profileText.replace(/\r/g, ""); profileText = profileText.replace(/\n/g, ""); var result = []; var matchRegExp = new RegExp("(dependencies\\." + propName + "\\s*=\\s*\\[[^;]*\\s*\\])", "m"); var matches = profileText.match(matchRegExp); //Create a shell object to hold the evaled properties. var dependencies = {}; if(matches && matches.length > 0){ eval(matches[0]); if(dependencies && dependencies[propName] && dependencies[propName].length > 0){ result = dependencies[propName]; } } return result; //Array } buildUtil.configPrefixes = function(/*Object*/prefixes){ //summary: Registers the prefixes with Dojo. if(prefixes && prefixes.length > 0){ for(i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++){ dojo.registerModulePath(prefixes[i][0], prefixes[i][1]); } } } //The regular expressions that will help find dependencies in the file contents. buildUtil.masterDependencyRegExpString = "dojo.(requireLocalization|require|requireIf|provide|requireAfterIf|platformRequire|i18n\._preloadLocalizations)\\s*\\(([\\w\\W]*?)\\)"; buildUtil.globalDependencyRegExp = new RegExp(buildUtil.masterDependencyRegExpString, "mg"); buildUtil.dependencyPartsRegExp = new RegExp(buildUtil.masterDependencyRegExpString); buildUtil.mapPathToResourceName = function(pathName, prefixes){ //summary: converts a path name to the best fit for a resource name //based on the available prefixes. //Returns a value like "" given an input of /some/path/to/foo/bar.js" //First, find best fit prefix. var bestPrefix = ""; var bestPrefixPath = ""; var bestPrefixPathIndex = 0; var currentIndex = 0; for(var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++){ //Prefix path must match somewhere in the pathName currentIndex = pathName.lastIndexOf("/" + prefixes[i][0].replace(/\./g, "/") + "/"); if(currentIndex != -1 && currentIndex > bestPrefixPathIndex){ bestPrefix = prefixes[i][0]; bestPrefixPath = prefixes[i][1]; bestPrefixPathIndex = currentIndex; } } //Adjust the bestPrefixPathIndex by 2, to account for the slashes in the test above. bestPrefixPathIndex += 2; if(!bestPrefix){ throw "Could not find a matching prefix for pathName: " + pathName; } //Strip off first part of file name that is not relevant. var startIndex = bestPrefixPathIndex + bestPrefix.length; var newPathName = pathName.substring(startIndex, pathName.length); //Remove file extensions and any front slash. newPathName = newPathName.replace(/^\//, "").replace(/\..*?$/, ""); return bestPrefix + "." + newPathName.replace(/\//g, "."); } buildUtil.mapResourceToPath = function(resourceName, prefixes){ //summary: converts a resourceName to a path. //resourceName: String: like or //prefixes: Array: Actually an array of arrays. Comes from profile js file. // dependencies.prefixes = [["", "../mymoduledir"]]; var bestPrefix = ""; var bestPrefixPath = ""; if(prefixes){ for(var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++){ //Prefix must match from the start of the resourceName string. if(resourceName.indexOf(prefixes[i][0]) == 0){ if(prefixes[i][0].length > bestPrefix.length){ bestPrefix = prefixes[i][0]; bestPrefixPath = prefixes[i][1]; } } } } //Get rid of matching prefix from resource name. resourceName = resourceName.replace(bestPrefix, ""); if(resourceName.charAt(0) == '.'){ resourceName = resourceName.substring(1, resourceName.length); } resourceName = resourceName.replace(/\./g, "/"); var finalPath = bestPrefixPath; if(finalPath.charAt(finalPath.length - 1) != "/"){ finalPath += "/"; } if (resourceName){ finalPath += resourceName + "/"; } return finalPath; } buildUtil.makeResourceUri = function(resourceName, templatePath, srcRoot, prefixes){ var bestPrefix = ""; var bestPrefixPath = ""; if(prefixes){ for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++){ var prefix = prefixes[i]; //Prefix must match from the start of the resourceName string. if(resourceName.indexOf(prefix[0]) == 0){ if(prefix[0].length > bestPrefix.length){ bestPrefix = prefix[0]; bestPrefixPath = prefix[1]; } } } if(bestPrefixPath != ""){ //Convert resourceName to a path resourceName = resourceName.replace(bestPrefix, ""); if(resourceName.indexOf(".") == 0){ resourceName = resourceName.substring(1, resourceName.length); } resourceName = resourceName.replace(/\./g, "/"); //Final path construction var finalPath = bestPrefixPath + "/"; if(resourceName){ finalPath += resourceName + "/"; } finalPath += templatePath; return finalPath; } } return srcRoot + templatePath; } buildUtil.internTemplateStrings = function(/*Object*/dependencies, /*String*/srcRoot, /*RegExp*/optimizeIgnoreRegExp){ //summary: interns strings in files for all .js files in the srcRoot directory. var prefixes = dependencies["prefixes"] || []; var skiplist = dependencies["internSkipList"] || []; //Intern strings for all files in widget dir (xdomain and regular files) var fileList = fileUtil.getFilteredFileList(srcRoot, /\.js$/, true); if(fileList){ for(var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++){ //Skip nls directories. var fileName = fileList[i]; if(!fileName.match(/\/nls\//) && !fileName.match(optimizeIgnoreRegExp)){ buildUtil.internTemplateStringsInFile(fileList[i], srcRoot, prefixes, skiplist); } } } } buildUtil.internTemplateStringsInFile = function(resourceFile, srcRoot, prefixes, skiplist){ var resourceContent = fileUtil.readFile(resourceFile); resourceContent = buildUtil.interningRegexpMagic(resourceFile, resourceContent, srcRoot, prefixes, skiplist); fileUtil.saveUtf8File(resourceFile, resourceContent); } buildUtil.interningRegexpMagic = function(resourceFile, resourceContent, srcRoot, prefixes, skiplist){ var shownFileName = false; return resourceContent.replace(buildUtil.interningGlobalDojoUriRegExp, function(matchString){ var parts = matchString.match(buildUtil.interningLocalDojoUriRegExp); var filePath = ""; var resourceNsName = ""; if(!shownFileName){ logger.trace("Interning strings for : " + resourceFile); shownFileName = true; } //logger.trace("Module match: " + parts[6] + " and " + parts[9]); filePath = buildUtil.makeResourceUri(parts[6], parts[9], srcRoot, prefixes); resourceNsName = parts[6] + ':' + parts[9]; if(!filePath || buildUtil.isValueInArray(resourceNsName, skiplist)){ logger.trace(" skipping " + filePath); }else{ logger.trace(" " + filePath); //buildUtil.jsEscape will add starting and ending double-quotes. var jsEscapedContent = buildUtil.jsEscape(fileUtil.readFile(filePath)); if(jsEscapedContent){ if(matchString.indexOf("dojo.uri.cache.allow") != -1){ //Handle dojo.uri.cache-related interning. var parenIndex = matchString.lastIndexOf(")"); matchString = matchString.substring(0, parenIndex + 1) + ", " + jsEscapedContent; matchString = matchString.replace("dojo.uri.cache.allow", "dojo.uri.cache.set"); }else{ //Handle templatePath/templateCssPath-related interning. if(parts[3] == "templatePath"){ //Replace templatePaths matchString = "templateString" + parts[4] + jsEscapedContent; }else{ //Dealing with templateCssPath //For the CSS we need to keep the template path in there //since the widget loading stuff uses the template path to //know whether the CSS has been processed yet. //Could have matched assignment via : or =. Need different statement separators at the end. var assignSeparator = parts[4]; var statementSeparator = ","; var statementPrefix = ""; //FIXME: this is a little weak because it assumes a "this" in front of the templateCssPath //when it is assigned using an "=", as in 'this.templateCssPath = dojo.uri.dojoUri("some/path/to/Css.css");' //In theory it could be something else, but in practice it is not, and it gets a little too weird //to figure out, at least for now. if(assignSeparator == "="){ statementSeparator = ";"; statementPrefix = "this."; } matchString = "templateCssString" + assignSeparator + jsEscapedContent + statementSeparator + statementPrefix + parts[0]; } } } } return matchString; }); } buildUtil.regExpEscape = function(/*String*/value){ //summary: Makes sure regexp-sensitive characters in a string are escaped correctly. return value.replace(/([\.\*\/])/g, "\\$1"); } buildUtil.jsEscape = function(/*string*/str){ //summary: // Adds escape sequences for non-visual characters, double quote and backslash // and surrounds with double quotes to form a valid string literal. // Take from the old dojo.string.escapeString code. // Include it here so we don't have to load dojo. return ('"' + str.replace(/(["\\])/g, '\\$1') + '"' ).replace(/[\f]/g, "\\f" ).replace(/[\b]/g, "\\b" ).replace(/[\n]/g, "\\n" ).replace(/[\t]/g, "\\t" ).replace(/[\r]/g, "\\r"); // string } buildUtil.isValueInArray = function(/*Object*/value, /*Array*/ary){ //summary: sees if value is in the ary array. Uses == to see if the //array item matches value. for(var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++){ if(ary[i] == value){ return true; //boolean } } return false; //boolean } buildUtil.convertArrayToObject = function(/*Array*/ary){ //summary: converts an array that has String members of "name=value" //into an object, where the properties on the object are the names in the array //member name/value pairs. var result = {}; for(var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++){ var separatorIndex = ary[i].indexOf("="); if(separatorIndex == -1){ throw "Malformed name/value pair: [" + ary[i] + "]. Format should be name=value"; } result[ary[i].substring(0, separatorIndex)] = ary[i].substring(separatorIndex + 1, ary[i].length); } return result; //Object } buildUtil.optimizeJs = function(/*String fileName*/fileName, /*String*/fileContents, /*String*/copyright, /*String*/optimizeType){ //summary: either strips comments from string or compresses it. copyright = copyright || ""; //Use rhino to help do minifying/compressing. //Even when using Dean Edwards' Packer, run it through the custom rhino so //that the source is formatted nicely for Packer's consumption (in particular get //commas after function definitions). var context =; try{ // Use the interpreter for interactive input (copied this from Main rhino class). context.setOptimizationLevel(-1); if(optimizeType.indexOf("shrinksafe") == 0){ //Apply compression using custom compression call in Dojo-modified rhino. fileContents = new String(, 0, 1)); if(optimizeType.indexOf(".keepLines") == -1){ fileContents = fileContents.replace(/[\r\n]/g, ""); } }else if(optimizeType == "comments" || optimizeType == "packer"){ //Strip comments var script = context.compileString(fileContents, fileName, 1, null); fileContents = new String(context.decompileScript(script, 0)); if(optimizeType == "packer"){ buildUtil.setupPacker(); // var base62 = false; // var shrink = true; var base62 = true; var shrink = true; var packer = new Packer(); fileContents = packer.pack(fileContents, base62, shrink); }else{ //Replace the spaces with tabs. //Ideally do this in the pretty printer rhino code. fileContents = fileContents.replace(/ /g, "\t"); } //If this is an nls bundle, make sure it does not end in a ; //Otherwise, bad things happen. if(fileName.match(/\/nls\//)){ fileContents = fileContents.replace(/;\s*$/, ""); } } }finally{; } return copyright + fileContents; } buildUtil.setupPacker = function(){ //summary: loads the files needed to run Dean Edwards' Packer. if(typeof(Packer) == "undefined"){ load("jslib/packer/base2.js"); load("jslib/packer/Packer.js"); load("jslib/packer/Words.js"); } } buildUtil.optimizeJsDir = function(/*String*/startDir, /*RegeExp*/optimizeIgnoreRegExp, /*String?*/copyrightText, /*String?*/optimizeType, /*String?*/stripConsole){ //summary: strips the JS comments from all the files in "startDir", and all subdirectories. //Also runs shrinksafe or packer minification, and console call removal. var copyright = (copyrightText || fileUtil.readFile("copyright.txt")) + fileUtil.getLineSeparator(); var fileList = fileUtil.getFilteredFileList(startDir, /\.js$/, true); var messageType = optimizeType; if(stripConsole){ messageType += (optimizeType ? ", " : "") + "stripConsole=" + stripConsole; } if(fileList){ for(var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++){ //Don't process dojo.js since it has already been processed. //Don't process dojo.js.uncompressed.js because it is huge. //Don't process anything that might be in a buildscripts folder (only a concern for if(!fileList[i].match(optimizeIgnoreRegExp) && !fileList[i].match(/buildscripts/) && !fileList[i].match(/nls/) && !fileList[i].match(/tests\//)){ if(messageType){ logger.trace("Optimizing (" + messageType + ") file: " + fileList[i]); } //Read in the file. Make sure we have a JS string. var fileContents = fileUtil.readFile(fileList[i]); //Do comment removal. if(optimizeType){ try{ fileContents = buildUtil.optimizeJs(fileList[i], fileContents, copyright, optimizeType); }catch(e){ logger.error("Could not strip comments for file: " + fileList[i] + ", error: " + e); } }else{ //Just apply copyright. fileContents = copyright + fileContents; } if(stripConsole){ try{ fileContents = buildUtil.stripConsole(fileContents, stripConsole); }catch(e){ logger.error("Could not strip console calls for file: " + fileList[i] + ", error: " + e); } } //Write out the file with appropriate copyright. fileUtil.saveUtf8File(fileList[i], fileContents); } } } } buildUtil.optimizeCss = function(/*String*/startDir, /*String*/optimizeType, /*String?*/cssImportIgnore){ //summmary: Optimizes CSS files in a directory. if(optimizeType.indexOf("comments") != -1){ //Make sure we have a delimited ignore list to make matching faster if(cssImportIgnore){ cssImportIgnore = cssImportIgnore + ","; } var fileList = fileUtil.getFilteredFileList(startDir, /\.css$/, true); if(fileList){ for(var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++){ var fileName = fileList[i]; logger.trace("Optimizing (" + optimizeType + ") CSS file: " + fileName); //Read in the file. Make sure we have a JS string. var originalFileContents = fileUtil.readFile(fileName); var fileContents = buildUtil.flattenCss(fileName, originalFileContents, cssImportIgnore); //Do comment removal. try{ var startIndex = -1; //Get rid of comments. while((startIndex = fileContents.indexOf("/*")) != -1){ var endIndex = fileContents.indexOf("*/", startIndex + 2); if(endIndex == -1){ throw "Improper comment in CSS file: " + fileName; } fileContents = fileContents.substring(0, startIndex) + fileContents.substring(endIndex + 2, fileContents.length); } //Get rid of newlines. if(optimizeType.indexOf(".keepLines") == -1){ fileContents = fileContents.replace(/[\r\n]/g, ""); fileContents = fileContents.replace(/\s+/g, " "); fileContents = fileContents.replace(/\{\s/g, "{"); fileContents = fileContents.replace(/\s\}/g, "}"); }else{ //Remove multiple empty lines. fileContents = fileContents.replace(/(\r\n)+/g, "\r\n"); fileContents = fileContents.replace(/(\n)+/g, "\n"); } }catch(e){ fileContents = originalFileContents; logger.error("Could not optimized CSS file: " + fileName + ", error: " + e); } //Write out the file with appropriate copyright. fileUtil.saveUtf8File(fileName, fileContents); } } } } buildUtil.backSlashRegExp = /\\/g; buildUtil.cssImportRegExp = /\@import\s+(url\()?\s*([^);]+)\s*(\))?([\w, ]*)(;)?/g; buildUtil.cssUrlRegExp = /\url\(\s*([^\)]+)\s*\)?/g; buildUtil.cleanCssUrlQuotes = function(/*String*/url){ //summary: If an URL from a CSS url value contains start/end quotes, remove them. //This is not done in the regexp, since my regexp fu is not that strong, //and the CSS spec allows for ' and " in the URL if they are backslash escaped. //Make sure we are not ending in whitespace. //Not very confident of the css regexps above that there will not be ending //whitespace. url = url.replace(/\s+$/, ""); if(url.charAt(0) == "'" || url.charAt(0) == "\""){ url = url.substring(1, url.length - 1); } return url; } buildUtil.flattenCss = function(/*String*/fileName, /*String*/fileContents, /*String?*/cssImportIgnore){ //summary: inlines nested stylesheets that have @import calls in them. //Find the last slash in the name. fileName = fileName.replace(buildUtil.backSlashRegExp, "/"); var endIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf("/"); //Make a file path based on the last slash. //If no slash, so must be just a file name. Use empty string then. var filePath = (endIndex != -1) ? fileName.substring(0, endIndex + 1) : ""; return fileContents.replace(buildUtil.cssImportRegExp, function(fullMatch, urlStart, importFileName, urlEnd, mediaTypes){ //Only process media type "all" or empty media type rules. if(mediaTypes && ((mediaTypes.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '')) != "all")){ return fullMatch; } importFileName = buildUtil.cleanCssUrlQuotes(importFileName); //Ignore the file import if it is part of an ignore list. if(cssImportIgnore && cssImportIgnore.indexOf(importFileName + ",") != -1){ return fullMatch; } //Make sure we have a unix path for the rest of the operation. importFileName = importFileName.replace(buildUtil.backSlashRegExp, "/"); try{ //if a relative path, then tack on the filePath. //If it is not a relative path, then the readFile below will fail, //and we will just skip that import. var fullImportFileName = importFileName.charAt(0) == "/" ? importFileName : filePath + importFileName; var importContents = fileUtil.readFile(fullImportFileName); //Make sure to flatten any nested imports. importContents = buildUtil.flattenCss(fullImportFileName, importContents); //Make the full import path var importEndIndex = importFileName.lastIndexOf("/"); //Make a file path based on the last slash. //If no slash, so must be just a file name. Use empty string then. var importPath = (importEndIndex != -1) ? importFileName.substring(0, importEndIndex + 1) : ""; //Modify URL paths to match the path represented by this file. importContents = importContents.replace(buildUtil.cssUrlRegExp, function(fullMatch, urlMatch){ var fixedUrlMatch = buildUtil.cleanCssUrlQuotes(urlMatch); fixedUrlMatch = fixedUrlMatch.replace(buildUtil.backSlashRegExp, "/"); //Only do the work for relative URLs. Skip things that start with / or have //a protocol. var colonIndex = fixedUrlMatch.indexOf(":"); if(fixedUrlMatch.charAt(0) != "/" && (colonIndex == -1 || colonIndex > fixedUrlMatch.indexOf("/"))){ //It is a relative URL, tack on the path prefix urlMatch = importPath + fixedUrlMatch; }else{ logger.trace(importFileName + "\n URL not a relative URL, skipping: " + urlMatch); } //Collapse .. and . var parts = urlMatch.split("/"); for(var i = parts.length - 1; i > 0; i--){ if(parts[i] == "."){ parts.splice(i, 1); }else if(parts[i] == ".."){ if(i != 0 && parts[i - 1] != ".."){ parts.splice(i - 1, 2); i -= 1; } } } return "url(" + parts.join("/") + ")"; }); return importContents; }catch(e){ logger.trace(fileName + "\n Cannot inline css import, skipping: " + importFileName); return fullMatch; } }); } buildUtil.guardProvideRegExpString = "dojo\\.provide\\(([\\'\\\"][^\\'\\\"]*[\\'\\\"])\\)"; buildUtil.guardProvideRegExp = new RegExp(buildUtil.guardProvideRegExpString); buildUtil.guardProvideRegExpGlobal = new RegExp(buildUtil.guardProvideRegExpString, "g"); buildUtil.addGuardsAndBaseRequires = function(/*String || Array*/startDir, /*Boolean*/needBaseRequires){ //summary: adds a definition guard around code in a file to protect //against redefinition cases when layered builds are used. Also injects //dojo._base require calls if needBaseRequires is true. Accepts a string //of the start directory to use, or an array of file name strings to process. var lineSeparator = fileUtil.getLineSeparator(); var fileList = startDir; if(fileList instanceof String){ fileList = fileUtil.getFilteredFileList(fileList, /\.js$/, true); }else{ //Make sure we only process .js files for(var i = fileList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ if(!fileList[i].match(/\.js$/)){ fileList.splice(i, 1); } } } if(fileList){ for(i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++){ var fileContents = fileUtil.readFile(fileList[i]); //See if we need to inject dojo._base require calls. //Do not process _base.js since it already has the require calls in there. if(needBaseRequires && fileList[i].indexOf("/tests/") == -1 && fileList[i].indexOf("/demos/") == -1 && fileList[i].indexOf("/themes/") == -1 && fileList[i].indexOf("dojo/_base.js") == -1){ buildUtil.baseMappingRegExp.lastIndex = 0; var matches = null; //Strip out comments to get a better picture. var tempContents = buildUtil.removeComments(fileContents); //Find where we can place the new require calls. This should be after //any dojo.provide calls, so we do not hit a weird problem with a circular dependency //that does not get resolved since the dojo.provide call does not fire indicating //the file has been loaded. buildUtil.guardProvideRegExpGlobal.lastIndex = 0; var lastPosition = -1; while((matches = buildUtil.guardProvideRegExpGlobal.exec(fileContents))){ lastPosition = buildUtil.guardProvideRegExpGlobal.lastIndex; } //If no dojo.provide calls found, do not bother with the file. if(lastPosition != -1){ var contentChunks = [ fileContents.substring(0, lastPosition + 1) + "\n", fileContents.substring(lastPosition + 1, fileContents.length) ]; var addedResources = {}; while((matches = buildUtil.baseMappingRegExp.exec(tempContents))){ var baseResource = buildUtil.baseMappings[matches[1]]; //Make sure we do not add the dependency to its source resource. if(!addedResources[baseResource] && fileList[i].indexOf("_base/" + baseResource) == -1){ logger.trace("Adding dojo._base." + baseResource + " because of match: " + matches[1] + " to file: " + fileList[i]); contentChunks[0] += 'dojo.require("dojo._base.' + baseResource + '");\n'; addedResources[baseResource] = true; } } fileContents = contentChunks.join(""); } } buildUtil.guardProvideRegExp.lastIndex = 0; var match = buildUtil.guardProvideRegExp.exec(fileContents); if(match){ //Only add the guard if there is not already one in the file. var existingGuardRegExp = new RegExp('if\\(\\!dojo\\._hasResource\\[' + match[1] + '\\]\\)'); if(!fileContents.match(existingGuardRegExp)){ fileContents = 'if(!dojo._hasResource[' + match[1] + ']){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.' + lineSeparator + 'dojo._hasResource[' + match[1] + '] = true;' + lineSeparator + fileContents + lineSeparator + '}' + lineSeparator; fileUtil.saveUtf8File(fileList[i], fileContents); } } } } } //TODO: generate this via an algorithm. buildUtil.baseMappings = { "trim": "lang", "clone": "lang", "_toArray": "lang", "partial": "lang", "delegate": "lang", "_delegate": "lang", "hitch": "lang", "_hitchArgs": "lang", "extend": "lang", "isAlien": "lang", "isArrayLike": "lang", "isObject": "lang", "isFunction": "lang", "isArray": "lang", "isString": "lang", "declare": "declare", "subscribe": "connect", "unsubscribe": "connect", "publish": "connect", "connectPublisher": "connect", "Deferred": "Deferred", "fromJson": "json", "_escapeString": "json", "toJson": "json", "indexOf": "array", "lastIndexOf": "array", "forEach": "array", "_everyOrSome": "array", "every": "array", "some": "array", "map": "array", "filter": "array", "Color": "Color", "blendColors": "Color", "colorFromRgb": "Color", "colorFromHex": "Color", "colorFromArray": "Color", "colorFromString": "Color", "doc": "window", "body": "window", "setContext": "window", "_fireCallback": "window", "withGlobal": "window", "withDoc": "window", "connect": "event", "disconnect": "event", "fixEvent": "event", "stopEvent": "event", "_connect": "event", "_disconnect": "event", "_ieDispatcher": "event", "_getIeDispatcher": "event", "byId": "html", "destroy": "html", "_destroyElement": "html", "isDescendant": "html", "setSelectable": "html", "place": "html", "getComputedStyle": "html", "_toPixelValue": "html", "_getOpacity": "html", "_setOpacity": "html", "style": "html", "_getPadExtents": "html", "_getBorderExtents": "html", "_getPadBorderExtents": "html", "_getMarginExtents": "html", "_getMarginBox": "html", "_getContentBox": "html", "_getBorderBox": "html", "_setBox": "html", "_usesBorderBox": "html", "_setContentSize": "html", "_setMarginBox": "html", "marginBox": "html", "contentBox": "html", "_docScroll": "html", "_isBodyLtr": "html", "_getIeDocumentElementOffset": "html", "_fixIeBiDiScrollLeft": "html", "_abs": "html", "coords": "html", "hasAttr": "html", "attr": "html", "removeAttr": "html", "create": "html", "empty": "html", "_toDom": "html", "hasClass": "html", "addClass": "html", "removeClass": "html", "toggleClass": "html", "NodeList": "NodeList", "_filterQueryResult": "query", "query": "query", "formToObject": "xhr", "objectToQuery": "xhr", "formToQuery": "xhr", "formToJson": "xhr", "queryToObject": "xhr", "_ioSetArgs": "xhr", "_ioCancelAll": "xhr", "_ioAddQueryToUrl": "xhr", "xhr": "xhr", "xhrGet": "xhr", "rawXhrPost": "xhr", "rawXhrPut": "xhr", "xhrDelete": "xhr", "wrapForm": "xhr", "_Line": "fx", "_Animation": "fx", "_fade": "fx", "fadeIn": "fx", "fadeOut": "fx", "_defaultEasing": "fx", "animateProperty": "fx", "anim": "fx" }; (function(){ var names = "("; for(var param in buildUtil.baseMappings){ if(names != "("){ names += "|"; } names += param; } names += ")"; buildUtil.baseMappingRegExp = new RegExp("\\." + names + "\\W", "g"); })(); buildUtil.processConditionalsForDir = function(/*String*/startDir, /*RegExp*/layerIgnoreRegExp, /*Object*/kwArgs){ //summary: processes build conditionals for a directory, but ignores files in the layerIgnoreRegExp argument. var fileList = fileUtil.getFilteredFileList(startDir, /\.js$/, true); if(fileList){ for(var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++){ //Skip nls directories. var fileName = fileList[i]; if(!fileName.match(layerIgnoreRegExp)){ var fileContents = fileUtil.readFile(fileName); if(fileContents.indexOf("//>>") != -1){ fileUtil.saveFile(fileName, buildUtil.processConditionals(fileName, fileContents, kwArgs)); } } } } } buildUtil.conditionalRegExp = /(exclude|include)Start\s*\(\s*["'](\w+)["']\s*,(.*)\)/; buildUtil.processConditionals = function(/*String*/fileName, /*String*/fileContents, /*Object*/kwArgs){ //summary: processes the fileContents for some Dojo-specific conditional comments. var foundIndex = -1; var startIndex = 0; while((foundIndex = fileContents.indexOf("//>>", startIndex)) != -1){ //Found a conditional. Get the conditional line. var lineEndIndex = fileContents.indexOf("\n", foundIndex); if(lineEndIndex == -1){ lineEndIndex = fileContents.length - 1; } //Increment startIndex past the line so the next conditional search can be done. startIndex = lineEndIndex + 1; //Break apart the conditional. var conditionLine = fileContents.substring(foundIndex, lineEndIndex + 1); var matches = conditionLine.match(buildUtil.conditionalRegExp); if(matches){ var type = matches[1]; var marker = matches[2]; var condition = matches[3]; var isTrue = false; //See if the condition is true. try{ isTrue = !!eval("(" + condition + ")"); }catch(e){ throw "Error in file: " + fileName + ". Conditional comment: " + conditionLine + " failed with this error: " + e; } //Find the endpoint marker. var endRegExp = new RegExp('\\/\\/\\>\\>\\s*' + type + 'End\\(\\s*[\'"]' + marker + '[\'"]\\s*\\)', "g"); var endMatches = endRegExp.exec(fileContents.substring(startIndex, fileContents.length)); if(endMatches){ var endMarkerIndex = startIndex + endRegExp.lastIndex - endMatches[0].length; //Find the next line return based on the match position. lineEndIndex = fileContents.indexOf("\n", endMarkerIndex); if(lineEndIndex == -1){ lineEndIndex = fileContents.length - 1; } //Should we include the segment? var shouldInclude = ((type == "exclude" && !isTrue) || (type == "include" && isTrue)); //Remove the conditional comments, and optionally remove the content inside //the conditional comments. var startLength = startIndex - foundIndex; fileContents = fileContents.substring(0, foundIndex) + (shouldInclude ? fileContents.substring(startIndex, endMarkerIndex) : "") + fileContents.substring(lineEndIndex + 1, fileContents.length); //Move startIndex to foundIndex, since that is the new position in the file //where we need to look for more conditionals in the next while loop pass. startIndex = foundIndex; }else{ throw "Error in file: " + fileName + ". Cannot find end marker for conditional comment: " + conditionLine; } } } return fileContents; } buildUtil.setScopeDjConfig = function(/*String*/fileContents, /*String*/djConfigString){ //summary: burns in a local djConfig for the file contents. //djConfigString should be a string. //Have to use eval to avoid name condensing by shrinksafe. return fileContents.replace(/\/\*\*Build will replace this comment with a scoped djConfig \*\*\//, 'eval("var djConfig = ' + djConfigString.replace(/(['"])/g, '\\$1') + ';");'); } buildUtil.setScopeNames = function(/*String*/fileContents, /*String*/scopeMap){ //summary: burns in the scope names into the file contents. //scopeMap should be a [["name","value"],["name","value"]] string. Notice the lack of spaces. //Single quotes can be used instead of double quotes. return fileContents.replace(/var\s+sMap\s+=\s+null/, "var sMap = " + scopeMap); } buildUtil.symctr = 0; buildUtil.symtbl = null; buildUtil.generateSym = function(/*String*/name){ var m = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; var len = m.length; var s; if(buildUtil.symctr < len*len){ s = m.charAt(Math.floor(buildUtil.symctr/len)) +m.charAt(buildUtil.symctr%len); }else{ s = m.charAt(Math.floor(buildUtil.symctr/(len*len))-1) +m.charAt(Math.floor(buildUtil.symctr/len)%len) +m.charAt(buildUtil.symctr%len); } s = "$D" + s; buildUtil.symctr++; var ret; if(kwArgs.symbol == "long"){ ret = name; // + "_" + s; }else if(kwArgs.symbol == "short"){ buildUtil.symtbl[s + "_"] = name; ret = s + "_"; } return ret; } buildUtil.insertSymbols = function(/*String*/startDir, /*Object*/kwArgs){ //summary: add global function symbols to anonymous functions. buildUtil.symtbl = {}; var fileList = fileUtil.getFilteredFileList(startDir, /\.js$/, true); if(fileList){ logger.trace("Inserting global function symbols in: "+startDir); for(var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++){ //Don't process loader_debug.js since global symbols conflict with loader.js. //Don't process dojo.js.uncompressed.js because it is huge. //Don't process anything that might be in a buildscripts folder (only a concern for if(!fileList[i].match(/loader_debug\.js/) && !fileList[i].match(/\.uncompressed\.js/) && !fileList[i].match(/buildscripts/) && !fileList[i].match(/nls/) && !fileList[i].match(/tests\//)){ //Read in the file. Make sure we have a JS string. var fileContents = fileUtil.readFile(fileList[i]); //Do insertion. var className; if(fileContents.match(/dojo\.provide\("(.*)"\);/)){ className = RegExp.$1.replace(/\./g, "_")+"_"; } if(className){ fileContents = fileContents.replace(/^(\s*)(\w+)(\s*:\s*function)\s*(\(.*)$/mg, function(str, p1, p2, p3, p4){ return p1+p2+p3+" "+buildUtil.generateSym(className+p2)+p4; }); fileContents = fileContents.replace(/^(\s*this\.)(\w+)(\s*=\s*function)\s*(\(.*)$/mg, function(str, p1, p2, p3, p4){ return p1+p2+p3+" "+buildUtil.generateSym(className+p2)+p4; }); } fileContents = fileContents.replace(/^(\s*)([\w\.]+)(\s*=\s*function)\s*(\(.*)/mg, function(str, p1, p2, p3, p4){ return p1+p2+p3+" "+buildUtil.generateSym(p2.replace(/\./g, "_"))+p4; }); //Write out the file fileUtil.saveUtf8File(fileList[i], fileContents); } } if(kwArgs.symbol == "short"){ var symbolText = ""; var lineSeparator = fileUtil.getLineSeparator(); for(var key in buildUtil.symtbl){ symbolText += key + ": \"" + buildUtil.symtbl[key] + "\"" + lineSeparator; } fileUtil.saveFile(startDir + "/symboltable.txt", symbolText); } } } buildUtil.stripConsole = function(/*String*/fileContents, /*String*/stripConsole){ //summary: removes console.* calls from the fileContents. //stripConsole can have values of "normal", "all" or "normal,warn" or "normal,error" if(stripConsole){ var methods = "assert|count|debug|dir|dirxml|group|groupEnd|info|profile|profileEnd|time|timeEnd|trace|log"; if(stripConsole.indexOf("all") != -1){ methods += "|warn|error"; }else{ if(stripConsole.indexOf("warn") != -1){ methods += "|warn"; } if(stripConsole.indexOf("error") != -1){ methods += "|error"; } } var regexp = new RegExp("console\\.(" + methods + ")\\s*\\(", "g"); var results = buildUtil.extractMatchedParens(regexp, fileContents, true); fileContents = results ? results[0] : fileContents; } return fileContents; } buildUtil.extractMatchedParens = function(/*RegExp*/ regexp, /*String*/fileContents, /*Boolean*/removeTrailingComma){ //summary: Pass in a regexp that includes a start parens: (, and this function will //find the matching end parens for that regexp, remove the matches from fileContents, //and return an array where the first member of the array is the modified fileContents //and the rest of the array members are the matches found. If no matches are found, //then returns null. //Extracts regexp.lastIndex = 0; var parenRe = /[\(\)]/g; parenRe.lastIndex = 0; var results = [], matches, cleanedContent = [], previousLastIndex = 0 ; while((matches = regexp.exec(fileContents))){ //Find end of the call by finding the matching end paren parenRe.lastIndex = regexp.lastIndex; var matchCount = 1; var parenMatch; while((parenMatch = parenRe.exec(fileContents))){ if(parenMatch[0] == ")"){ matchCount -= 1; }else{ matchCount += 1; } if(matchCount == 0){ break; } } if(matchCount != 0){ throw "unmatched paren around character " + parenRe.lastIndex + " in: " + fileContents; } // Put the master matching string in the results. var startIndex = regexp.lastIndex - matches[0].length; results.push(fileContents.substring(startIndex, parenRe.lastIndex)); // add file's fragment from previous console.* match to current match cleanedContent.push(fileContents.substring(previousLastIndex, startIndex)); // Account for ending semicolon if desired. var endPoint = parenRe.lastIndex; if(removeTrailingComma && fileContents.charAt(endPoint) == ";"){ endPoint += 1; } previousLastIndex = regexp.lastIndex = endPoint; } // add the last matched fragment to the cleaned output cleanedContent.push(fileContents.substring(previousLastIndex, fileContents.length)); if(results.length > 0){ results.unshift(cleanedContent.join('')); } return (results.length ? results : null); }