markTestSkipped('Constants AccessKeyId and SecretKey have to be set.'); } $this->_amazon = new Zend_Service_Amazon( TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_AMAZON_ONLINE_ACCESSKEYID, 'US', TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_AMAZON_ONLINE_SECRETKEY ); $this->_query = new Zend_Service_Amazon_Query( TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_AMAZON_ONLINE_ACCESSKEYID, 'US', TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_AMAZON_ONLINE_SECRETKEY ); $this->_httpClientAdapterSocket = new Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket(); $this->_amazon->getRestClient() ->getHttpClient() ->setAdapter($this->_httpClientAdapterSocket); // terms of use compliance: no more than one query per second sleep(1); } /** * Ensures that itemSearch() works as expected when searching for PHP books * @group ItemSearchPhp * @return void */ public function testItemSearchBooksPhp() { $resultSet = $this->_amazon->itemSearch(array( 'SearchIndex' => 'Books', 'Keywords' => 'php', 'ResponseGroup' => 'Small,ItemAttributes,Images,SalesRank,Reviews,EditorialReview,Similarities,' . 'ListmaniaLists' )); $this->assertTrue(10 < $resultSet->totalResults()); $this->assertTrue(1 < $resultSet->totalPages()); $this->assertEquals(0, $resultSet->key()); try { $resultSet->seek(-1); $this->fail('Expected OutOfBoundsException not thrown'); } catch (OutOfBoundsException $e) { $this->assertContains('Illegal index', $e->getMessage()); } $resultSet->seek(9); try { $resultSet->seek(10); $this->fail('Expected OutOfBoundsException not thrown'); } catch (OutOfBoundsException $e) { $this->assertContains('Illegal index', $e->getMessage()); } foreach ($resultSet as $item) { $this->assertTrue($item instanceof Zend_Service_Amazon_Item); } $this->assertTrue(simplexml_load_string($item->asXml()) instanceof SimpleXMLElement); } /** * Ensures that itemSearch() works as expected when searching for music with keyword of Mozart * * @return void */ public function testItemSearchMusicMozart() { $resultSet = $this->_amazon->itemSearch(array( 'SearchIndex' => 'Music', 'Keywords' => 'Mozart', 'ResponseGroup' => 'Small,Tracks,Offers' )); foreach ($resultSet as $item) { $this->assertTrue($item instanceof Zend_Service_Amazon_Item); } } /** * Ensures that itemSearch() works as expected when searching for digital cameras * * @return void */ public function testItemSearchElectronicsDigitalCamera() { $resultSet = $this->_amazon->itemSearch(array( 'SearchIndex' => 'Electronics', 'Keywords' => 'digital camera', 'ResponseGroup' => 'Accessories' )); foreach ($resultSet as $item) { $this->assertTrue($item instanceof Zend_Service_Amazon_Item); } } /** * Ensures that itemSearch() works as expected when sorting * * @return void */ public function testItemSearchBooksPHPSort() { $resultSet = $this->_amazon->itemSearch(array( 'SearchIndex' => 'Books', 'Keywords' => 'php', 'Sort' => '-titlerank' )); foreach ($resultSet as $item) { $this->assertTrue($item instanceof Zend_Service_Amazon_Item); } } /** * Ensures that itemSearch() throws an exception when provided an invalid city * * @return void */ public function testItemSearchExceptionCityInvalid() { try { $this->_amazon->itemSearch(array( 'SearchIndex' => 'Restaurants', 'Keywords' => 'seafood', 'City' => 'Des Moines' )); $this->fail('Expected Zend_Service_Exception not thrown'); } catch (Zend_Service_Exception $e) { } } /** * Ensures that itemLookup() works as expected * * @return void */ public function testItemLookup() { $item = $this->_amazon->itemLookup('B0000A432X'); $this->assertTrue($item instanceof Zend_Service_Amazon_Item); } /** * Ensures that itemLookup() throws an exception when provided an invalid ASIN * * @return void */ public function testItemLookupExceptionAsinInvalid() { try { $this->_amazon->itemLookup('oops'); $this->fail('Expected Zend_Service_Exception not thrown'); } catch (Zend_Service_Exception $e) { $this->assertContains('not a valid value for ItemId', $e->getMessage()); } } /** * Ensures that itemLookup() works as expected when provided multiple ASINs * * @return void */ public function testItemLookupMultiple() { $resultSet = $this->_amazon->itemLookup('0596006810,1590593804'); $count = 0; foreach ($resultSet as $item) { $this->assertTrue($item instanceof Zend_Service_Amazon_Item); $count++; } $this->assertEquals(2, $count); } /** * Ensures that itemLookup() throws an exception when given a SearchIndex * * @return void */ public function testItemLookupExceptionSearchIndex() { try { $this->_amazon->itemLookup('oops', array('SearchIndex' => 'Books')); $this->fail('Expected Zend_Service_Exception not thrown'); } catch (Zend_Service_Exception $e) { $this->assertContains('restricted parameter combination', $e->getMessage()); } } /** * Ensures that the query API works as expected when searching for PHP books * * @return void */ public function testQueryBooksPhp() { $resultSet = $this->_query->category('Books')->Keywords('php')->search(); foreach ($resultSet as $item) { $this->assertTrue($item instanceof Zend_Service_Amazon_Item); } } /** * Ensures that the query API throws an exception when a category is not first provided * * @return void */ public function testQueryExceptionCategoryMissing() { try { $this->_query->Keywords('php'); $this->fail('Expected Zend_Service_Exception not thrown'); } catch (Zend_Service_Exception $e) { $this->assertContains('set a category', $e->getMessage()); } } /** * Ensures that the query API throws an exception when the category is invalid * * @return void */ public function testQueryExceptionCategoryInvalid() { try { $this->_query->category('oops')->search(); $this->fail('Expected Zend_Service_Exception not thrown'); } catch (Zend_Service_Exception $e) { $this->assertContains('SearchIndex is invalid', $e->getMessage()); } } /** * Ensures that the query API works as expected when searching by ASIN * * @return void */ public function testQueryAsin() { $item = $this->_query->asin('B0000A432X')->search(); $this->assertTrue($item instanceof Zend_Service_Amazon_Item); } } /** * @category Zend * @package Zend_Service_Amazon * @subpackage UnitTests * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Zend Technologies USA Inc. ( * @license New BSD License * @group Zend_Service * @group Zend_Service_Amazon */ class Zend_Service_Amazon_OnlineTest_Skip extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function setUp() { $this->markTestSkipped('Zend_Service_Amazon online tests not enabled with an access key ID in ' . 'TestConfiguration.php'); } public function testNothing() { } }