dojo.provide("dojox.widget.FisheyeLite"); dojo.experimental("dojox.widget.FisheyeLite"); dojo.require("dijit._Widget"); dojo.require("dojo.fx.easing"); dojo.declare("dojox.widget.FisheyeLite", dijit._Widget, { // summary: A Light-weight Fisheye Component, or an exhanced version // of dojo.fx.Toggler ... // // description: // A Simple FisheyeList-like widget which (in the interest of // performance) relies on well-styled content for positioning, // and natural page layout for rendering. // // use position:absolute/relative nodes to prevent layout // changes, and use caution when seleting properties to // scale. Negative scaling works, but some properties // react poorly to being set to negative values, IE being // particularly annoying in that regard. // // quirk: uses the domNode as the target of the animation // unless it finds a node class="fisheyeTarget" in the container // being turned into a FisheyeLite instance // // example: // | // make all the LI's in a node Fisheye's: // | dojo.query("#node li").forEach(function(n){ // | new dojox.widget.FisheyeLite({},n); // | }); // // // example: // | new dojox.widget.FisheyeLite({ // | properties:{ // | // height is literal, width is multiplied // | height:{ end: 200 }, width:2.3 // | } // | }, "someNode"); // // duationIn: Integer // The time (in ms) the run the show animation durationIn: 350, // easeIn: Function // An easing function to use for the show animation easeIn: dojo.fx.easing.backOut, // durationOut: Integer // The Time (in ms) to run the hide animation durationOut: 1420, // easeOut: Function // An easing function to use for the hide animation easeOut: dojo.fx.easing.elasticOut, // properties: Object // An object of "property":scale pairs, or "property":{} pairs. // defaults to font-size with a scale of 2.75 // If a named property is an integer or float, the "scale multiplier" // is used. If the named property is an object, that object is mixed // into the animation directly. eg: height:{ end:20, unit:"em" } properties: null, // unit: String // Sometimes, you need to specify a unit. Should be part of // properties attrib, but was trying to shorthand the logic there unit:"px", constructor: function(props, node){ = || { fontSize: 2.75 } }, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this._target = dojo.query(".fisheyeTarget", this.domNode)[0] || this.domNode; this._makeAnims(); this.connect(this.domNode, "onmouseover", "show"); this.connect(this.domNode, "onmouseout", "hide"); this.connect(this._target, "onclick", "onClick"); }, show: function(){ // summary: // Show this Fisheye item. this._runningOut.stop();; }, hide: function(){ // summary: // Hide this fisheye item on mouse leave this._runningIn.stop();; }, _makeAnims: function(){ // summary: // Pre-generate the animations // create two properties: objects, one for each "state" var _in = {}, _out = {}, cs = dojo.getComputedStyle(this._target); for(var p in{ var prop =[p], deep = dojo.isObject(prop), v = parseInt(cs[p]) ; // note: do not set negative scale for [a list of properties] for IE support // note: filter:'s are your own issue, too ;) // FIXME: this.unit here is bad, likely. d._toPixelValue ? _out[p] = { end: v, unit:this.unit }; _in[p] = deep ? prop : { end: prop * v, unit:this.unit }; } this._runningIn = dojo.animateProperty({ node: this._target, easing: this.easeIn, duration: this.durationIn, properties: _in }); this._runningOut = dojo.animateProperty({ node: this._target, duration: this.durationOut, easing: this.easeOut, properties: _out }); this.connect(this._runningIn, "onEnd", dojo.hitch(this, "onSelected", this)); }, onClick: function(/* Event */e){ // summary: stub function fired when target is clicked // connect or override to use. }, onSelected: function(/* Object */e){ // summary: stub function fired when Fisheye Item is fully visible and // hovered. connect or override use. } });