dojo.provide("dojox.layout.ScrollPane"); dojo.experimental("dojox.layout.ScrollPane"); dojo.require("dijit.layout.ContentPane"); dojo.require("dijit._Templated"); dojo.declare("dojox.layout.ScrollPane", [dijit.layout.ContentPane, dijit._Templated], { // summary: A pane that "scrolls" its content based on the mouse poisition inside // // description: // A sizable container that takes it's content's natural size and creates // a scroll effect based on the relative mouse position. It is an interesting // way to display lists of data, or blocks of content, within a confined // space. // // Horizontal scrolling is supported. Combination scrolling is not. // // FIXME: need to adust the _line somehow, it stops scrolling // // example: // |
// | // |
// // _line: dojo._Line // storage for our top and bottom most scrollpoints _line: null, // _lo: the height of the visible pane _lo: null, _offset: 15, // orientation: String // either "horizontal" or "vertical" for scroll orientation. orientation: "vertical", // alwaysShow: Boolean // whether the scroll helper should hide when mouseleave autoHide: true, templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.layout","resources/ScrollPane.html"), resize: function(size){ // summary: calculates required sizes. Call this if you add/remove content manually, or reload the content. // if size is passed, it means we need to take care of sizing ourself (this is for IE<8) if(size){ if(size.h){,'height',size.h+'px'); } if(size.w){,'width',size.w+'px'); } } var dir = this._dir, vert = this._vertical, val = this.containerNode[(vert ? "scrollHeight" : "scrollWidth")];, this._dir,[this._dir]); this._lo = dojo.coords(this.wrapper, true); this._size = Math.max(0, val - this._lo[(vert ? "h" : "w")]); if(!this._size){"none"; //make sure we reset scroll position, otherwise the content may be hidden this.wrapper[this._scroll]=0; return; }else{""; } this._line = new dojo._Line(0 - this._offset, this._size + (this._offset * 2)); // share a relative position w the scroll offset via a line var u = this._lo[(vert ? "h" : "w")], r = Math.min(1, u / val), // ratio s = u * r, // size c = Math.floor(u - (u * r)); // center this._helpLine = new dojo._Line(0, c); // size the helper, dir, Math.floor(s) + "px"); }, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); // for the helper if(this.autoHide){ this._showAnim = dojo._fade({ node:this.helper, end:0.5, duration:350 }); this._hideAnim = dojo.fadeOut({ node:this.helper, duration: 750 }); } // orientation helper this._vertical = (this.orientation == "vertical"); if(!this._vertical){ dojo.addClass(this.containerNode,"dijitInline"); this._dir = "width"; this._edge = "left"; this._scroll = "scrollLeft"; }else{ this._dir = "height"; this._edge = "top"; this._scroll = "scrollTop"; } if(this._hideAnim){; },"overflow","hidden"); }, _set: function(/* Float */n){ if(!this._size){ return; } // summary: set the pane's scroll offset, and position the virtual scroll helper this.wrapper[this._scroll] = Math.floor(this._line.getValue(n));, this._edge, Math.floor(this._helpLine.getValue(n)) + "px"); }, _calc: function(/* Event */e){ // summary: calculate the relative offset of the cursor over the node, and call _set if(!this._lo){ this.resize(); } this._set(this._vertical ? ((e.pageY - this._lo.y) / this._lo.h) : ((e.pageX - this._lo.x) / this._lo.w) ); }, _enter: function(e){ if(this._hideAnim){ if(this._hideAnim.status() == "playing"){ this._hideAnim.stop(); }; } }, _leave: function(e){ if(this._hideAnim){; } } });