dojo.provide(""); dojo.require(""); dojo.require("dojox.rpc.Client"); // Persevere supports this and it improves reliability // PersevereStore is an extension of JsonRestStore to handle Persevere's special features dojox.json.ref.serializeFunctions = true; // Persevere supports persisted functions dojo.declare("",,{ useFullIdInQueries: true, // in JSONQuerys use the full id jsonQueryPagination: false // use the Range headers instead }); = function(/*String?*/path,/*Boolean?*/sync){ // summary: // Creates Dojo data stores for all the table/classes on a Persevere server // path: // URL of the Persevere server's root, this normally just "/" // which is the default value if the target is not provided // sync: // Indicates that the operation should happen synchronously. // return: // A map/object of datastores will be returned if it is performed asynchronously, // otherwise it will return a Deferred object that will provide the map/object. // The name of each property is a the name of a store, // and the value is the actual data store object. path = (path && (path.match(/\/$/) ? path : (path + '/'))) || '/'; if(path.match(/^\w*:\/\//)){ // if it is cross-domain, we will use for communication dojo.require("");, "callback",; } var plainXhr = dojo.xhr; dojo.xhr = function(method,args){ (args.headers = args.headers || {})['Server-Methods'] = false; return plainXhr.apply(dojo,arguments); } var rootService= dojox.rpc.Rest(path,true); dojox.rpc._sync = sync; var dfd = rootService("Class/");//dojo.xhrGet({url: target, sync:!callback, handleAs:'json'}); var results; var stores = {}; var callId = 0; dfd.addCallback(function(schemas){ dojox.json.ref.resolveJson(schemas, { index: dojox.rpc.Rest._index, idPrefix: "/Class/", assignAbsoluteIds: true }); function setupHierarchy(schema){ if(schema['extends'] && schema['extends'].prototype){ if(!schema.prototype || !schema.prototype.isPrototypeOf(schema['extends'].prototype)){ setupHierarchy(schema['extends']); dojox.rpc.Rest._index[schema.prototype.__id] = schema.prototype = dojo.mixin(dojo.delegate(schema['extends'].prototype), schema.prototype); } } } function setupMethods(methodsDefinitions, methodsTarget){ if(methodsDefinitions && methodsTarget){ for(var j in methodsDefinitions){ var methodDef = methodsDefinitions[j]; // if any method definitions indicate that the method should run on the server, than add // it to the prototype as a JSON-RPC method if(methodDef.runAt == "server" && !methodsTarget[j]){ methodsTarget[j] = (function(methodName){ return function(){ // execute a JSON-RPC call var deferred = dojo.rawXhrPost({ url: this.__id, // the JSON-RPC call postData: dojo.toJson({ method: methodName, id: callId++, params: dojo._toArray(arguments) }), handleAs: "json" }); deferred.addCallback(function(response){ // handle the response return response.error ? new Error(response.error) : response.result; }); return deferred; } })(j); } } } } for(var i in schemas){ if(typeof schemas[i] == 'object'){ var schema = schemas[i]; setupHierarchy(schema); setupMethods(schema.methods, schema.prototype = schema.prototype || {}); setupMethods(schema.staticMethods, schema); stores[schemas[i].id] = new{target:new dojo._Url(path,schemas[i].id) + '',schema:schema}); } } return (results = stores); }); dojo.xhr = plainXhr; return sync ? results : dfd; }; = function(){ // summary: // Invokes the XHR proxy plugin. Call this if you will be using x-site data. dojo.require(""); // also not necessary, but we can register that Persevere supports proxying"/proxy/"); };