dojo.provide("dijit.TooltipDialog"); dojo.require("dijit.layout.ContentPane"); dojo.require("dijit._Templated"); dojo.require("dijit.form._FormMixin"); dojo.require("dijit._DialogMixin"); dojo.declare( "dijit.TooltipDialog", [dijit.layout.ContentPane, dijit._Templated, dijit.form._FormMixin, dijit._DialogMixin], { // summary: // Pops up a dialog that appears like a Tooltip // title: String // Description of tooltip dialog (required for a11y) title: "", // doLayout: [protected] Boolean // Don't change this parameter from the default value. // This ContentPane parameter doesn't make sense for TooltipDialog, since TooltipDialog // is never a child of a layout container, nor can you specify the size of // TooltipDialog in order to control the size of an inner widget. doLayout: false, // autofocus: Boolean // A Toggle to modify the default focus behavior of a Dialog, which // is to focus on the first dialog element after opening the dialog. // False will disable autofocusing. Default: true autofocus: true, // baseClass: [protected] String // The root className to use for the various states of this widget baseClass: "dijitTooltipDialog", // _firstFocusItem: [private] [readonly] DomNode // The pointer to the first focusable node in the dialog. // Set by `dijit._DialogMixin._getFocusItems`. _firstFocusItem: null, // _lastFocusItem: [private] [readonly] DomNode // The pointer to which node has focus prior to our dialog. // Set by `dijit._DialogMixin._getFocusItems`. _lastFocusItem: null, templateString: null, templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dijit", "templates/TooltipDialog.html"), postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this.connect(this.containerNode, "onkeypress", "_onKey"); this.containerNode.title = this.title; }, orient: function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*String*/ aroundCorner, /*String*/ corner){ // summary: // Configure widget to be displayed in given position relative to the button. // This is called from the dijit.popup code, and should not be called // directly. // tags: // protected var c = this._currentOrientClass; if(c){ dojo.removeClass(this.domNode, c); } c = "dijitTooltipAB"+(corner.charAt(1)=='L'?"Left":"Right")+" dijitTooltip"+(corner.charAt(0)=='T' ? "Below" : "Above"); dojo.addClass(this.domNode, c); this._currentOrientClass = c; }, onOpen: function(/*Object*/ pos){ // summary: // Called when dialog is displayed. // This is called from the dijit.popup code, and should not be called directly. // tags: // protected this.orient(this.domNode,pos.aroundCorner, pos.corner); this._onShow(); // lazy load trigger if(this.autofocus){ this._getFocusItems(this.containerNode); dijit.focus(this._firstFocusItem); } }, _onKey: function(/*Event*/ evt){ // summary: // Handler for keyboard events // description: // Keep keyboard focus in dialog; close dialog on escape key // tags: // private var node =; var dk = dojo.keys; if (evt.charOrCode === dk.TAB){ this._getFocusItems(this.containerNode); } var singleFocusItem = (this._firstFocusItem == this._lastFocusItem); if(evt.charOrCode == dk.ESCAPE){ this.onCancel(); dojo.stopEvent(evt); }else if(node == this._firstFocusItem && evt.shiftKey && evt.charOrCode === dk.TAB){ if(!singleFocusItem){ dijit.focus(this._lastFocusItem); // send focus to last item in dialog } dojo.stopEvent(evt); }else if(node == this._lastFocusItem && evt.charOrCode === dk.TAB && !evt.shiftKey){ if(!singleFocusItem){ dijit.focus(this._firstFocusItem); // send focus to first item in dialog } dojo.stopEvent(evt); }else if(evt.charOrCode === dk.TAB){ // we want the browser's default tab handling to move focus // but we don't want the tab to propagate upwards evt.stopPropagation(); } } } );