dojo.provide(""); dojo.require("dojox.validate._base"); = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){ // summary: Validates US state and territory abbreviations. // // value: A two character string // flags: An object // flags.allowTerritories Allow Guam, Puerto Rico, etc. Default is true. // flags.allowMilitary Allow military 'states', e.g. Armed Forces Europe (AE). Default is true. var re = new RegExp("^" + + "$", "i"); return re.test(value); // Boolean } = function(/*String*/value){ // summary: Validates 10 US digit phone number for several common formats // value: The telephone number string var flags = { format: [ "###-###-####", "(###) ###-####", "(###) ### ####", "###.###.####", "###/###-####", "### ### ####", "###-###-#### x#???", "(###) ###-#### x#???", "(###) ### #### x#???", "###.###.#### x#???", "###/###-#### x#???", "### ### #### x#???", "##########" ] }; return dojox.validate.isNumberFormat(value, flags); // Boolean } = function(/*String*/value){ // summary: Validates social security number var flags = { format: [ "###-##-####", "### ## ####", "#########" ] }; return dojox.validate.isNumberFormat(value, flags); // Boolean } = function(/*String*/value){ // summary: Validates U.S. zip-code var flags = { format: [ "#####-####", "##### ####", "#########", "#####" ] }; return dojox.validate.isNumberFormat(value, flags); // Boolean }