listFeed = new Zend_Gdata_Calendar_ListFeed($listFeedText); } /** * Verify that a given property is set to a specific value * and that the getter and magic variable return the same value. * * @param object $obj The object to be interrogated. * @param string $name The name of the property to be verified. * @param object $value The expected value of the property. */ protected function verifyProperty($obj, $name, $value) { $propName = $name; $propGetter = "get" . ucfirst($name); $this->assertEquals($obj->$propGetter(), $obj->$propName); $this->assertEquals($value, $obj->$propGetter()); } /** * Verify that a given property is set to a specific value * and that the getter and magic variable return the same value. * * @param object $obj The object to be interrogated. * @param string $name The name of the property to be verified. * @param string $secondName 2nd level accessor function name * @param object $value The expected value of the property. */ protected function verifyProperty2($obj, $name, $secondName, $value) { $propName = $name; $propGetter = "get" . ucfirst($name); $secondGetter = "get" . ucfirst($secondName); $this->assertEquals($obj->$propGetter(), $obj->$propName); $this->assertEquals($value, $obj->$propGetter()->$secondGetter()); } /** * Convert sample feed to XML then back to objects. Ensure that * all objects are instances of EventEntry and object count matches. */ public function testEventFeedToAndFromString() { $entryCount = 0; foreach ($this->listFeed as $entry) { $entryCount++; $this->assertTrue($entry instanceof Zend_Gdata_Calendar_ListEntry); } $this->assertTrue($entryCount > 0); /* Grab XML from $this->listFeed and convert back to objects */ $newListFeed = new Zend_Gdata_Calendar_ListFeed( $this->listFeed->saveXML()); $newEntryCount = 0; foreach ($newListFeed as $entry) { $newEntryCount++; $this->assertTrue($entry instanceof Zend_Gdata_Calendar_ListEntry); } $this->assertEquals($entryCount, $newEntryCount); } /** * Ensure that there number of lsit feeds equals the number * of calendars defined in the sample file. */ public function testEntryCount() { //TODO feeds implementing ArrayAccess would be helpful here $entryCount = 0; foreach ($this->listFeed as $entry) { $entryCount++; } $this->assertEquals(9, $entryCount); } /** * Check for the existence of an and verify that they * contain the expected values. */ public function testAuthor() { $feed = $this->listFeed; // Assert that the feed's author is correct $feedAuthor = $feed->getAuthor(); $this->assertEquals($feedAuthor, $feed->author); $this->assertEquals(1, count($feedAuthor)); $this->assertTrue($feedAuthor[0] instanceof Zend_Gdata_App_Extension_Author); $this->verifyProperty2($feedAuthor[0], "name", "text", "GData Ops Demo"); $this->verifyProperty2($feedAuthor[0], "email", "text", ""); $this->assertTrue($feedAuthor[0]->getUri() instanceof Zend_Gdata_App_Extension_Uri); $this->verifyProperty2($feedAuthor[0], "uri", "text", "http://test.address.invalid/"); // Assert that each entry has valid author data foreach ($feed as $entry) { $entryAuthor = $entry->getAuthor(); $this->assertEquals(1, count($entryAuthor)); $this->verifyProperty2($entryAuthor[0], "name", "text", "GData Ops Demo"); $this->verifyProperty2($entryAuthor[0], "email", "text", ""); $this->verifyProperty($entryAuthor[0], "uri", null); } } /** * Check for the existence of an and verify that it contains * the expected value. */ public function testId() { $feed = $this->listFeed; // Assert that the feed's ID is correct $this->assertTrue($feed->getId() instanceof Zend_Gdata_App_Extension_Id); $this->verifyProperty2($feed, "id", "text", ""); // Assert that all entry's have an Atom ID object foreach ($feed as $entry) { $this->assertTrue($entry->getId() instanceof Zend_Gdata_App_Extension_Id); } // Assert one of the entry's IDs $entry = $feed[1]; $this->verifyProperty2($entry, "id", "text", ""); } /** * Check for the existence of an and verify that it contains * the expected value. */ public function testPublished() { $feed = $this->listFeed; // Assert that all entry's have an Atom Published object foreach ($feed as $entry) { $this->assertTrue($entry->getPublished() instanceof Zend_Gdata_App_Extension_Published); } // Assert one of the entry's Published dates $entry = $feed[1]; $this->verifyProperty2($entry, "published", "text", "2007-05-30T00:23:27.005Z"); } /** * Check for the existence of an and verify that it contains * the expected value. */ public function testUpdated() { $feed = $this->listFeed; // Assert that the feed's updated date is correct $this->assertTrue($feed->getUpdated() instanceof Zend_Gdata_App_Extension_Updated); $this->verifyProperty2($feed, "updated", "text", "2007-05-30T00:23:26.998Z"); // Assert that all entry's have an Atom Published object foreach ($feed as $entry) { $this->assertTrue($entry->getUpdated() instanceof Zend_Gdata_App_Extension_Updated); } // Assert one of the entry's Published dates $entry = $feed[1]; $this->verifyProperty2($entry, "updated", "text", "2007-05-30T00:20:38.000Z"); } /** * Check for the existence of an and verify that it contains * the expected value. */ public function testTitle() { $feed = $this->listFeed; // Assert that the feed's title is correct $this->assertTrue($feed->getTitle() instanceof Zend_Gdata_App_Extension_Title); $this->verifyProperty2($feed, "title", "text", "GData Ops Demo's Calendar List"); // Assert that all entry's have an Atom ID object foreach ($feed as $entry) { $this->assertTrue($entry->getTitle() instanceof Zend_Gdata_App_Extension_Title); } // Assert one of the entry's Titles $entry = $feed[1]; $this->verifyProperty2($entry, "title", "text", "My Other Awesome Calendar"); } /** * Check for the existence of an and verify that it contains * the expected value. */ public function testColor() { $feed = $this->listFeed; // Assert that all entry's have an color object foreach ($feed as $entry) { $this->assertTrue($entry->getColor() instanceof Zend_Gdata_Calendar_Extension_Color); } // Assert one of the entry's Titles $entry = $feed[1]; $this->verifyProperty2($entry, "color", "value", "#A32929"); } /** * Check for the existence of an and verify that it contains * the expected value. */ public function testAccessLevel() { $feed = $this->listFeed; // Assert that all entry's have an accessLevel object foreach ($feed as $entry) { $this->assertTrue($entry->getAccessLevel() instanceof Zend_Gdata_Calendar_Extension_AccessLevel); } // Assert one of the entry's Titles $entry = $feed[1]; $this->verifyProperty2($entry, "accessLevel", "value", "owner"); } /** * Check for the existence of an and verify that it contains * the expected value. */ public function testTimezone() { $feed = $this->listFeed; // Assert that all entry's have an accessLevel object foreach ($feed as $entry) { $this->assertTrue($entry->getTimezone() instanceof Zend_Gdata_Calendar_Extension_Timezone); } // Assert one of the entry's Titles $entry = $feed[1]; $this->verifyProperty2($entry, "timezone", "value", "America/Chicago"); } /** * Check for the existence of an and verify that it contains * the expected value. */ public function testHidden() { $feed = $this->listFeed; // Assert that all entry's have an accessLevel object foreach ($feed as $entry) { $this->assertTrue($entry->getHidden() instanceof Zend_Gdata_Calendar_Extension_Hidden); } // Assert one of the entry's Titles $entry = $feed[1]; $this->verifyProperty2($entry, "hidden", "value", false); } /** * Check for the existence of an and verify that it contains * the expected value. */ public function testSelected() { $feed = $this->listFeed; // Assert that all entry's have a selected object foreach ($feed as $entry) { $this->assertTrue($entry->getSelected() instanceof Zend_Gdata_Calendar_Extension_Selected); } // Assert one of the entry's Titles $entry = $feed[1]; $this->verifyProperty2($entry, "selected", "value", true); } /** * Check for the existence of an and verify that it contains * the expected value. */ public function testStartIndex() { $feed = $this->listFeed; // Assert that the feed's startIndex is correct $this->assertTrue($feed->getStartIndex() instanceof Zend_Gdata_Extension_OpenSearchStartIndex); $this->verifyProperty2($feed, "startIndex", "text", "1"); } /** * Check for the existence of an and verify that it contains * the expected value. */ public function testWhere() { $feed = $this->listFeed; // Assert one of the entry's where values $entry = $feed[1]; $this->assertEquals($entry->getWhere(), $entry->where); $this->assertTrue($entry->where[0] instanceof Zend_Gdata_Extension_Where); $this->assertEquals("Palo Alto, California", $entry->where[0]->getValueString()); } /** * Check for the existence of an and verify that it contains * the expected value. */ public function testSummary() { $feed = $this->listFeed; // Assert one of the entry's summaries $entry = $feed[1]; $this->assertTrue($entry->getSummary() instanceof Zend_Gdata_App_Extension_Summary); $this->verifyProperty2($entry, "summary", "text", "This is my other calendar."); } /** * Check for the existence of an and verify that it contains * the expected value. */ public function testGenerator() { $feed = $this->listFeed; // Assert that the feed's generator is correct $this->assertTrue($feed->getGenerator() instanceof Zend_Gdata_App_Extension_Generator); $this->verifyProperty2($feed, "generator", "version", "1.0"); $this->verifyProperty2($feed, "generator", "uri", ""); } }