dojo.provide("dojox.layout.ExpandoPane"); dojo.experimental("dojox.layout.ExpandoPane"); // just to show it can be done? dojo.require("dijit.layout.ContentPane"); dojo.require("dijit._Templated"); dojo.require("dijit._Container"); dojo.declare("dojox.layout.ExpandoPane", [dijit.layout.ContentPane, dijit._Templated, dijit._Contained], { // summary: An experimental collapsing-pane for dijit.layout.BorderContainer // // description: // Works just like a ContentPane inside of a borderContainer. Will expand/collapse on // command, and supports having Layout Children as direct descendants // maxHeight: "", maxWidth: "", splitter: "", templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.layout","resources/ExpandoPane.html"), // easeOut: String|Function // easing function used to hide pane easeOut: "dojo._DefaultEasing", // easeIn: String|Function // easing function use to show pane easeIn: "dojo._DefaultEasing", // duration: Integer // duration to run show/hide animations duration: 420, // startExpanded: Boolean // Does this widget start in an open (true) or closed (false) state startExpanded: true, baseClass: "dijitExpandoPane", postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this._animConnects = []; this._isHorizontal = true; if(dojo.isString(this.easeOut)){ this.easeOut = dojo.getObject(this.easeOut); } if(dojo.isString(this.easeIn)){ this.easeIn = dojo.getObject(this.easeIn); } var thisClass = "", rtl = !this.isLeftToRight(); if(this.region){ switch(this.region){ case "trailing" : case "right" : thisClass = rtl ? "Left" : "Right"; break; case "leading" : case "left" : thisClass = rtl ? "Right" : "Left"; break; case "top" : thisClass = "Top"; break; case "bottom" : thisClass = "Bottom"; break; } dojo.addClass(this.domNode, "dojoxExpando" + thisClass); this._isHorizontal = /top|bottom/.test(this.region); }, { overflow: "hidden", padding:0 }); }, _startupSizes: function(){ this._container = this.getParent(); this._closedSize = this._titleHeight = dojo.marginBox(this.titleWrapper).h; if(this.splitter){ // find our splitter and tie into it's drag logic var myid =; dijit.registry.filter(function(w){ return w && w.child && == myid; }).forEach(dojo.hitch(this,function(w){ this.connect(w,"_stopDrag","_afterResize"); })); } this._currentSize = dojo.contentBox(this.domNode); // TODO: can compute this from passed in value to resize(), see _LayoutWidget for example this._showSize = this._currentSize[(this._isHorizontal ? "h" : "w")]; this._setupAnims(); if(this.startExpanded){ this._showing = true; }else{ this._showing = false; this._hideWrapper(); this._hideAnim.gotoPercent(99,true); } this._hasSizes = true; }, _afterResize: function(e){ var tmp = this._currentSize; // the old size this._currentSize = dojo.marginBox(this.domNode); // the new size var n = this._currentSize[(this._isHorizontal ? "h" : "w")] if(n > this._titleHeight){ if(!this._showing){ this._showing = !this._showing; this._showEnd(); } this._showSize = n; this._setupAnims(); }else{ this._showSize = tmp[(this._isHorizontal ? "h" : "w")]; this._showing = false; this._hideWrapper(); this._hideAnim.gotoPercent(89,true); } }, _setupAnims: function(){ // summary: Create the show and hide animations dojo.forEach(this._animConnects, dojo.disconnect); var _common = { node:this.domNode, duration:this.duration }, isHorizontal = this._isHorizontal, showProps = {}, hideProps = {}, dimension = isHorizontal ? "height" : "width" ; showProps[dimension] = { end: this._showSize, unit:"px" }; hideProps[dimension] = { end: this._closedSize, unit:"px" }; this._showAnim = dojo.animateProperty(dojo.mixin(_common,{ easing:this.easeIn, properties: showProps })); this._hideAnim = dojo.animateProperty(dojo.mixin(_common,{ easing:this.easeOut, properties: hideProps })); this._animConnects = [ dojo.connect(this._showAnim, "onEnd", this, "_showEnd"), dojo.connect(this._hideAnim, "onEnd", this, "_hideEnd") ]; }, toggle: function(){ // summary: Toggle this pane's visibility if(this._showing){ this._hideWrapper(); this._showAnim && this._showAnim.stop();; }else{ this._hideAnim && this._hideAnim.stop();; } this._showing = !this._showing; }, _hideWrapper: function(){ // summary: Set the Expando state to "closed" dojo.addClass(this.domNode, "dojoxExpandoClosed");,{ visibility: "hidden", opacity: "0", overflow: "hidden" }); }, _showEnd: function(){ // summary: Common animation onEnd code - "unclose", { opacity: 0, visibility:"visible" }); dojo.fadeIn({ node:this.cwrapper, duration:227 }).play(1); dojo.removeClass(this.domNode, "dojoxExpandoClosed"); setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this._container, "layout"), 15); }, _hideEnd: function(){ // summary: Callback for the hide animation - "close" setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this._container, "layout"), 15); }, resize: function(/* Object? */psize){ // summary: we aren't a layout widget, but need to act like one: // // psize: Object // The size object optionally passed to us by our parent. if(!this._hasSizes){ this._startupSizes(psize); } // compute size of container (ie, size left over after title bar) // it looks like two marginBox calls, but sometimes psize comes in with only one member var size = (psize && psize.h) ? psize : dojo.marginBox(this.domNode); this._contentBox = { w: size.w || dojo.marginBox(this.domNode).w, h: size.h - this._titleHeight };, "height", this._contentBox.h + "px"); this._layoutChildren(); }, _trap: function(e){ // summary: Trap stray events dojo.stopEvent(e); } });