sqlite extension has to be enabled * TESTS_ZEND_CACHE_APC_ENABLED => apc extension has to be enabled * TESTS_ZEND_CACHE_MEMCACHED_ENABLED => memcache extension has to be enabled and * a memcached server has to be available * TESTS_ZEND_CACHE_XCACHE_ENABLED => xcache extension has to be enabled */ define('TESTS_ZEND_CACHE_SQLITE_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_CACHE_APC_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_CACHE_XCACHE_ENABLED', true); define('TESTS_ZEND_CACHE_XCACHE_USER', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_CACHE_XCACHE_PASSWORD', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_CACHE_PLATFORM_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_CACHE_MEMCACHED_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_CACHE_MEMCACHED_HOST', ''); define('TESTS_ZEND_CACHE_MEMCACHED_PORT', 11211); define('TESTS_ZEND_CACHE_MEMCACHED_PERSISTENT', true); /** * Zend_Controller * * TESTS_ZEND_CONTROLLER_DISPATCHER_OB => test disabling output buffering in * dispatcher */ define('TESTS_ZEND_CONTROLLER_DISPATCHER_OB', false); /** * Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql and Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli * * There are separate properties to enable tests for the PDO_MYSQL adapter and * the native Mysqli adapters, but the other properties are shared between the * two MySQL-related Zend_Db adapters. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_PDO_MYSQL_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_MYSQLI_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_MYSQL_HOSTNAME', ''); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_MYSQL_USERNAME', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_MYSQL_PASSWORD', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_MYSQL_DATABASE', 'test'); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_MYSQL_PORT', 3306); /** * Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Sqlite * * Username and password are irrelevant for SQLite. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_PDO_SQLITE_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_PDO_SQLITE_DATABASE', ':memory:'); /** * Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mssql * * Note that you need to patch your ntwdblib.dll, the one that * comes with PHP does not work. See user comments at * http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ref.mssql.php */ define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_PDO_MSSQL_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_PDO_MSSQL_HOSTNAME', ''); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_PDO_MSSQL_USERNAME', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_PDO_MSSQL_PASSWORD', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_PDO_MSSQL_DATABASE', 'test'); /** * Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Pgsql */ define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_PDO_PGSQL_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_PDO_PGSQL_HOSTNAME', ''); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_PDO_PGSQL_USERNAME', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_PDO_PGSQL_PASSWORD', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_PDO_PGSQL_DATABASE', 'postgres'); /** * Zend_Db_Adapter_Oracle and Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Oci * * There are separate properties to enable tests for the PDO_OCI adapter and * the native Oracle adapter, but the other properties are shared between the * two Oracle-related Zend_Db adapters. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_PDO_OCI_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_ORACLE_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_ORACLE_HOSTNAME', ''); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_ORACLE_USERNAME', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_ORACLE_PASSWORD', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_ORACLE_SID', 'xe'); /** * Zend_Db_Adapter_Db2 and Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Ibm * There are separate properties to enable tests for the PDO_IBM adapter and * the native DB2 adapter, but the other properties are shared between the * two related Zend_Db adapters. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_PDO_IBM_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_DB2_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_DB2_HOSTNAME', ''); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_DB2_PORT', 50000); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_DB2_USERNAME', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_DB2_PASSWORD', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_DB2_DATABASE', 'sample'); /** * Zend_Db_Adapter_Sqlsrv * Note: Make sure that you create the "test" database and set a * username and password * */ define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_SQLSRV_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_SQLSRV_HOSTNAME', 'localhost\SQLEXPRESS'); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_SQLSRV_USERNAME', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_SQLSRV_PASSWORD', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_SQLSRV_DATABASE', 'test'); /** * Zend_Feed_Reader tests * * If the ONLINE_ENABLED property is false, only tests that can be executed * without network connectivity are run; when enabled, all tests will run. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_FEED_READER_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); /** * Zend_Gdata tests * * If the ONLINE_ENABLED property is false, only tests that can be executed with * a mock HTTP client are run. No request is sent to the Google Gdata servers. * If ONLINE_ENABLED is true, some tests may make requests to the remote * servers. This does not work if you are running tests on a disconnected * client host. Also, the tests may show as failures if the Google servers * cannot be reached or if they do not respond for another reason. * * If the CLIENTLOGIN_ENABLED property below is false, the authenticated * tests are reported Skipped in the test run. Set this property to true * to enable tests that require ClientLogin authentication. Enter your * Google login credentials in the EMAIL and PASSWORD properties below. * * Edit TestConfiguration.php, not TestConfiguration.php.dist. * Never commit plaintext passwords to the source code repository. * * Note: the GData tests currently require that the TZID env variable * be set or the timezone otherwise configured. You'll see errors from the * tests if this is not the case. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_CLIENTLOGIN_ENABLED', false); /* * The credentials provided here should be only for a TEST account. * Data for various services in this account may be added to, updated, * or deleted based upon the actions of these test accounts. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_CLIENTLOGIN_EMAIL', 'example@example.com'); define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_CLIENTLOGIN_PASSWORD', 'password'); /* * This is the ID of a blank blog. There is no need to have * any content in this blog. Also, blogs can only be used * several times for the purpose of these test cases before * they must be deleted and recreated. Otherwise, the tests * will start failing, as posts to Blogger will return a 201 Created * response even though the entry was not posted to the blog. * This problem is being investigated. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_BLOGGER_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_BLOG_ID', '1111111111111111111'); /* * This is the key for a spreadsheet with data only in the first row of * the spreadsheet. The strings 'a1', 'b1', 'c1', 'd1' should be in the * corresponding cell locations. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_SPREADSHEETS_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_SPREADSHEETS_SPREADSHEETKEY', 'o01111111111111111111.1111111111111111111'); define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_SPREADSHEETS_WORKSHEETID', 'default'); /* * This indicates that online tests for the Google Calendar API should * be performed. The default calendar will be used. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_CALENDAR_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); /* * This is the fully-qualified domain name for a domiain hosted using * Google Apps. This domain must be registered with Google Apps and * have API access enabled. This should be a TEST domain only. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_GAPPS_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_GAPPS_DOMAIN', 'example.com.invalid'); define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_GAPPS_EMAIL', 'example@example.com'); define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_GAPPS_PASSWORD', 'password'); /* * This is the ONLINE_ENABLED property for Google Base. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_GBASE_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); /* * This indicates that online tests for the Books Search data API * should be performed. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_BOOKS_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); /* * This indicates that online tests for the YouTube data API should * be performed. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_YOUTUBE_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); /* * This is the username to use for retrieving subscriptions, etc */ define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_YOUTUBE_ACCOUNT', 'zfgdata'); /* * This is the developer key to access the YouTube API */ define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_YOUTUBE_DEVELOPER_KEY', 'your_developer_key_here'); /* * This is the client ID to access the YouTube API */ define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_YOUTUBE_CLIENT_ID', 'ZF_UnitTests_unknown'); /* * This indicates that online tests for the Google Documents API should * be performed. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_DOCS_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); /* * This indicates that online tests for the GData Photos API should * be performed. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_PHOTOS_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); /* * This indicates that online tests for the Google Health API should * be performed. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_GDATA_HEALTH_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); /** * Zend_Http_Client tests * * To enable the dynamic Zend_Http_Client tests, you will need to symbolically * link or copy the files in tests/Zend/Http/Client/_files to a directory * under your web server(s) document root and set this constant to point to the * URL of this directory. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_HTTP_CLIENT_BASEURI', false); /** * Zend_Http_Client_Proxy tests * * HTTP proxy to be used for testing the Proxy adapter. Set to a string of * the form 'host:port'. Set to null to skip HTTP proxy tests. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_HTTP_CLIENT_HTTP_PROXY', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_HTTP_CLIENT_HTTP_PROXY_USER', ''); define('TESTS_ZEND_HTTP_CLIENT_HTTP_PROXY_PASS', ''); /** * Zend_Loader_Autoloader multi-version support tests * * ENABLED: whether or not to run the multi-version tests * PATH: path to a directory containing multiple ZF version installs * LATEST: most recent ZF version in the PATH * e.g., "1.9.2" * LATEST_MAJOR: most recent ZF major version in the PATH to test against * e.g., "1.9.2" * LATEST_MINOR: most recent ZF minor version in the PATH to test against * e.g., "1.8.4PL1" * SPECIFIC: specific ZF version in the PATH to test against * e.g., "1.7.6" * As an example, consider the following tree: * ZendFramework/ * |-- 1.9.2 * |-- ZendFramework-1.9.1-minimal * |-- 1.8.4PL1 * |-- 1.8.4 * |-- ZendFramework-1.8.3 * |-- 1.7.8 * |-- 1.7.7 * |-- 1.7.6 * You would then set the value of "LATEST" and "LATEST_MAJOR" to "1.9.2", and * could choose between "1.9.2", "1.8.4PL1", and "1.7.8" for "LATEST_MINOR", * and any version number for "SPECIFIC". "PATH" would point to the parent * "ZendFramework" directory. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_LOADER_AUTOLOADER_MULTIVERSION_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_LOADER_AUTOLOADER_MULTIVERSION_PATH', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_LOADER_AUTOLOADER_MULTIVERSION_LATEST', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_LOADER_AUTOLOADER_MULTIVERSION_LATEST_MAJOR', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_LOADER_AUTOLOADER_MULTIVERSION_LATEST_MINOR', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_LOADER_AUTOLOADER_MULTIVERSION_SPECIFIC', false); /** * Zend_Ldap online tests */ define('TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); /* These largely map to the options described in the Zend_Ldap and * Zend_Auth_Adapter_Ldap documentation. * * Example Configuration for Active Directory: * HOST: dc1.w.net * USE_START_TLS: true * USE_SSL: false * USERNAME: CN=User 1,CN=Users,DC=w,DC=net * PRINCIPAL_NAME: user1@w.net * LDAP_PASSWORD: pass1 * BASE_DN: CN=Users,DC=w,DC=net * DOMAIN_NAME: w.net * ACCOUNT_DOMAIN_NAME_SHORT: W * ALT_USERNAME: user2 * ALT_DN: CN=User 2,CN=Users,DC=w,DC=net * ALT_PASSWORD: pass2 * * Example Configuration for OpenLDAP * HOST: s0.foo.net * USERNAME: CN=user1,DC=foo,DC=net * PRINCIPAL_NAME: user1@foo.net * LDAP_PASSWORD: pass1 * BIND_REQUIRES_DN: true * BASE_DN: OU=Sales,DC=w,DC=net * DOMAIN_NAME: foo.net * ACCOUNT_DOMAIN_NAME_SHORT: FOO * ALT_USERNAME: abaker * ALT_DN: CN=Alice Baker,OU=Sales,DC=foo,DC=net * ALT_PASSWORD: apass */ define('TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_HOST', 'localhost'); //define('TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_PORT', 389); define('TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_USE_START_TLS', true); //define('TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_USE_SSL', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_USERNAME', 'CN=someUser,DC=example,DC=com'); define('TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_PRINCIPAL_NAME', 'someUser@example.com'); define('TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_PASSWORD', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_BIND_REQUIRES_DN', true); define('TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_BASE_DN', 'OU=Sales,DC=example,DC=com'); //define('TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_ACCOUNT_FILTER_FORMAT', '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%s))'); define('TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN_NAME', 'example.com'); define('TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN_NAME_SHORT', 'EXAMPLE'); define('TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_ALT_USERNAME', 'anotherUser'); define('TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_ALT_DN', 'CN=Another User,OU=Sales,DC=example,DC=com'); define('TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_ALT_PASSWORD', null); /** * Zend_Locale tests * * If the TESTS_ZEND_LOCALE_FORMAT_SETLOCALE property below is a valid, * locally recognized locale (try "locale -a"), then all tests in * tests/Zend/Locale/ test suites will execute *after* * setlocale(LC_ALL, TESTS_ZEND_LOCALE_FORMAT_SETLOCALE); * Primarily, this switches certain PHP functions to emit "localized" output, * including the built-in "to string" for integer and float conversions. * Thus, a locale of 'fr_FR' yields number-to-string conversions in a * localized form with the decimal place separator chosen via: * setlocale(LC_ALL, 'fr_FR@euro'); */ //define('TESTS_ZEND_LOCALE_FORMAT_SETLOCALE', 'fr'); //define('TESTS_ZEND_LOCALE_FORMAT_SETLOCALE', 'fr_FR@euro'); define('TESTS_ZEND_LOCALE_FORMAT_SETLOCALE', false); /** * Zend_Date tests * * If the BCMATH_ENABLED property below is false, all arithmetic * operations will use ordinary PHP math operators and functions. * Otherwise, the bcmath functions will be used for unlimited precision. * * If the EXTENDED_COVERAGE property below is false, most of the I18N * unit tests will not be computed... this speeds tests up to 80 minutes * when doing reports. * * Edit TestConfiguration.php, not TestConfiguration.php.dist. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_LOCALE_BCMATH_ENABLED', true); define('TESTS_ZEND_I18N_EXTENDED_COVERAGE', true); /** * Zend_Mail_Storage tests * * TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_SERVER_TESTDIR and TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_SERVER_FORMAT are used for POP3 and IMAP tests. * TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_SERVER_FORMAT is the format your test mail server uses: 'mbox' or 'maildir'. The mail * storage for the user specified in your POP3 or IMAP tests should be TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_SERVER_TESTDIR. Be * careful: it's cleared before copying the files. If you want to copy the files manually set the dir * to null (or anything == null). * * TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_TEMPDIR is used for testing write operations in local storages. If not set (== null) * tempnam() is used. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_SERVER_TESTDIR', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_SERVER_FORMAT', 'mbox'); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_TEMPDIR', null); /** * Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3 / Zend_Mail_Transport_Pop3 * * IMPORTANT: you need to copy tests/Zend/Mail/_files/test.mbox to your mail * if you haven't set TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_SERVER_TESTDIR */ define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_POP3_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_POP3_HOST', 'localhost'); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_POP3_USER', 'test'); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_POP3_PASSWORD', ''); // test SSL connections if enabled in your test server define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_POP3_SSL', true); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_POP3_TLS', true); // WRONG_PORT should be an existing server port, // INVALID_PORT should be a non existing (each on defined host) define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_POP3_WRONG_PORT', 80); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_POP3_INVALID_PORT', 3141); /** * Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap / Zend_Mail_Transport_Imap * * IMPORTANT: you need to copy tests/Zend/Mail/_files/test.mbox to your mail * if you haven't set TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_SERVER_TESTDIR */ define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_IMAP_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_IMAP_HOST', 'localhost'); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_IMAP_USER', 'test'); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_IMAP_PASSWORD', ''); // test SSL connections if enabled in your test server define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_IMAP_SSL', true); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_IMAP_TLS', true); // WRONG_PORT should be an existing server port, // INVALID_PORT should be a non-existing (each on defined host) define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_IMAP_WRONG_PORT', 80); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_IMAP_INVALID_PORT', 3141); /** * Zend_Mail_Storage_Maildir test * * Before enabling this test you have to unpack messages.tar in * Zend/Mail/_files/test.maildir/cur/ and remove the tar for this test to work. * That's because the messages files have a colon in the filename and that's a * forbidden character on Windows. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_MAILDIR_ENABLED', false); /** * Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp * * @todo TO be implemented */ define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_SMTP_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_SMTP_HOST', 'localhost'); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_SMTP_PORT', 25); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_SMTP_USER', 'testuser'); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD', 'testpassword'); define('TESTS_ZEND_MAIL_SMTP_AUTH', false); // AUTH can be set to false or a string of AUTH method (e.g. LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAMMD5 or DIGESTMD5) /** * Zend_Queue Test Configuration constants * * The Zend_Queue_Adapter_Db constant should be a JSON-encoded string * representing a configuration object for Zend_Db::factory(). For example: * { * type: "pdo_mysql", * host: "", * port: 3306, * username: "queue", * password: "queue", * dbname: "queue" * } * * The PlatformJobQueue adapter expects two parameters, the host and password. * The HOST string should include both the host and port (typically 10003): * * When running tests against PlatformJobQueue, it's best to do so where * Platform is installed on localhost and has maximum workers set to 20 * (default is 5); do so with this zend.ini setting: * zend_jq.max_num_of_request_workers=20 * * Selectively define the below in order to run tests for them. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_SCHEME', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_HOST', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_PORT', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_QUEUE_DB', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_QUEUE_MEMCACHEQ_HOST', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_QUEUE_MEMCACHEQ_PORT', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_QUEUE_PLATFORMJQ_HOST', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_QUEUE_PLATFORMJQ_PASS', false); /** * Zend_Service_Amazon online tests */ define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_AMAZON_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_AMAZON_ONLINE_ACCESSKEYID', 'Enter AWSAccessKeyId here'); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_AMAZON_ONLINE_SECRETKEY', 'Enter AWSSecretKey here'); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_AMAZON_S3_BUCKET', 'zftestamazons3bucket'); /** * Zend_Service_Delicious tests */ define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_DELICIOUS_ENABLED', false); /** * Zend_Service_Flickr online tests */ define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_FLICKR_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_FLICKR_ONLINE_APIKEY', 'Enter API key here'); /** * Zend_Service_Simpy tests */ define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_SIMPY_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_SIMPY_USERNAME', 'syapizend'); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_SIMPY_PASSWORD', 'mgt37ge'); /** * Zend_Service_SlideShare tests */ define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_SLIDESHARE_USERNAME', ''); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_SLIDESHARE_PASSWORD', ''); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_SLIDESHARE_SHAREDSECRET', ''); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_SLIDESHARE_APIKEY', ''); // The slide show ID to retrieve during tests define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_SLIDESHARE_SLIDESHOWID', 0); // The tag to retrieve during tests define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_SLIDESHARE_TAG', 'zend'); // The group to retrieve during tests define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_SLIDESHARE_GROUP', ''); /** * Zend_Service_Twitter tests * * ONLINE_ENABLED indicates whether or not to run tests requiring a network * connection. * * TWITTER_USER and TWITTER_PASS are valid Twitter credentials you wish to use * when testing. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_TWITTER_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_TWITTER_USER', 'zftestuser'); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_TWITTER_PASS', 'zftestuser'); /** * Zend_Service_Yahoo online tests */ define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_YAHOO_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_YAHOO_ONLINE_APPID', 'Enter APPID here'); /** * Zend_Service_ReCaptcha tests */ define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_RECAPTCHA_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_RECAPTCHA_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY', 'public key'); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY', 'private key'); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_RECAPTCHA_MAILHIDE_PUBLIC_KEY', 'public mailhide key'); define('TESTS_ZEND_SERVICE_RECAPTCHA_MAILHIDE_PRIVATE_KEY', 'private mailhide key'); /** * Zend_Soap_AutoDiscover scenario tests for complex objects and wsdl generation * * Copy all the files of zf/tests/Zend/Soap/_files/fulltests into a directory * that can be reached by webserver and enter the base uri to this directory * into the variable. The test "Zend_Soap_AutoDiscover_OnlineTest" makes use * of the servers and AutoDiscover feature. * * NOTE: Make sure the servers are using the correct Zend Framework copy, * when having more than one version installed and include paths are changing. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_SOAP_AUTODISCOVER_ONLINE_SERVER_BASEURI', false); /** * Zend_Validate tests * * Set ONLINE_ENABLED if you wish to run validators that require network * connectivity. */ define('TESTS_ZEND_VALIDATE_ONLINE_ENABLED', false); /** * PHPUnit Code Coverage / Test Report */ define('TESTS_GENERATE_REPORT', false); define('TESTS_GENERATE_REPORT_TARGET', '/path/to/target');