dojo.provide("dojox.av.widget.VolumeButton"); dojo.require("dijit._Widget"); dojo.require("dijit._Templated"); dojo.require("dijit.form.Button"); dojo.declare("dojox.av.widget.VolumeButton", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], { // summary: // A volume widget to use with dojox.av.widget.Player // // description: // Controls and displays the volume of the media. This widget // opens a slider on click that is used to adjust the volume. // The icon changes according to the volume level. // templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.av.widget","resources/VolumeButton.html"), // postCreate: function(){ // summary: // Initialize the widget. // this.handleWidth = dojo.marginBox(this.handle).w; this.width = dojo.marginBox(this.volumeSlider).w; this.slotWidth = 100; dojo.setSelectable(this.handle, false); this.volumeSlider = this.domNode.removeChild(this.volumeSlider); }, setMedia: function(/* Object */med){ // summary: // A common method to set the media in all Player widgets. // May do connections and initializations. // = med; this.updateIcon(); }, updateIcon: function(/*Float*/ vol){ // summary: // Changes the icon on the button according to volume level. // vol = (vol===undefined) ? : vol; if(vol===0){ dojo.attr(this.domNode, "class", "Volume mute"); }else if(vol<.334){ dojo.attr(this.domNode, "class", "Volume low"); }else if(vol<.667){ dojo.attr(this.domNode, "class", "Volume med"); }else{ dojo.attr(this.domNode, "class", "Volume high"); } }, onShowVolume: function(/*DOMEvent*/evt){ // summary: // Shows the volume slider. // if(this.showing==undefined){ dojo.body().appendChild(this.volumeSlider); this.showing = false; } if(!this.showing){ var TOPMARG = 2; var LEFTMARG = 7; var vol =; var dim = this._getVolumeDim(); var hand = this._getHandleDim(); this.x = dim.x - this.width;, "display", "");, "top", dim.y+"px");, "left", (this.x)+"px"); var x = (this.slotWidth * vol);, "top", (TOPMARG+(hand.w/2))+"px");, "left", (x+LEFTMARG+(hand.h/2))+"px"); this.showing = true; //this.startDrag(); this.clickOff = dojo.connect(dojo.doc, "onmousedown", this, "onDocClick"); }else{ this.onHideVolume(); } }, onDocClick: function(/*DOMEvent*/evt){ // summary: // Fired on document.onmousedown. Checks if clicked inside // of this widget or not. // if(!dojo.isDescendant(, this.domNode) && !dojo.isDescendant(, this.volumeSlider)){ this.onHideVolume(); } }, onHideVolume: function(){ // summary: // Hides volume slider. // this.endDrag();, "display", "none"); this.showing = false; }, onDrag: function(/*DOMEvent*/evt){ // summary: // Fired on mousemove. Updates volume and position of // slider handle. var beg = this.handleWidth/2; var end = beg + this.slotWidth var x = evt.clientX - this.x; if(xend) x=end;, "left", (x)+"px"); var p = (x-beg)/(end-beg);; this.updateIcon(p); }, startDrag: function(){ // summary: // Fired on mousedown of the slider handle. // this.isDragging = true; this.cmove = dojo.connect(dojo.doc, "mousemove", this, "onDrag"); this.cup = dojo.connect(dojo.doc, "mouseup", this, "endDrag"); }, endDrag: function(){ // summary: // Fired on mouseup of the slider handle. // this.isDragging = false; if(this.cmove) dojo.disconnect(this.cmove); if(this.cup) dojo.disconnect(this.cup); this.handleOut(); }, handleOver: function(){ // summary: // Highlights the slider handle on mouseover, and // stays highlighted during drag. // dojo.addClass(this.handle, "over"); }, handleOut: function(){ // summary: // Unhighlights handle onmouseover, or on endDrag. // if(!this.isDragging){ dojo.removeClass(this.handle, "over"); } }, _getVolumeDim: function(){ // summary: // Gets dimensions of slider background node. // Only uses dojo.coords once, unless the page // or player is resized. // if(this._domCoords){ return this._domCoords; } this._domCoords = dojo.coords(this.domNode); return this._domCoords; }, _getHandleDim: function(){ // summary: // Gets dimensions of slider handle. // Only uses dojo.marginBox once. if(this._handleCoords){ return this._handleCoords; } this._handleCoords = dojo.marginBox(this.handle); return this._handleCoords; }, onResize: function(/*Object*/playerDimensions){ // summary: // Fired on player resize. Zeros dimensions // so that it can be calculated again. // this.onHideVolume(); this._domCoords = null; } });