dojo.provide("dojox.fx._base"); // summary: Experimental and extended Animations beyond Dojo Core / Base functionality. // Provides advanced Lines, Animations, and convenience aliases. dojo.require("dojo.fx"); dojo.mixin(dojox.fx, { // anim: Function // Alias of dojo.anim - the shorthand dojo.animateProperty with auto-play anim: dojo.anim, // animateProperty: Function // Alias of dojo.animateProperty - animate any CSS property animateProperty: dojo.animateProperty, // fadeTo: Function // Fade an element from an opacity to an opacity. // Omit start: property to detect. End: property required fadeTo: dojo._fade, // fadeIn: Function // Alias of dojo.fadeIn - Fade a node in. fadeIn: dojo.fadeIn, // fadeOut: Function // Alias of dojo.fadeOut - Fades a node out. fadeOut: dojo.fadeOut, // combine: Function // Alias of dojo.fx.combine - Run animations in parallel combine: dojo.fx.combine, // chain: Function // Alias of dojo.fx.chain - Run animations in sequence chain: dojo.fx.chain, // slideTo: Function // Alias of dojo.fx.slideTo - Slide a node to a defined top/left coordinate slideTo: dojo.fx.slideTo, // wipeIn: Function // Alias of dojo.fx.wipeIn - Wipe a node to visible wipeIn: dojo.fx.wipeIn, // wipeOut: Function // Alias of dojo.fx.wipeOut - Wipe a node to non-visible wipeOut: dojo.fx.wipeOut }); dojox.fx.sizeTo = function(/* Object */args){ // summary: Creates an animation that will size a node // description: // Returns an animation that will size the target node // defined in args Object about it's center to // a width and height defined by (args.width, args.height), // supporting an optional method: chain||combine mixin // (defaults to chain). // // - works best on absolutely or relatively positioned elements // // example: // | // size #myNode to 400px x 200px over 1 second // | dojo.fx.sizeTo({ // | node:'myNode', // | duration: 1000, // | width: 400, // | height: 200, // | method: "combine" // | }).play(); // var node = args.node = dojo.byId(args.node); var method = args.method || "chain"; if(!args.duration){ args.duration = 500; } // default duration needed if(method == "chain"){ args.duration = Math.floor(args.duration / 2); } var top, newTop, left, newLeft, width, height = null; var init = (function(n){ return function(){ var cs = dojo.getComputedStyle(n); var pos = cs.position; top = (pos == 'absolute' ? n.offsetTop : parseInt( || 0); left = (pos == 'absolute' ? n.offsetLeft : parseInt(cs.left) || 0); width = parseInt(cs.width); height = parseInt(cs.height); newLeft = left - Math.floor((args.width - width) / 2); newTop = top - Math.floor((args.height - height) / 2); if(pos != 'absolute' && pos != 'relative'){ var ret = dojo.coords(n, true); top = ret.y; left = ret.x; = "absolute"; = top + "px"; = left + "px"; } } })(node); init(); var anim1 = dojo.animateProperty(dojo.mixin({ properties: { height: { start: height, end: args.height || 0, unit:"px" }, top: { start: top, end: newTop } } }, args)); var anim2 = dojo.animateProperty(dojo.mixin({ properties: { width: { start: width, end: args.width || 0, unit:"px" }, left: { start: left, end: newLeft } } }, args)); var anim = dojo.fx[(args.method == "combine" ? "combine" : "chain")]([anim1, anim2]); dojo.connect(anim, "beforeBegin", anim, init); return anim; // dojo._Animation }; dojox.fx.slideBy = function(/* Object */args){ // summary: Returns an animation to slide a node by a defined offset. // // description: // Returns an animation that will slide a node (args.node) from it's // current position to it's current posision plus the numbers defined // in and args.left. standard dojo.fx mixin's apply. // // example: // | // slide domNode 50px down, and 22px left // | dojox.fx.slideBy({ // | node: domNode, duration:400, // | top: 50, left: -22 // | }).play(); var node = args.node = dojo.byId(args.node); var top = null; var left = null; var init = (function(n){ return function(){ var cs = dojo.getComputedStyle(n); var pos = cs.position; top = (pos == 'absolute' ? n.offsetTop : parseInt( || 0); left = (pos == 'absolute' ? n.offsetLeft : parseInt(cs.left) || 0); if(pos != 'absolute' && pos != 'relative'){ var ret = dojo.coords(n, true); top = ret.y; left = ret.x; = "absolute"; = top + "px"; = left + "px"; } } })(node); init(); var _anim = dojo.animateProperty(dojo.mixin({ properties: { // FIXME: is there a way to update the _Line after creation? // null start values allow chaining to work, animateProperty will // determine them for us (except in ie6? -- ugh) top: top + ( || 0), left: left + (args.left || 0) } }, args)); dojo.connect(_anim, "beforeBegin", _anim, init); return _anim; // dojo._Animation }; dojox.fx.crossFade = function(/* Object */args){ // summary: Returns an animation cross fading two element simultaneously // // args: // args.nodes: Array - two element array of domNodes, or id's // // all other standard animation args mixins apply. args.node ignored. // if(dojo.isArray(args.nodes)){ // simple check for which node is visible, maybe too simple? var node1 = args.nodes[0] = dojo.byId(args.nodes[0]); var op1 =,"opacity"); var node2 = args.nodes[1] = dojo.byId(args.nodes[1]); var op2 =, "opacity"); var _anim = dojo.fx.combine([ dojo[(op1 == 0 ? "fadeIn" : "fadeOut")](dojo.mixin({ node: node1 },args)), dojo[(op1 == 0 ? "fadeOut" : "fadeIn")](dojo.mixin({ node: node2 },args)) ]); return _anim; // dojo._Animation }else{ // improper syntax in args, needs Array return false; // Boolean } }; dojox.fx.highlight = function(/*Object*/ args){ // summary: Highlight a node // description: // Returns an animation that sets the node background to args.color // then gradually fades back the original node background color // // example: // dojox.fx.highlight({ node:"foo" }).play(); var node = args.node = dojo.byId(args.node); args.duration = args.duration || 400; // Assign default color light yellow var startColor = args.color || '#ffff99'; var endColor =, "backgroundColor"); var wasTransparent = (endColor == "transparent" || endColor == "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)") ? endColor : false; var anim = dojo.animateProperty(dojo.mixin({ properties: { backgroundColor: { start: startColor, end: endColor } } }, args)); if(wasTransparent){ dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", anim, function(){ = wasTransparent; }); } return anim; // dojo._Animation }; dojox.fx.wipeTo = function(/*Object*/ args){ // summary: Animate a node wiping to a specific width or height // // description: // Returns an animation that will expand the // node defined in 'args' object from it's current to // the height or width value given by the args object. // // default to height:, so leave height null and specify width: // to wipeTo a width. note: this may be deprecated by a // // Note that the final value should not include // units and should be an integer. Thus a valid args object // would look something like this: // // dojox.fx.wipeTo({ node: "nodeId", height: 200 }).play(); // // Node must have no margin/border/padding, so put another // node inside your target node for additional styling. args.node = dojo.byId(args.node); var node = args.node, s =; var dir = (args.width ? "width" : "height"); var endVal = args[dir]; var props = {}; props[dir] = { // wrapped in functions so we wait till the last second to query (in case value has changed) start: function(){ // start at current [computed] height, but use 1px rather than 0 // because 0 causes IE to display the whole panel s.overflow = "hidden"; if(s.visibility == "hidden" || s.display == "none"){ s[dir] = "1px"; s.display = ""; s.visibility = ""; return 1; }else{ var now =,dir); return Math.max(now, 1); } }, end: endVal, unit: "px" }; var anim = dojo.animateProperty(dojo.mixin({ properties: props }, args)); return anim; // dojo._Animation };