_type = self::XMLRPC_TYPE_BOOLEAN; // Make sure the value is boolean and then convert it into a integer // The double convertion is because a bug in the ZendOptimizer in PHP version 5.0.4 $this->_value = (int)(bool)$value; } /** * Return the value of this object, convert the XML-RPC native boolean value into a PHP boolean * * @return bool */ public function getValue() { return (bool)$this->_value; } /** * Return the XML-RPC serialization of the boolean value * * @return string */ public function saveXML() { if (! $this->_as_xml) { // The XML was not generated yet $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $value = $dom->appendChild($dom->createElement('value')); $type = $value->appendChild($dom->createElement($this->_type)); $type->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($this->_value)); $this->_as_dom = $value; $this->_as_xml = $this->_stripXmlDeclaration($dom); } return $this->_as_xml; } }