_all = array( 'hostname' => 'all', 'name' => 'thisname', 'db' => array( 'host' => '', 'user' => 'username', 'pass' => 'password', 'name' => 'live' ), 'one' => array( 'two' => array( 'three' => 'multi' ) ) ); $this->_numericData = array( 0 => 34, 1 => 'test', ); $this->_menuData1 = array( 'button' => array( 'b0' => array( 'L1' => 'button0-1', 'L2' => 'button0-2', 'L3' => 'button0-3' ), 'b1' => array( 'L1' => 'button1-1', 'L2' => 'button1-2' ), 'b2' => array( 'L1' => 'button2-1' ) ) ); $this->_leadingdot = array('.test' => 'dot-test'); $this->_invalidkey = array(' ' => 'test', ''=>'test2'); } public function testLoadSingleSection() { $config = new Zend_Config($this->_all, false); $this->assertEquals('all', $config->hostname); $this->assertEquals('live', $config->db->name); $this->assertEquals('multi', $config->one->two->three); $this->assertNull($config->nonexistent); // property doesn't exist } public function testIsset() { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1', '>=')) { $config = new Zend_Config($this->_all, false); $this->assertFalse(isset($config->notarealkey)); $this->assertTrue(isset($config->hostname)); // top level $this->assertTrue(isset($config->db->name)); // one level down } } public function testModification() { $config = new Zend_Config($this->_all, true); // overwrite an existing key $this->assertEquals('thisname', $config->name); $config->name = 'anothername'; $this->assertEquals('anothername', $config->name); // overwrite an existing multi-level key $this->assertEquals('multi', $config->one->two->three); $config->one->two->three = 'anothername'; $this->assertEquals('anothername', $config->one->two->three); // create a new multi-level key $config->does = array('not'=> array('exist' => 'yet')); $this->assertEquals('yet', $config->does->not->exist); } public function testNoModifications() { $config = new Zend_Config($this->_all); try { $config->hostname = 'test'; } catch (Zend_Config_Exception $expected) { $this->assertContains('is read only', $expected->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail('An expected Zend_Config_Exception has not been raised'); } public function testNoNestedModifications() { $config = new Zend_Config($this->_all); try { $config->db->host = 'test'; } catch (Zend_Config_Exception $expected) { $this->assertContains('is read only', $expected->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail('An expected Zend_Config_Exception has not been raised'); } public function testNumericKeys() { $data = new Zend_Config($this->_numericData); $this->assertEquals('test', $data->{1}); $this->assertEquals(34, $data->{0}); } public function testCount() { $data = new Zend_Config($this->_menuData1); $this->assertEquals(3, count($data->button)); } public function testIterator() { // top level $config = new Zend_Config($this->_all); $var = ''; foreach ($config as $key=>$value) { if (is_string($value)) { $var .= "\nkey = $key, value = $value"; } } $this->assertContains('key = name, value = thisname', $var); // 1 nest $var = ''; foreach ($config->db as $key=>$value) { $var .= "\nkey = $key, value = $value"; } $this->assertContains('key = host, value =', $var); // 2 nests $config = new Zend_Config($this->_menuData1); $var = ''; foreach ($config->button->b1 as $key=>$value) { $var .= "\nkey = $key, value = $value"; } $this->assertContains('key = L1, value = button1-1', $var); } public function testArray() { $config = new Zend_Config($this->_all); ob_start(); print_r($config->toArray()); $contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertContains('Array', $contents); $this->assertContains('[hostname] => all', $contents); $this->assertContains('[user] => username', $contents); } public function testErrorWriteToReadOnly() { $config = new Zend_Config($this->_all); try { $config->test = '32'; } catch (Zend_Config_Exception $expected) { $this->assertContains('read only', $expected->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail('An expected Zend_Config_Exception has not been raised'); } public function testZF343() { $config_array = array( 'controls' => array( 'visible' => array( 'name' => 'visible', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'attribs' => array(), // empty array ), ), ); $form_config = new Zend_Config($config_array, true); $this->assertSame(array(), $form_config->controls->visible->attribs->toArray()); } public function testZF402() { $configArray = array( 'data1' => 'someValue', 'data2' => 'someValue', 'false1' => false, 'data3' => 'someValue' ); $config = new Zend_Config($configArray); $this->assertTrue(count($config) === count($configArray)); $count = 0; foreach ($config as $key => $value) { if ($key === 'false1') { $this->assertTrue($value === false); } else { $this->assertTrue($value === 'someValue'); } $count++; } $this->assertTrue($count === 4); } public function testZf1019_HandlingInvalidKeyNames() { $config = new Zend_Config($this->_leadingdot); $array = $config->toArray(); $this->assertContains('dot-test', $array['.test']); } public function testZF1019_EmptyKeys() { $config = new Zend_Config($this->_invalidkey); $array = $config->toArray(); $this->assertContains('test', $array[' ']); $this->assertContains('test', $array['']); } public function testZF1417_DefaultValues() { $config = new Zend_Config($this->_all); $value = $config->get('notthere', 'default'); $this->assertTrue($value === 'default'); $this->assertTrue($config->notThere === null); } public function testUnsetException() { // allow modifications is off - expect an exception $config = new Zend_Config($this->_all, false); $this->assertTrue(isset($config->hostname)); // top level try { unset($config->hostname); } catch (Zend_Config_Exception $expected) { $this->assertContains('is read only', $expected->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail('Expected read only exception has not been raised.'); } public function testUnset() { // allow modifications is on $config = new Zend_Config($this->_all, true); $this->assertTrue(isset($config->hostname)); $this->assertTrue(isset($config->db->name)); unset($config->hostname); unset($config->db->name); $this->assertFalse(isset($config->hostname)); $this->assertFalse(isset($config->db->name)); } public function testMerge() { $stdArray = array( 'test_feature' => false, 'some_files' => array( 'foo'=>'dir/foo.xml', 'bar'=>'dir/bar.xml', ), 2 => 123, ); $stdConfig = new Zend_Config($stdArray, true); $devArray = array( 'test_feature'=>true, 'some_files' => array( 'bar' => 'myDir/bar.xml', 'baz' => 'myDir/baz.xml', ), 2 => 456, ); $devConfig = new Zend_Config($devArray); $stdConfig->merge($devConfig); $this->assertTrue($stdConfig->test_feature); $this->assertEquals('myDir/bar.xml', $stdConfig->some_files->bar); $this->assertEquals('myDir/baz.xml', $stdConfig->some_files->baz); $this->assertEquals('dir/foo.xml', $stdConfig->some_files->foo); $this->assertEquals(456, $stdConfig->{2}); } /** * Ensures that toArray() supports objects of types other than Zend_Config * * @return void */ public function testToArraySupportsObjects() { $configData = array( 'a' => new stdClass(), 'b' => array( 'c' => new stdClass(), 'd' => new stdClass() ) ); $config = new Zend_Config($configData); $this->assertEquals($config->toArray(), $configData); $this->assertType('stdClass', $config->a); $this->assertType('stdClass', $config->b->c); $this->assertType('stdClass', $config->b->d); } /** * ensure that modification is not allowed after calling setReadOnly() * */ public function testSetReadOnly() { $configData = array( 'a' => 'a' ); $config = new Zend_Config($configData, true); $config->b = 'b'; $config->setReadOnly(); try { $config->c = 'c'; } catch (Zend_Config_Exception $expected) { $this->assertContains('is read only', $expected->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail('Expected read only exception has not been raised.'); } public function testZF3408_countNotDecreasingOnUnset() { $configData = array( 'a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b', 'c' => 'c', ); $config = new Zend_Config($configData, true); $this->assertEquals(count($config), 3); unset($config->b); $this->assertEquals(count($config), 2); } public function testZF4107_ensureCloneDoesNotKeepNestedReferences() { $parent = new Zend_Config(array('key' => array('nested' => 'parent')), true); $newConfig = clone $parent; $newConfig->merge(new Zend_Config(array('key' => array('nested' => 'override')), true)); $this->assertEquals('override', $newConfig->key->nested, '$newConfig is not overridden'); $this->assertEquals('parent', $parent->key->nested, '$parent has been overridden'); } /** * @group ZF-3575 * */ public function testMergeHonoursAllowModificationsFlagAtAllLevels() { $config = new Zend_Config(array('key' => array('nested' => 'yes'), 'key2'=>'yes'), false); $config2 = new Zend_Config(array(), true); $config2->merge($config); try { $config2->key2 = 'no'; } catch (Zend_Config_Exception $e) { $this->fail('Unexpected exception at top level has been raised: ' . $e->getMessage()); } $this->assertEquals('no', $config2->key2); try { $config2->key->nested = 'no'; } catch (Zend_Config_Exception $e) { $this->fail('Unexpected exception on nested object has been raised: ' . $e->getMessage()); } $this->assertEquals('no', $config2->key->nested); } /** * @group ZF-5771a * */ public function testUnsettingFirstElementDuringForeachDoesNotSkipAnElement() { $config = new Zend_Config(array( 'first' => array(1), 'second' => array(2), 'third' => array(3) ), true); $keyList = array(); foreach ($config as $key => $value) { $keyList[] = $key; if ($key == 'first') { unset($config->$key); // uses magic Zend_Config::__unset() method } } $this->assertEquals('first', $keyList[0]); $this->assertEquals('second', $keyList[1]); $this->assertEquals('third', $keyList[2]); } /** * @group ZF-5771 * */ public function testUnsettingAMiddleElementDuringForeachDoesNotSkipAnElement() { $config = new Zend_Config(array( 'first' => array(1), 'second' => array(2), 'third' => array(3) ), true); $keyList = array(); foreach ($config as $key => $value) { $keyList[] = $key; if ($key == 'second') { unset($config->$key); // uses magic Zend_Config::__unset() method } } $this->assertEquals('first', $keyList[0]); $this->assertEquals('second', $keyList[1]); $this->assertEquals('third', $keyList[2]); } /** * @group ZF-5771 * */ public function testUnsettingLastElementDuringForeachDoesNotSkipAnElement() { $config = new Zend_Config(array( 'first' => array(1), 'second' => array(2), 'third' => array(3) ), true); $keyList = array(); foreach ($config as $key => $value) { $keyList[] = $key; if ($key == 'third') { unset($config->$key); // uses magic Zend_Config::__unset() method } } $this->assertEquals('first', $keyList[0]); $this->assertEquals('second', $keyList[1]); $this->assertEquals('third', $keyList[2]); } /** * @group ZF-4728 * */ public function testSetReadOnlyAppliesToChildren() { $config = new Zend_Config($this->_all, true); $config->setReadOnly(); $this->assertTrue($config->readOnly()); $this->assertTrue($config->one->readOnly(), 'First level children are writable'); $this->assertTrue($config->one->two->readOnly(), 'Second level children are writable'); } public function testZF6995_toArrayDoesNotDisturbInternalIterator() { $config = new Zend_Config(range(1,10)); $config->rewind(); $this->assertEquals(1, $config->current()); $config->toArray(); $this->assertEquals(1, $config->current()); } }