# Script to generate langues.json, list of languages and countries that use each language # Steps to use: # 1. cd util/buildscripts/cldr/ldml # 2. unzip main.zip (alternately download from http://www.unicode.org/cldr) # 3. cd main # 4. run this script from there # 5. use normalizeJson.html to remove trailing commas so IE doesn't choke echo "[" for lang in $(ls [a-z][a-z].xml |sed s/.xml//) do echo '{ key: "language:'${lang}'", type: "language", iso: "'${lang}'",' # countries that use this language echo 'countries: [' ls ${lang}_[A-Z][A-Z].xml | sed -e 's/^.*_/{_reference: "/' -e 's/.xml/"},/' echo '],' # name of this language (in this language) grep ']' ${lang}.xml |head -1 |sed -e 's/.*]*>/name: "/' -e 's/<\/language>/",/' # names of other languages (in this language) grep '' ${lang}.xml |sed -e 's/.*/",/' -e 's/>/: "/' -e 's/-->//' echo '},' done echo "]"