loadXML($element); @ini_restore('track_errors'); if (!$status) { // prevent the class to generate an undefined variable notice (ZF-2590) if (!isset($php_errormsg)) { if (function_exists('xdebug_is_enabled')) { $php_errormsg = '(error message not available, when XDebug is running)'; } else { $php_errormsg = '(error message not available)'; } } /** * @see Zend_Feed_Exception */ require_once 'Zend/Feed/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Feed_Exception("DOMDocument cannot parse XML: $php_errormsg"); } $element = $doc->getElementsByTagName($this->_rootElement)->item(0); if (!$element) { /** * @see Zend_Feed_Exception */ require_once 'Zend/Feed/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Feed_Exception('No root <' . $this->_rootElement . '> element found, cannot parse feed.'); } } else { $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); if ($this->_rootNamespace !== null) { $element = $doc->createElementNS(Zend_Feed::lookupNamespace($this->_rootNamespace), $this->_rootElement); } else { $element = $doc->createElement($this->_rootElement); } } } parent::__construct($element); } }