dojo.provide("dojox.sketch.UndoStack"); dojo.require("dojox.xml.DomParser"); (function(){ var ta=dojox.sketch; ta.CommandTypes={ Create:"Create", Move:"Move", Modify:"Modify", Delete:"Delete", Convert:"Convert"}; dojo.declare("dojox.sketch.UndoStack",null,{ constructor: function(figure){ this.figure=figure; this._steps=[]; this._undoedSteps=[]; }, apply: function(state, from, to){ // the key here is to neutrally move from one state to another. // we let the individual functions (i.e. undo and redo) actually // determine the from and to; all we do here is implement it. // check whether this is a fullText step if(!from && !to && state.fullText){ this.figure.setValue(state.fullText); return; } var fromText=from.shapeText; var toText=to.shapeText; if(fromText.length==0&&toText.length==0){ // nothing to reapply? return; } if(fromText.length==0){ // We are creating. var o=dojox.xml.DomParser.parse(toText).documentElement; var a=this.figure._loadAnnotation(o); if(a) this.figure._add(a); return; } if(toText.length==0){ // we are deleting. var ann=this.figure.get(from.shapeId); this.figure._delete([ann],true); return; } // we can simply reinit and draw from the shape itself, // regardless of the actual command. var nann=this.figure.get(to.shapeId); var no=dojox.xml.DomParser.parse(toText).documentElement; nann.draw(no);; return; }, // stack methods. add: function(/*String*/cmd, /*ta.Annotation?*/ann, /*String?*/before){ var id=ann?''; //var bbox=ann?ann.getBBox():{}; var after=ann?ann.serialize():""; if(cmd==ta.CommandTypes.Delete){ after=""; } /*if(ann){ // fix the bbox x/y coords var t=ann.transform; bbox.x+=t.dx; bbox.y+=t.dy; }*/ var state={ cmdname:cmd, //bbox:bbox, // fullText:fullText, before:{ shapeId: id, shapeText:before||'' }, after:{ shapeId: id, shapeText:after } }; //console.log('dojox.sketch history add',state); this._steps.push(state); this._undoedSteps = []; }, destroy: function(){}, undo: function(){ var state=this._steps.pop(); if(state){ this._undoedSteps.push(state); this.apply(state,state.after,state.before); } }, redo: function(){ var state=this._undoedSteps.pop(); if(state){ this._steps.push(state); this.apply(state,state.before,state.after); } } }); })();