dojo.provide(""); dojo.declare("", null, { // summary: A singleton for working with // description: // exposes the current available storage provider on this // platform. It gives you methods such as, //, etc. // // For more details on, see the primary documentation // page at // // // Note for storage provider developers who are creating subclasses- // This is the base class for all storage providers Specific kinds of // Storage Providers should subclass this and implement these methods. // You should avoid initialization in storage provider subclass's // constructor; instead, perform initialization in your initialize() // method. constructor: function(){ }, // SUCCESS: String // Flag that indicates a put() call to a // storage provider was succesful. SUCCESS: "success", // FAILED: String // Flag that indicates a put() call to // a storage provider failed. FAILED: "failed", // PENDING: String // Flag that indicates a put() call to a // storage provider is pending user approval. PENDING: "pending", // SIZE_NOT_AVAILABLE: String // Returned by getMaximumSize() if this storage provider can not determine // the maximum amount of data it can support. SIZE_NOT_AVAILABLE: "Size not available", // SIZE_NO_LIMIT: String // Returned by getMaximumSize() if this storage provider has no theoretical // limit on the amount of data it can store. SIZE_NO_LIMIT: "No size limit", // DEFAULT_NAMESPACE: String // The namespace for all storage operations. This is useful if several // applications want access to the storage system from the same domain but // want different storage silos. DEFAULT_NAMESPACE: "default", // onHideSettingsUI: Function // If a function is assigned to this property, then when the settings // provider's UI is closed this function is called. Useful, for example, // if the user has just cleared out all storage for this provider using // the settings UI, and you want to update your UI. onHideSettingsUI: null, initialize: function(){ // summary: // Allows this storage provider to initialize itself. This is // called after the page has finished loading, so you can not do // document.writes(). Storage Provider subclasses should initialize // themselves inside of here rather than in their function // constructor. console.warn(" not implemented"); }, isAvailable: function(){ /*Boolean*/ // summary: // Returns whether this storage provider is available on this // platform. console.warn(" not implemented"); }, put: function( /*string*/ key, /*object*/ value, /*function*/ resultsHandler, /*string?*/ namespace){ // summary: // Puts a key and value into this storage system. // description: // Example- // var resultsHandler = function(status, key, message, namespace){ // alert("status="+status+", key="+key+", message="+message); // }; //"test", "hello world", resultsHandler); // // Arguments: // // status - The status of the put operation, given by //,, or // // key - The key that was used for the put // message - An optional message if there was an error or things failed. // namespace - The namespace of the key. This comes at the end since // it was added later. // // Important note: if you are using Dojo Storage in conjunction with // Dojo Offline, then you don't need to provide // a resultsHandler; this is because for Dojo Offline we // use Google Gears to persist data, which has unlimited data // once the user has given permission. If you are using Dojo // Storage apart from Dojo Offline, then under the covers hidden // Flash might be used, which is both asychronous and which might // get denied; in this case you must provide a resultsHandler. // key: // A string key to use when retrieving this value in the future. // value: // A value to store; this can be any JavaScript type. // resultsHandler: // A callback function that will receive three arguments. The // first argument is one of three values:, //, or; these values // determine how the put request went. In some storage systems // users can deny a storage request, resulting in a //, while in other storage systems a storage // request must wait for user approval, resulting in a // status until the request is either // approved or denied, resulting in another call back with // // The second argument in the call back is the key name that was being stored. // The third argument in the call back is an optional message that // details possible error messages that might have occurred during // the storage process. // namespace: // Optional string namespace that this value will be placed into; // if left off, the value will be placed into console.warn(" not implemented"); }, get: function(/*string*/ key, /*string?*/ namespace){ /*Object*/ // summary: // Gets the value with the given key. Returns null if this key is // not in the storage system. // key: // A string key to get the value of. // namespace: // Optional string namespace that this value will be retrieved from; // if left off, the value will be retrieved from // return: Returns any JavaScript object type; null if the key is not present console.warn(" not implemented"); }, hasKey: function(/*string*/ key, /*string?*/ namespace){ // summary: Determines whether the storage has the given key. return !!this.get(key, namespace); // Boolean }, getKeys: function(/*string?*/ namespace){ /*Array*/ // summary: Enumerates all of the available keys in this storage system. // return: Array of available keys console.warn(" not implemented"); }, clear: function(/*string?*/ namespace){ // summary: // Completely clears this storage system of all of it's values and // keys. If 'namespace' is provided just clears the keys in that // namespace. console.warn(" not implemented"); }, remove: function(/*string*/ key, /*string?*/ namespace){ // summary: Removes the given key from this storage system. console.warn(" not implemented"); }, getNamespaces: function(){ /*string[]*/ console.warn(" not implemented"); }, isPermanent: function(){ /*Boolean*/ // summary: // Returns whether this storage provider's values are persisted // when this platform is shutdown. console.warn(" not implemented"); }, getMaximumSize: function(){ /* mixed */ // summary: The maximum storage allowed by this provider // returns: // Returns the maximum storage size // supported by this provider, in // thousands of bytes (i.e., if it // returns 60 then this means that 60K // of storage is supported). // // If this provider can not determine // it's maximum size, then // is // returned; if there is no theoretical // limit on the amount of storage // this provider can return, then // is // returned console.warn(" not implemented"); }, putMultiple: function( /*array*/ keys, /*array*/ values, /*function*/ resultsHandler, /*string?*/ namespace){ // summary: // Puts multiple keys and values into this storage system. // description: // Example- // var resultsHandler = function(status, key, message){ // alert("status="+status+", key="+key+", message="+message); // }; //["test"], ["hello world"], resultsHandler); // // Important note: if you are using Dojo Storage in conjunction with // Dojo Offline, then you don't need to provide // a resultsHandler; this is because for Dojo Offline we // use Google Gears to persist data, which has unlimited data // once the user has given permission. If you are using Dojo // Storage apart from Dojo Offline, then under the covers hidden // Flash might be used, which is both asychronous and which might // get denied; in this case you must provide a resultsHandler. // keys: // An array of string keys to use when retrieving this value in the future, // one per value to be stored // values: // An array of values to store; this can be any JavaScript type, though the // performance of plain strings is considerably better // resultsHandler: // A callback function that will receive three arguments. The // first argument is one of three values:, //, or; these values // determine how the put request went. In some storage systems // users can deny a storage request, resulting in a //, while in other storage systems a storage // request must wait for user approval, resulting in a // status until the request is either // approved or denied, resulting in another call back with // // The second argument in the call back is the key name that was being stored. // The third argument in the call back is an optional message that // details possible error messages that might have occurred during // the storage process. // namespace: // Optional string namespace that this value will be placed into; // if left off, the value will be placed into for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){[i], values[i], resultsHandler, namespace); } }, getMultiple: function(/*array*/ keys, /*string?*/ namespace){ /*Object*/ // summary: // Gets the valuse corresponding to each of the given keys. // Returns a null array element for each given key that is // not in the storage system. // keys: // An array of string keys to get the value of. // namespace: // Optional string namespace that this value will be retrieved from; // if left off, the value will be retrieved from // return: Returns any JavaScript object type; null if the key is not present var results = []; for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){ results.push([i], namespace)); } return results; }, removeMultiple: function(/*array*/ keys, /*string?*/ namespace) { // summary: Removes the given keys from this storage system. for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){[i], namespace); } }, isValidKeyArray: function( keys) { if(keys === null || keys === undefined || !dojo.isArray(keys)){ return false; } // JAC: This could be optimized by running the key validity test // directly over a joined string return !dojo.some(keys, function(key){ return !this.isValidKey(key); }, this); // Boolean }, hasSettingsUI: function(){ /*Boolean*/ // summary: Determines whether this provider has a settings UI. return false; }, showSettingsUI: function(){ // summary: If this provider has a settings UI, determined // by calling hasSettingsUI(), it is shown. console.warn(" not implemented"); }, hideSettingsUI: function(){ // summary: If this provider has a settings UI, hides it. console.warn(" not implemented"); }, isValidKey: function(/*string*/ keyName){ /*Boolean*/ // summary: // Subclasses can call this to ensure that the key given is valid // in a consistent way across different storage providers. We use // the lowest common denominator for key values allowed: only // letters, numbers, and underscores are allowed. No spaces. if(keyName === null || keyName === undefined){ return false; } return /^[0-9A-Za-z_]*$/.test(keyName); }, getResourceList: function(){ /* Array[] */ // summary: // Returns a list of URLs that this // storage provider might depend on. // description: // This method returns a list of URLs that this // storage provider depends on to do its work. // This list is used by the Dojo Offline Toolkit // to cache these resources to ensure the machinery // used by this storage provider is available offline. // What is returned is an array of URLs. // Note that Dojo Offline uses Gears as its native // storage provider, and does not support using other // kinds of storage providers while offline anymore. return []; } });