dojo.provide("dojox.form.BusyButton"); dojo.require("dijit.form.Button"); dojo.requireLocalization("dijit", "loading"); dojo.declare("dojox.form._BusyButtonMixin", null, { isBusy: false, busyLabel: "", // text while button is busy timeout: null, // timeout, should be controlled by xhr call useIcon: true, // use a busy icon postMixInProperties: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); if(!this.busyLabel){ this.busyLabel = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dijit", "loading", this.lang).loadingState; } }, postCreate: function(){ // summary: // stores initial label and timeout for reference this._label = this.containerNode.innerHTML; this._initTimeout = this.timeout; // for initial busy buttons if(this.isBusy){ this.makeBusy(); } }, makeBusy: function(){ // summary: // sets state from idle to busy this.isBusy = true; this.attr("disabled", true); this.setLabel(this.busyLabel, this.timeout); }, cancel: function(){ // summary: // if no timeout is set or for other reason the user can put the button back // to being idle this.attr("disabled", false); this.isBusy = false; this.setLabel(this._label); if(this._timeout){ clearTimeout(this._timeout); } this.timeout = this._initTimeout; }, resetTimeout: function(/*Int*/ timeout){ // summary: // to reset existing timeout and setting a new timeout if(this._timeout){ clearTimeout(this._timeout); } // new timeout if(timeout){ this._timeout = setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){ this.cancel(); }), timeout); }else if(timeout == undefined || timeout === 0){ this.cancel(); } }, setLabel: function(/*String*/ content, /*Int*/ timeout){ // summary: // setting a label and optional timeout of the labels state // this.inherited(arguments); FIXME: throws an Unknown runtime error // Begin IE hack // summary: reset the label (text) of the button; takes an HTML string this.label = content; // remove children while (this.containerNode.firstChild){ this.containerNode.removeChild(this.containerNode.firstChild); } this.containerNode.innerHTML = this.label; this._layoutHack(); if(this.showLabel == false && !(dojo.attr(this.domNode, "title"))){ this.titleNode.title=dojo.trim(this.containerNode.innerText || this.containerNode.textContent || ''); } // End IE hack // setting timeout if(timeout){ this.resetTimeout(timeout); }else{ this.timeout = null; } // create optional busy image if(this.useIcon && this.isBusy){ var node = new Image(); node.src = this._blankGif; dojo.attr(node, "id","_icon"); dojo.addClass(node, "dojoxBusyButtonIcon"); this.containerNode.appendChild(node); } }, _clicked: function(e){ // summary: // on button click the button state gets changed // only do something if button is not busy if(!this.isBusy){ this.makeBusy(); } } }); dojo.declare("dojox.form.BusyButton", [dijit.form.Button, dojox.form._BusyButtonMixin], {}); dojo.declare("dojox.form.BusyComboButton", [dijit.form.ComboButton, dojox.form._BusyButtonMixin], {}); dojo.declare("dojox.form.BusyDropDownButton", [dijit.form.DropDownButton, dojox.form._BusyButtonMixin], {});