author->name['last'] = 'hagenbuch'; $e->author->name['first'] = 'chuck'; $e->author->name->{'chuck:url'} = ''; $e->author->title['foo'] = 'bar'; if ($e->pants()) { $this->fail(' does not exist, it should not have a true value'); // This should not create an element in the actual tree. } if ($e->pants()) { $this->fail(' should not have been created by testing for it'); // This should not create an element in the actual tree. } $xml = $e->saveXml(); $this->assertFalse(strpos($xml, 'pants'), ' should not be in the xml output'); $this->assertTrue(strpos($xml, '') !== false, 'the url attribute should be set'); } public function testStrings() { $xml = " Using C++ Intrinsic Functions for Pipelined Text Processing
A good C++ programming technique that has almost no published material available on the WWW relates to using the special pipeline instructions in modern CPUs for faster text processing. Here's example code using C++ intrinsic functions to give a fourfold speed increase for a UTF-8 to UTF-16 converter compared to the original C/C++ code.
Rick Jelliffe 2005-11-07T08:15:57-08:00
"; $entry = new Zend_Feed_Entry_Atom('uri', $xml); $this->assertTrue($entry->summary instanceof Zend_Feed_Element, '__get access should return an Zend_Feed_Element instance'); $this->assertFalse($entry->summary() instanceof Zend_Feed_Element, 'method access should not return an Zend_Feed_Element instance'); $this->assertTrue(is_string($entry->summary()), 'method access should return a string'); $this->assertFalse(is_string($entry->summary), '__get access should not return a string'); } public function testSetNamespacedAttributes() { $value = 'value'; $e = new Zend_Feed_Entry_Atom(); $e->test['attr'] = $value; $e->test['namespace1:attr'] = $value; $e->test['namespace2:attr'] = $value; $this->assertEquals($value, $e->test['attr']); $this->assertEquals($value, $e->test['namespace1:attr']); $this->assertEquals($value, $e->test['namespace2:attr']); } public function testUnsetNamespacedAttributes() { $value = 'value'; $e = new Zend_Feed_Entry_Atom(); $e->test['attr'] = $value; $e->test['namespace1:attr'] = $value; $e->test['namespace2:attr'] = $value; $this->assertEquals($value, $e->test['attr']); $this->assertEquals($value, $e->test['namespace1:attr']); $this->assertEquals($value, $e->test['namespace2:attr']); unset($e->test['attr']); unset($e->test['namespace1:attr']); unset($e->test['namespace2:attr']); $this->assertEquals('', $e->test['attr']); $this->assertEquals('', $e->test['namespace1:attr']); $this->assertEquals('', $e->test['namespace1:attr']); } /** * @group ZF-2606 */ public function testValuesWithXmlSpecialChars() { $testAmp = '&'; $testLt = '<'; $testGt = '>'; $e = new Zend_Feed_Entry_Atom(); $e->testAmp = $testAmp; $e->{'namespace1:lt'} = $testLt; $e->{'namespace1:gt'} = $testGt; $this->assertEquals($testAmp, $e->testAmp()); $this->assertEquals($testLt, $e->{'namespace1:lt'}()); $this->assertEquals($testGt, $e->{'namespace1:gt'}()); } /** * @group ZF-2606 */ public function testAttributesWithXmlSpecialChars() { $testAmp = '&'; $testLt = '<'; $testGt = '>'; $testQuot = '"'; $testSquot = "'"; $e = new Zend_Feed_Entry_Atom(); $e->test['amp'] = $testAmp; $e->test['namespace1:lt'] = $testLt; $e->test['namespace1:gt'] = $testGt; $e->test['namespace1:quot'] = $testQuot; $e->test['namespace1:squot'] = $testSquot; $this->assertEquals($testAmp, $e->test['amp']); $this->assertEquals($testLt, $e->test['namespace1:lt']); $this->assertEquals($testGt, $e->test['namespace1:gt']); $this->assertEquals($testQuot, $e->test['namespace1:quot']); $this->assertEquals($testSquot, $e->test['namespace1:squot']); } }