_client = new Zend_Http_Client_StaticTest_Mock('http://www.example.com'); } /** * Clean up after running a test * */ public function tearDown() { $this->_client = null; } /** * URI Tests */ /** * Test we can SET and GET a URI as string * */ public function testSetGetUriString() { $uristr = 'http://www.zend.com:80/'; $this->_client->setUri($uristr); $uri = $this->_client->getUri(); $this->assertTrue($uri instanceof Zend_Uri_Http, 'Returned value is not a Uri object as expected'); $this->assertEquals($uri->__toString(), $uristr, 'Returned Uri object does not hold the expected URI'); $uri = $this->_client->getUri(true); $this->assertTrue(is_string($uri), 'Returned value expected to be a string, ' . gettype($uri) . ' returned'); $this->assertEquals($uri, $uristr, 'Returned string is not the expected URI'); } /** * Test we can SET and GET a URI as object * */ public function testSetGetUriObject() { $uriobj = Zend_Uri::factory('http://www.zend.com:80/'); $this->_client->setUri($uriobj); $uri = $this->_client->getUri(); $this->assertTrue($uri instanceof Zend_Uri_Http, 'Returned value is not a Uri object as expected'); $this->assertEquals($uri, $uriobj, 'Returned object is not the excepted Uri object'); } /** * Test that passing an invalid URI string throws an exception * * @expectedException Zend_Uri_Exception */ public function testInvalidUriStringException() { $this->_client->setUri('httpp://__invalid__.com'); } /** * Test that passing an invalid URI object throws an exception * */ public function testInvalidUriObjectException() { try { $uri = Zend_Uri::factory('mailto:nobody@example.com'); $this->_client->setUri($uri); $this->fail('Excepted invalid URI object exception was not thrown'); } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) { // We're good } catch (Zend_Uri_Exception $e) { // URI is currently unimplemented $this->markTestIncomplete('Zend_Uri_Mailto is not implemented yet'); } } /** * Test that setting the same parameter twice in the query string does not * get reduced to a single value only. * */ public function testDoubleGetParameter() { $qstr = 'foo=bar&foo=baz'; $this->_client->setUri('http://example.com/test/?' . $qstr); $this->_client->setAdapter('Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Test'); $res = $this->_client->request('GET'); $this->assertContains($qstr, $this->_client->getLastRequest(), 'Request is expected to contain the entire query string'); } /** * Header Tests */ /** * Make sure an exception is thrown if an invalid header name is used * * @expectedException Zend_Http_Client_Exception */ public function testInvalidHeaderExcept() { $this->_client->setHeaders('Ina_lid* Hea%der', 'is not good'); } /** * Make sure non-strict mode disables header name validation * */ public function testInvalidHeaderNonStrictMode() { // Disable strict validation $this->_client->setConfig(array('strict' => false)); try { $this->_client->setHeaders('Ina_lid* Hea%der', 'is not good'); } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) { $this->fail('Invalid header names should be allowed in non-strict mode'); } } /** * Test we can get already set headers * */ public function testGetHeader() { $this->_client->setHeaders(array( 'Accept-encoding' => 'gzip,deflate', 'Accept-language' => 'en,de,*', )); $this->assertEquals($this->_client->getHeader('Accept-encoding'), 'gzip,deflate', 'Returned value of header is not as expected'); $this->assertEquals($this->_client->getHeader('X-Fake-Header'), null, 'Non-existing header should not return a value'); } public function testUnsetHeader() { $this->_client->setHeaders('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip,deflate'); $this->_client->setHeaders('Accept-Encoding', null); $this->assertNull($this->_client->getHeader('Accept-encoding'), 'Returned value of header is expected to be null'); } /** * Authentication tests */ /** * Test setAuth (dynamic method) fails when trying to use an unsupported * authentication scheme * * @expectedException Zend_Http_Client_Exception */ public function testExceptUnsupportedAuthDynamic() { $this->_client->setAuth('shahar', '1234', 'SuperStrongAlgo'); } /** * Test encodeAuthHeader (static method) fails when trying to use an * unsupported authentication scheme * * @expectedException Zend_Http_Client_Exception */ public function testExceptUnsupportedAuthStatic() { Zend_Http_Client::encodeAuthHeader('shahar', '1234', 'SuperStrongAlgo'); } /** * Cookie and Cookie Jar tests */ /** * Test we can properly set a new cookie jar * */ public function testSetNewCookieJar() { $this->_client->setCookieJar(); $this->_client->setCookie('cookie', 'value'); $this->_client->setCookie('chocolate', 'chips'); $jar = $this->_client->getCookieJar(); // Check we got the right cookiejar $this->assertTrue($jar instanceof Zend_Http_CookieJar, '$jar is not an instance of Zend_Http_CookieJar as expected'); $this->assertEquals(count($jar->getAllCookies()), 2, '$jar does not contain 2 cookies as expected'); } /** * Test we can properly set an existing cookie jar * */ public function testSetReadyCookieJar() { $jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar(); $jar->addCookie('cookie=value', 'http://www.example.com'); $jar->addCookie('chocolate=chips; path=/foo', 'http://www.example.com'); $this->_client->setCookieJar($jar); // Check we got the right cookiejar $this->assertEquals($jar, $this->_client->getCookieJar(), '$jar is not the client\'s cookie jar as expected'); } /** * Test we can unset a cookie jar * */ public function testUnsetCookieJar() { // Set the cookie jar just like in testSetNewCookieJar $this->_client->setCookieJar(); $this->_client->setCookie('cookie', 'value'); $this->_client->setCookie('chocolate', 'chips'); $jar = $this->_client->getCookieJar(); // Try unsetting the cookiejar $this->_client->setCookieJar(null); $this->assertNull($this->_client->getCookieJar(), 'Cookie jar is expected to be null but it is not'); } /** * Make sure using an invalid cookie jar object throws an exception * * @expectedException Zend_Http_Client_Exception */ public function testSetInvalidCookieJar() { $this->_client->setCookieJar('cookiejar'); } /** * Configuration Handling */ /** * Test that we can set a valid configuration array with some options * */ public function testConfigSetAsArray() { $config = array( 'timeout' => 500, 'someoption' => 'hasvalue' ); $this->_client->setConfig($config); $hasConfig = $this->_client->config; foreach($config as $k => $v) { $this->assertEquals($v, $hasConfig[$k]); } } /** * Test that a Zend_Config object can be used to set configuration * * @link http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-5577 */ public function testConfigSetAsZendConfig() { require_once 'Zend/Config.php'; $config = new Zend_Config(array( 'timeout' => 400, 'nested' => array( 'item' => 'value', ) )); $this->_client->setConfig($config); $hasConfig = $this->_client->config; $this->assertEquals($config->timeout, $hasConfig['timeout']); $this->assertEquals($config->nested->item, $hasConfig['nested']['item']); } /** * Test that passing invalid variables to setConfig() causes an exception * * @dataProvider invalidConfigProvider * @expectedException Zend_Http_Client_Exception */ public function testConfigSetInvalid($config) { $this->_client->setConfig($config); } /** * Test that configuration options are passed to the adapter after the * adapter is instantiated * * @link http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-4557 */ public function testConfigPassToAdapterZF4557() { $adapter = new Zend_Http_Client_StaticTest_TestAdapter_Mock(); // test that config passes when we set the adapter $this->_client->setConfig(array('param' => 'value1')); $this->_client->setAdapter($adapter); $adapterCfg = $adapter->config; $this->assertEquals('value1', $adapterCfg['param']); // test that adapter config value changes when we set client config $this->_client->setConfig(array('param' => 'value2')); $adapterCfg = $adapter->config; $this->assertEquals('value2', $adapterCfg['param']); } /** * Other Tests */ /** * Test the getLastResponse() method actually returns the last response * */ public function testGetLastResponse() { // First, make sure we get null before the request $this->assertEquals(null, $this->_client->getLastResponse(), 'getLastResponse() is still expected to return null'); // Now, test we get a proper response after the request $this->_client->setUri('http://example.com/foo/bar'); $this->_client->setAdapter('Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Test'); $response = $this->_client->request(); $this->assertTrue(($response === $this->_client->getLastResponse()), 'Response is expected to be identical to the result of getLastResponse()'); } /** * Test that getLastResponse returns null when not storing * */ public function testGetLastResponseWhenNotStoring() { // Now, test we get a proper response after the request $this->_client->setUri('http://example.com/foo/bar'); $this->_client->setAdapter('Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Test'); $this->_client->setConfig(array('storeresponse' => false)); $response = $this->_client->request(); $this->assertNull($this->_client->getLastResponse(), 'getLastResponse is expected to be null when not storing'); } /** * Check we get an exception when trying to send a POST request with an * invalid content-type header * * @expectedException Zend_Http_Client_Exception */ public function testInvalidPostContentType() { $this->_client->setEncType('x-foo/something-fake'); $this->_client->setParameterPost('parameter', 'value'); // This should throw an exception $this->_client->request('POST'); } /** * Check we get an exception if there's an error in the socket * * @expectedException Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Exception */ public function testSocketErrorException() { // Try to connect to an invalid host $this->_client->setUri(''); // Reduce timeout to 3 seconds to avoid waiting $this->_client->setConfig(array('timeout' => 3)); // This call should cause an exception $this->_client->request(); } /** * Check that we can set methods which are not documented in the RFC. * * @dataProvider validMethodProvider */ public function testSettingExtendedMethod($method) { try { $this->_client->setMethod($method); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->fail("An unexpected exception was thrown when setting request method to '{$method}'"); } } /** * Check that an exception is thrown if non-word characters are used in * the request method. * * @dataProvider invalidMethodProvider * @expectedException Zend_Http_Client_Exception */ public function testSettingInvalidMethodThrowsException($method) { $this->_client->setMethod($method); } /** * Test that POST data with mutli-dimentional array is properly encoded as * multipart/form-data * */ public function testFormDataEncodingWithMultiArrayZF7038() { $this->_client->setAdapter('Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Test'); $this->_client->setUri('http://example.com'); $this->_client->setEncType(Zend_Http_Client::ENC_FORMDATA); $this->_client->setParameterPost('test', array( 'v0.1', 'v0.2', 'k1' => 'v1.0', 'k2' => array( 'v2.1', 'k2.1' => 'v2.1.0' ) )); $this->_client->request('POST'); $expectedLines = file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/_files/ZF7038-multipartarrayrequest.txt'); $gotLines = explode("\n", $this->_client->getLastRequest()); $this->assertEquals(count($expectedLines), count($gotLines)); while (($expected = array_shift($expectedLines)) && ($got = array_shift($gotLines))) { $expected = trim($expected); $got = trim($got); $this->assertRegExp("/^$expected$/", $got); } } /** * Test that we properly calculate the content-length of multibyte-encoded * request body * * This may file in case that mbstring overloads the substr and strlen * functions, and the mbstring internal encoding is a multibyte encoding. * * @link http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-2098 */ public function testMultibyteRawPostDataZF2098() { $this->_client->setAdapter('Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Test'); $this->_client->setUri('http://example.com'); $bodyFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/_files/ZF2098-multibytepostdata.txt'; $this->_client->setRawData(file_get_contents($bodyFile), 'text/plain'); $this->_client->request('POST'); $request = $this->_client->getLastRequest(); if (! preg_match('/^content-length:\s+(\d+)/mi', $request, $match)) { $this->fail("Unable to find content-length header in request"); } $this->assertEquals(filesize($bodyFile), (int) $match[1]); } /** * Data providers */ /** * Data provider of valid non-standard HTTP methods * * @return array */ static public function validMethodProvider() { return array( array('OPTIONS'), array('POST'), array('DOSOMETHING'), array('PROPFIND'), array('Some_Characters'), array('X-MS-ENUMATTS') ); } /** * Data provider of invalid HTTP methods * * @return array */ static public function invalidMethodProvider() { return array( array('N@5TYM3T#0D'), array('TWO WORDS'), array('GET http://foo.com/?'), array("Injected\nnewline") ); } /** * Data provider for invalid configuration containers * * @return array */ static public function invalidConfigProvider() { return array( array(false), array('foo => bar'), array(null), array(new stdClass), array(55) ); } } class Zend_Http_Client_StaticTest_Mock extends Zend_Http_Client { public $config = array( 'maxredirects' => 5, 'strictredirects' => false, 'useragent' => 'Zend_Http_Client', 'timeout' => 10, 'adapter' => 'Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket', 'httpversion' => self::HTTP_1, 'keepalive' => false, 'storeresponse' => true, 'strict' => true ); } class Zend_Http_Client_StaticTest_TestAdapter_Mock extends Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Test { public $config = array(); }