assertEquals('2006-12-01', $date); } public function testFormatTimestampFromStringWithTimezone() { // assert that a correctly formatted timestamp is not modified $date = Zend_Gdata_App_Util::formatTimestamp('2007-01-10T13:31:12-04:00'); $this->assertEquals('2007-01-10T13:31:12-04:00', $date); } public function testFormatTimestampWithMilliseconds() { // assert that a correctly formatted timestamp is not modified $date = Zend_Gdata_App_Util::formatTimestamp('1956-12-14T43:09:54.52376Z'); $this->assertEquals('1956-12-14T43:09:54.52376Z', $date); } public function testFormatTimestampUsingZuluAsOffset() { // assert that a correctly formatted timestamp is not modified $date = Zend_Gdata_App_Util::formatTimestamp('2024-03-19T01:38:12Z'); $this->assertEquals('2024-03-19T01:38:12Z', $date); } public function testFormatTimestampUsingLowercaseTAndZ() { // assert that a correctly formatted timestamp is not modified $date = Zend_Gdata_App_Util::formatTimestamp('1945-07-19t12:19:08z'); $this->assertEquals('1945-07-19t12:19:08z', $date); } public function testFormatTimestampFromStringWithNonCompliantDate() { // assert that a non-compliant date is converted to RFC 3339 $date = Zend_Gdata_App_Util::formatTimestamp('2007/07/13'); $this->assertEquals('2007-07-13T00:00:00', $date); } public function testFormatTimestampFromInteger() { $ts = 1164960000; // Fri Dec 1 00:00:00 PST 2006 $date = Zend_Gdata_App_Util::formatTimestamp($ts); $this->assertEquals('2006-12-01T08:00:00+00:00', $date); } public function testExceptionFormatTimestampNonsense() { $util = new Zend_Gdata_App_Util(); try { $ts = Zend_Gdata_App_Util::formatTimestamp('nonsense string'); } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) { $this->assertEquals('Invalid timestamp: nonsense string.', $e->getMessage()); return; } // Excetion not thrown, this is bad. $this->fail("Exception not thrown."); } public function testExceptionFormatTimestampSemiInvalid() { $util = new Zend_Gdata_App_Util(); try { $ts = Zend_Gdata_App_Util::formatTimestamp('2007-06-05adslfkja'); } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) { $this->assertEquals('Invalid timestamp: 2007-06-05adslfkja.', $e->getMessage()); return; } // Excetion not thrown, this is bad. $this->fail("Exception not thrown."); } public function testExceptionFormatTimestampInvalidTime() { $util = new Zend_Gdata_App_Util(); try { $ts = Zend_Gdata_App_Util::formatTimestamp('2007-06-05Tadslfkja'); } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) { $this->assertEquals('Invalid timestamp: 2007-06-05Tadslfkja.', $e->getMessage()); return; } // Excetion not thrown, this is bad. $this->fail("Exception not thrown."); } public function testExceptionFormatTimestampInvalidOffset() { $util = new Zend_Gdata_App_Util(); try { $ts = Zend_Gdata_App_Util::formatTimestamp('2007-06-05T02:51:12+egg'); } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) { $this->assertEquals('Invalid timestamp: 2007-06-05T02:51:12+egg.', $e->getMessage()); return; } // Excetion not thrown, this is bad. $this->fail("Exception not thrown."); } public function testExceptionFormatTimestampInvalidOffsetHours() { $util = new Zend_Gdata_App_Util(); try { $ts = Zend_Gdata_App_Util::formatTimestamp('2007-06-05T02:51:12-ab:00'); } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) { $this->assertEquals('Invalid timestamp: 2007-06-05T02:51:12-ab:00.', $e->getMessage()); return; } // Excetion not thrown, this is bad. $this->fail("Exception not thrown."); } public function testFindGreatestBoundedValueReturnsMax() { $data = array(-1 => null, 0 => null, 1 => null, 2 => null, 3 => null, 5 => null, -2 => null); $result = Zend_Gdata_App_Util::findGreatestBoundedValue(99, $data); $this->assertEquals(5, $result); } public function testFindGreatestBoundedValueReturnsMaxWhenBounded() { $data = array(-1 => null, 0 => null, 1 => null, 2 => null, 3 => null, 5 => null, -2 => null); $result = Zend_Gdata_App_Util::findGreatestBoundedValue(4, $data); $this->assertEquals(3, $result); } public function testFindGreatestBoundedValueReturnsMaxWhenUnbounded() { $data = array(-1 => null, 0 => null, 1 => null, 2 => null, 3 => null, 5 => null, -2 => null); $result = Zend_Gdata_App_Util::findGreatestBoundedValue(null, $data); $this->assertEquals(5, $result); } public function testFindGreatestBoundedValueReturnsZeroWhenZeroBounded() { $data = array(-1 => null, 0 => null, 1 => null, 2 => null, 3 => null, 5 => null, -2 => null); $result = Zend_Gdata_App_Util::findGreatestBoundedValue(0, $data); $this->assertEquals(0, $result); } public function testFindGreatestBoundedValueFailsWhenNegativelyBounded() { $data = array(-1 => null, 0 => null, 1 => null, 2 => null, 3 => null, 5 => null, -2 => null); try { $result = Zend_Gdata_App_Util::findGreatestBoundedValue(-1, $data); $failed = true; } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) { $failed = false; } $this->assertFalse($failed, 'Exception not raised.'); } }