gdClient = new Zend_Gdata($client); } /** * This function retrieves all the blogs associated with the authenticated * user and prompts the user to choose which to manipulate. * * Once the index is selected by the user, the corresponding blogID is * extracted and stored for easy access. * * @return void */ public function promptForBlogID() { $query = new Zend_Gdata_Query(''); $feed = $this->gdClient->getFeed($query); $this->printFeed($feed); $input = getInput("\nSelection"); //id text is of the form:,1999:user-blogID.blogs $idText = explode('-', $feed->entries[$input]->id->text); $this->blogID = $idText[2]; } /** * This function creates a new Zend_Gdata_Entry representing a blog * post, and inserts it into the user's blog. It also checks for * whether the post should be added as a draft or as a published * post. * * @param string $title The title of the blog post. * @param string $content The body of the post. * @param boolean $isDraft Whether the post should be added as a draft or as a published post * @return string The newly created post's ID */ public function createPost($title, $content, $isDraft=False) { // We're using the magic factory method to create a Zend_Gdata_Entry. // $entry = $this->gdClient->newEntry(); $entry->title = $this->gdClient->newTitle(trim($title)); $entry->content = $this->gdClient->newContent(trim($content)); $entry->content->setType('text'); $uri = "" . $this->blogID . "/posts/default"; if ($isDraft) { $control = $this->gdClient->newControl(); $draft = $this->gdClient->newDraft('yes'); $control->setDraft($draft); $entry->control = $control; } $createdPost = $this->gdClient->insertEntry($entry, $uri); //format of id text:, $idText = explode('-', $createdPost->id->text); $postID = $idText[2]; return $postID; } /** * Prints the titles of all the posts in the user's blog. * * @return void */ public function printAllPosts() { $query = new Zend_Gdata_Query('' . $this->blogID . '/posts/default'); $feed = $this->gdClient->getFeed($query); $this->printFeed($feed); } /** * Retrieves the specified post and updates the title and body. Also sets * the post's draft status. * * @param string $postID The ID of the post to update. PostID in field: *, * @param string $updatedTitle The new title of the post. * @param string $updatedContent The new body of the post. * @param boolean $isDraft Whether the post will be published or saved as a draft. * @return Zend_Gdata_Entry The updated post. */ public function updatePost($postID, $updatedTitle, $updatedContent, $isDraft) { $query = new Zend_Gdata_Query('' . $this->blogID . '/posts/default/' . $postID); $postToUpdate = $this->gdClient->getEntry($query); $postToUpdate->title->text = $this->gdClient->newTitle(trim($updatedTitle)); $postToUpdate->content->text = $this->gdClient->newContent(trim($updatedContent)); if ($isDraft) { $draft = $this->gdClient->newDraft('yes'); } else { $draft = $this->gdClient->newDraft('no'); } $control = $this->gdClient->newControl(); $control->setDraft($draft); $postToUpdate->control = $control; $updatedPost = $postToUpdate->save(); return $updatedPost; } /** * This function uses query parameters to retrieve and print all posts * within a specified date range. * * @param string $startDate Beginning date, inclusive. Preferred format is a RFC-3339 date, * though other formats are accepted. * @param string $endDate End date, exclusive. * @return void */ public function printPostsInDateRange($startDate, $endDate) { $query = new Zend_Gdata_Query('' . $this->blogID . '/posts/default'); $query->setParam('published-min', $startDate); $query->setParam('published-max', $endDate); $feed = $this->gdClient->getFeed($query); $this->printFeed($feed); } /** * This function creates a new comment and adds it to the specified post. * A comment is created as a Zend_Gdata_Entry. * * @param string $postID The ID of the post to add the comment to. PostID * in the field:, * @param string $commentText The text of the comment to add. * @return string The ID of the newly created comment. */ public function createComment($postID, $commentText) { $uri = '' . $this->blogID . '/' . $postID . '/comments/default'; $newComment = $this->gdClient->newEntry(); $newComment->content = $this->gdClient->newContent($commentText); $newComment->content->setType('text'); $createdComment = $this->gdClient->insertEntry($newComment, $uri); echo 'Added new comment: ' . $createdComment->content->text . "\n"; // Edit link follows format: /feeds/blogID/postID/comments/default/commentID $editLink = explode('/', $createdComment->getEditLink()->href); $commentID = $editLink[8]; return $commentID; } /** * This function prints all comments associated with the specified post. * * @param string $postID The ID of the post whose comments we'll print. * @return void */ public function printAllComments($postID) { $query = new Zend_Gdata_Query('' . $this->blogID . '/' . $postID . '/comments/default'); $feed = $this->gdClient->getFeed($query); $this->printFeed($feed); } /** * This function deletes the specified comment from a post. * * @param string $postID The ID of the post where the comment is. PostID in * the field:, * @param string $commentID The ID of the comment to delete. The commentID * in the editURL: /feeds/blogID/postID/comments/default/commentID * @return void */ public function deleteComment($postID, $commentID) { $uri = '' . $this->blogID . '/' . $postID . '/comments/default/' . $commentID; $this->gdClient->delete($uri); } /** * This function deletes the specified post. * * @param string $postID The ID of the post to delete. * @return void */ public function deletePost($postID) { $uri = '' . $this->blogID . '/posts/default/' . $postID; $this->gdClient->delete($uri); } /** * Helper function to print out the titles of all supplied Blogger * feeds. * * @param Zend_Gdata_Feed The feed to print. * @return void */ public function printFeed($feed) { $i = 0; foreach($feed->entries as $entry) { echo "\t" . $i ." ". $entry->title->text . "\n"; $i++; } } /** * Runs the sample. * * @return void */ public function run() { echo "Note: This sample may Create, Read, Update and Delete data " . "stored in the account provided. Please exit now if you provided " . "an account which contains important data.\n\n"; $this->promptForBlogID(); echo "Creating a post.\n"; $this->createPost('Hello, world!', 'I am on the intarweb!', False); echo "Creating a draft post.\n"; $postID = $this->createPost('Salutations, world!', 'Does not sound right.. must work on title.', True); echo "Updating the previous post and publishing it.\n"; $updatedPost = $this->updatePost($postID, 'Hello, world, it is.', 'There we go.', False); echo "The new title of the post is: " . $updatedPost->title->text . "\n"; echo "The new body of the post is: " . $updatedPost->content->text . "\n"; echo "Adding a comment to the previous post.\n"; $this->createComment($postID, 'I am so glad this is public now.'); echo "Adding another comment.\n"; $commentID = $this->createComment($postID, 'This is a spammy comment.'); echo "Deleting the previous comment.\n"; $this->deleteComment($postID, $commentID); echo "Printing all posts.\n"; $this->printAllPosts(); echo "Printing posts between 2007-01-01 and 2007-03-01.\n"; $this->printPostsInDateRange('2007-01-01','2007-06-30'); echo "Deleting the post titled: " . $updatedPost->title->text . "\n"; $this->deletePost($postID); } } /** * Gets credentials from user. * * @param string $text * @return string Index of the blog the user has chosen. */ function getInput($text) { echo $text.': '; return trim(fgets(STDIN)); } $user = null; $pass = null; // process command line options foreach ($argv as $argument) { $argParts = explode('=', $argument); if ($argParts[0] == '--user') { $user = $argParts[1]; } else if ($argParts[0] == '--pass') { $pass = $argParts[1]; } } if (($user == null) || ($pass == null)) { exit("php Blogger.php --user=[username] --pass=[password]\n"); } $sample = new SimpleCRUD($user, $pass); $sample->run();