dojo.provide("dojox.image.LightboxNano"); dojo.require("dojo.fx"); (function(d){ var getViewport = function(){ // summary: Returns the dimensions and scroll position of the viewable area of a browser window var scrollRoot = (d.doc.compatMode == "BackCompat") ? d.body() : d.doc.documentElement, scroll = dojo._docScroll(); return { w: scrollRoot.clientWidth, h: scrollRoot.clientHeight, l: scroll.x, t: scroll.y }; }, abs = "absolute"; d.declare("dojox.image.LightboxNano", null, { // summary: // A simple "nano" version of the lightbox. // // description: // Very lightweight lightbox which only displays a larger image. There is // no support for a caption or description. The lightbox can be closed by // clicking any where or pressing any key. This widget is intended to be // used on and tags. Upon creation, if the domNode is tag, // then it is wrapped in an tag, then a
is placed // inside the and can be styled to display an icon that the original // can be enlarged. // // example: // | // // example: // | // href: string // URL to the large image to show in the lightbox. href: "", // duration: int // The delay in milliseconds of the LightboxNano open and close animation. duration: 500, // preloadDelay: int // The delay in milliseconds after the LightboxNano is created before preloading the larger image. preloadDelay: 5000, constructor: function(p, n){ // summary: Initializes the DOM node and connect onload event var _this = this; d.mixin(_this, p); n = dojo.byId(n); if(!/a/i.test(n.tagName)){ var a = d.create("a", { href: _this.href, "class": n.className }, n, "after"); n.className = ""; a.appendChild(n); n = a; }, { display: "block", position: "relative" }); _this._createDiv("dojoxEnlarge", n); _this._node = n; d.setSelectable(n, false); _this._onClickEvt = d.connect(n, "onclick", _this, "_load"); setTimeout(function(){ (new Image()).src = _this.href; _this._hideLoading(); }, _this.preloadDelay); }, destroy: function(){ // summary: Destroys the LightboxNano and it's DOM node var a = this._connects || []; a.push(this._onClickEvt); d.forEach(a, d.disconnect); d.destroy(this._node); }, _createDiv: function(/*String*/cssClass, /*DomNode*/refNode, /*boolean*/display){ // summary: Creates a div for the enlarge icon and loading indicator layers return d.create("div", { "class": cssClass, style: { position: abs, display: display ? "" : "none" } }, refNode); // DomNode }, _load: function(/*Event*/e){ // summary: Creates the large image and begins to show it var _this = this; d.stopEvent(e); if(!_this._loading){ _this._loading = true; _this._reset(); var n = d.query("img", _this._node)[0], a = d._abs(n, true), c = d.contentBox(n), b = d._getBorderExtents(n), i = _this._img = d.create("img", { style: { visibility: "hidden", cursor: "pointer", position: abs, top: 0, left: 0, zIndex: 9999999 } }, d.body()), ln = _this._loadingNode; if(ln == null){ _this._loadingNode = ln = _this._createDiv("dojoxLoading", _this._node, true) var l = d.marginBox(ln);, { left: parseInt((c.w - l.w) / 2) + "px", top: parseInt((c.h - l.h) / 2) + "px" }); } c.x = a.x - 10 + b.l; c.y = a.y - 10 + b.t; _this._start = c; _this._connects = [d.connect(i, "onload", _this, "_show")]; i.src = _this.href; } }, _hideLoading: function(){ // summary: Hides the animated loading indicator if(this._loadingNode){, "display", "none"); } this._loadingNode = false; }, _show: function(){ // summary: The image is now loaded, calculate size and display var _this = this, vp = getViewport(), w = _this._img.width, h = _this._img.height, vpw = parseInt((vp.w - 20) * 0.9), vph = parseInt((vp.h - 20) * 0.9), dd = d.doc, bg = _this._bg = d.create("div", { style: { backgroundColor: "#000", opacity: 0.0, position: abs, zIndex: 9999998 } }, d.body()), ln = _this._loadingNode; if(_this._loadingNode){ _this._hideLoading(); }, { border: "10px solid #fff", visibility: "visible" });, "visibility", "hidden"); _this._loading = false; _this._connects = _this._connects.concat([ d.connect(dd, "onmousedown", _this, "_hide"), d.connect(dd, "onkeypress", _this, "_key"), d.connect(window, "onresize", _this, "_sizeBg") ]); if(w > vpw){ h = h * vpw / w; w = vpw; } if(h > vph){ w = w * vph / h; h = vph; } _this._end = { x: (vp.w - 20 - w) / 2 + vp.l, y: (vp.h - 20 - h) / 2 + vp.t, w: w, h: h }; _this._sizeBg(); d.fx.combine([ _this._anim(_this._img, _this._coords(_this._start, _this._end)), _this._anim(bg, { opacity: 0.5 }) ]).play(); }, _sizeBg: function(){ // summary: Resize the background to fill the page var dd = d.doc.documentElement;, { top: 0, left: 0, width: dd.scrollWidth + "px", height: dd.scrollHeight + "px" }); }, _key: function(/*Event*/e){ // summary: A key was pressed, so hide the lightbox d.stopEvent(e); this._hide(); }, _coords: function(/*Object*/s, /*Object*/e){ // summary: Returns animation parameters with the start and end coords return { left: { start: s.x, end: e.x }, top: { start: s.y, end: e.y }, width: { start: s.w, end: e.w }, height: { start: s.h, end: e.h } }; // object }, _hide: function(){ // summary: Closes the lightbox var _this = this; d.forEach(_this._connects, d.disconnect); _this._connects = []; d.fx.combine([ _this._anim(_this._img, _this._coords(_this._end, _this._start), "_reset"), _this._anim(_this._bg, {opacity:0}) ]).play(); }, _reset: function(){ // summary: Destroys the lightbox, "visibility", "visible"); d.forEach([this._img, this._bg], function(n){ d.destroy(n); n = null; }); this._node.focus(); }, _anim: function(node, args, onEnd){ // summary: Creates the lightbox open/close and background fadein/out animations return d.animateProperty({ node: node, duration: this.duration, properties: args, onEnd: onEnd ? d.hitch(this, onEnd) : null }); // object } }); })(dojo);