dojo.provide("dijit.MenuBar"); dojo.require("dijit.Menu"); dojo.declare("dijit.MenuBar", dijit._MenuBase, { // summary: // A menu bar, listing menu choices horizontally, like the "File" menu in most desktop applications templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dijit", "templates/MenuBar.html"), // _isMenuBar: [protected] Boolean // This is a MenuBar widget, not a (vertical) Menu widget. _isMenuBar: true, constructor: function(){ // summary: // Sets up local variables etc. // tags: // private // parameter to about where to put popup (relative to this.domNode) this._orient = this.isLeftToRight() ? {BL: 'TL'} : {BR: 'TR'}; }, postCreate: function(){ var k = dojo.keys, l = this.isLeftToRight(); this.connectKeyNavHandlers( l ? [k.LEFT_ARROW] : [k.RIGHT_ARROW], l ? [k.RIGHT_ARROW] : [k.LEFT_ARROW] ); }, focusChild: function(item){ // overload focusChild so that whenever the focus is moved to a new item, // check the previous focused whether it has its popup open, if so, after // focusing the new item, open its submenu immediately var from_item = this.focusedChild, showpopup = from_item && from_item.popup && from_item.popup.isShowingNow; this.inherited(arguments); if(showpopup && !item.disabled){ this._openPopup(); // TODO: on down arrow, _openPopup() is called here and in onItemClick() } }, _onKeyPress: function(/*Event*/ evt){ // summary: // Handle keyboard based menu navigation. // tags: // protected if(evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey){ return; } switch(evt.charOrCode){ case dojo.keys.DOWN_ARROW: this._moveToPopup(evt); dojo.stopEvent(evt); } } });