dojo.provide(""); dojo.experimental(""); //Conversion from "Hindi" numerals to Hebrew numerals and vice versa (function(){ var _DIG=["א","ב","ג","ד","ה","ו","ז","ח","ט"]; var _TEN=["י","כ","ל","מ","נ","ס","ע","פ","צ"]; var _HUN=["ק","ר","ש","ת"]; var _REP=["יה","יו", "טו", "טז"]; var _MONTHS =["א'","ב'","ג'","ד'","ה'","ו'","ז'","ח'","ט'","י'","י\"א","י\"ב","י\"ג"]; var _GERESH=["'"]; = function(/*Number */ year){ // summary: This function return year written in Hebrew numbers-letters, // // example: // | var date1 = new; // | // | document.writeln(; var str = "", str2 = ""; year = year%1000; var i=0, n=4,j=9; while(year){ if(year >= n*100){ str=str.concat(_HUN[n-1]); year -= n*100; continue; }else if(n > 1){ n--; continue; }else if(year >= j*10){ str=str.concat(_TEN[j-1]); year -= j*10; }else if (j >1){ j--; continue; }else if(year > 0){ str=str.concat(_DIG[year-1]); year=0; } } var str1 = ""; var ind = str.indexOf(_REP[0]); if(ind > -1){ str = str1.concat(str.substr(str[0], ind), _REP[2], str.substr(str[ind+2], str.length-ind-2)); }else if( ( ind=str.indexOf(_REP[1]) ) > -1){ str = str1.concat(str.substr(str[0], ind), _REP[3], str.substr(str[ind+2], str.length-ind-2)); } if(str.length > 1){ var last = str.charAt(str.length - 1); str = str2.concat(str.substr(0, str.length-1), '"', last); }else{ str = str.concat(_GERESH[0]); } return str; }; = function(/*String hebrew year*/ year){ // summary: This function return year in format number from the year written in Hebrew numbers-letters // // example: // | var date = new; // | date.setYear('תשס"ח')); // | var nYear = 0, i=0, j=0; for(j=0; j < year.length; j++){ for(i=1; i <= 5; i++){ if(year.charAt(j) == _HUN[i-1]){ nYear += 100*i; continue; } } for(i=1; i <= 9; i++){ if(year.charAt(j) == _TEN[i-1]){ nYear += 10*i; continue; } } for(i=1; i <= 9; i++){ if(year.charAt(j) == _DIG[i-1]){ nYear += i; } } } return nYear+5000; }; = function(day, /*bool ?*/ nogrsh){ // summary: This function return date written in Hebrew numbers-letter, can be in format א or א' (with geresh) // // example: // | var date1 = new; // | // | document.writeln(; var str = ""; var j=3; while(day){ if(day >= j*10){ str=str.concat(_TEN[j-1]); day -= j*10; }else if (j >1){ j--; continue; }else if(day > 0){ str=str.concat(_DIG[day-1]); day=0; } } var str1 = ""; var ind = str.indexOf(_REP[0]); if(ind > -1){ str = str1.concat(str.substr(str[0], ind), _REP[2], str.substr(str[ind+2], str.length-ind-2)); }else if( ( ind=str.indexOf(_REP[1]) ) > -1){ str = str1.concat(str.substr(str[0], ind), _REP[3], str.substr(str[ind+2], str.length-ind-2)); } if(!nogrsh){ var str2 = ""; if(str.length > 1){ var last = str.charAt(str.length - 1); str = str2.concat(str.substr(0, str.length-1), '"', last); }else{ str = str.concat(_GERESH[0]); } } return str; }; = function(/*String hebrew*/ day){ // summary: This function return date in format number from the date written in Hebrew numbers-letter // // example: // | var date1 = new; // | // | date1.setDate('א')); var nDay = 0, i=0; for (var j=0; j < day.length; j++){ for(i=1; i <= 9; i++){ if(day.charAt(j) == _TEN[i-1]) { nDay += 10*i; continue; } } for(i=1; i <= 9; i++){ if(day.charAt(j) == _DIG[i-1]) nDay += i; } } //if (nDay > this.getDaysInHebrewMonth(_month, this._year)){ // nDay = this.getDaysInHebrewMonth(this._month, this._year); //} return nDay; }; = function(monthNum, /* bool hebrew numbers ?*/ isNum, /*Number ?*/ year){ // summary: This function return month written in Hebrew numerals // // example: // | var date1 = new; // | // | document.writeln(; return _MONTHS[monthNum]; }; = function(monthStr){ // summary: This function return month in format number from the month written in Hebrew word or numbers-letters // the return number is index in month name array, to use it for setMont, do correction for leap year // example: // | var date = new; // | var number ="תמוז"); // | if ( !date.isLeapYear(date.getFullYear()) && number >5) {number--;} // | date.setMonth(number); // | //month number from 0 to 12 var monnum = - 1; if(monnum == -1){ console.warn("The month name is incorrect , set 0"); // TODO: perhaps throw instead? monnum = 0; } return monnum; }; })();