dojo.provide("dojox.lang.oo.general"); dojo.require("dojox.lang.oo.Decorator"); (function(){ var oo = dojox.lang.oo, md = oo.makeDecorator, oog = oo.general; // generally useful decorators oog.augment = md(function(name, newValue, oldValue){ // summary: add property, if it was not defined before return typeof oldValue == "undefined" ? newValue : oldValue; }); oog.override = md(function(name, newValue, oldValue){ // summary: override property only if it was already present return typeof oldValue != "undefined" ? newValue : oldValue; }); oog.shuffle = md(function(name, newValue, oldValue){ // summary: replaces arguments for an old method return dojo.isFunction(oldValue) ? function(){ return oldValue.apply(this, newValue.apply(this, arguments)); } : oldValue; }); oog.wrap = md(function(name, newValue, oldValue){ // summary: wraps the old values with a supplied function return function(){ return, oldValue, arguments); }; }); oog.tap = md(function(name, newValue, oldValue){ // summary: always returns "this" ignoring the actual return return function(){ newValue.apply(this, arguments); return this; }; }); oog.before = md(function(name, newValue, oldValue){ // summary: // creates a chain of calls where the new method is called // before the old method return dojo.isFunction(oldValue) ? function(){ newValue.apply(this, arguments); return oldValue.apply(this, arguments); } : newValue; }); oog.after = md(function(name, newValue, oldValue){ // summary: // creates a chain of calls where the new method is called // after the old method return dojo.isFunction(oldValue) ? function(){ oldValue.apply(this, arguments); return newValue.apply(this, arguments); } : newValue; }); })();