dojo.provide("dojox.testing.DocTest"); dojo.require("dojo.string"); dojo.declare( "dojox.testing.DocTest", null, { // summary: // This class executes doctests. // description: // DocTests are tests that are defined inside the comment. // A doctest looks as if it was copied from the shell (which it mostly is). // A doctest is executed when the following conditions match: // 1) all lines are comments // 2) the line always starts with spaces/tabs followed by "//" // and at least one space // 3) the line(s) of the test to execute starts with ">>>" // preceeded by what is described in 2) // 4) the first line after 3) starting without ">>>" is the exptected result. // preceeded by what is described in 2) // 5) the test sequence is terminated by an empty line, or the next // test in the following line, or a new line that does not start as described in 2) // (simple said: is not a comment) // preceeded by what is described in 2) // // I.e. the following is a simple doctest, that will actually also be run // if you run this class against this file here: // >>> 1+1 // A simple test case. Terminated by an empty line // 2 // // >>> 1==2 // false // >>> "a"+"b" // Also without the empty line before, this is a new test. // "ab" // // >>> var anything = "anything" // Multiple commands for one test. // >>> "something"==anything // false // // DocTests are great for inline documenting a class or method, they also // are very helpful in understanding what the class/method actually does. // They don't make sense everywhere, but sometimes they are really handy. // TODO: // - using console.log() in a test prints something on the // console (if you do it on the console) but its not accepted // yet to be the test result, may be override console.log!? // i.e. here i wanted to: dojo.forEach(["one", 2], // function(el, index) {console.log(el, index)}) that works on // the console, but not as a docTest :-( // - surround the eval for each test case singlely with a // try-catch, to to catch syntax errors etc (though the // shouldn't happen if you copy the test from the shell :-)) errors: [], getTests:function(/*String*/moduleName){ // summary: Extract the tests from the given module or string. // examples: // >>> dojo.isArray(new dojox.testing.DocTest().getTests("dojox.testing.DocTest")) // Use the module name to extract the tests from. // true var path = dojo.moduleUrl(moduleName).path; // TODO: // this needs to be done better, this is pretty simple and // surely not dummy proof var file = path.substring(0, path.length-1)+".js"; var xhr = dojo.xhrGet({url:file, handleAs:"text"}); // Make loading synchronously, mainly so we can use it in doh. var data = dojo._getText(file); return this._getTestsFromString(data, true); }, getTestsFromString:function(/*String*/data){ // examples: // >>> (new dojox.testing.DocTest().getTestsFromString(">>> 1+1\n2\n>>> 2+2\n4")).length // Do tests from strings get detected properly? // 2 return this._getTestsFromString(data, false); }, _getTestsFromString:function(/*String*/data, /*Boolean*/insideComments){ // summary: Parse the given string for tests. // insideComments: Boolean, if false "data" contains only the pure tests, comments already stripped. var trim = dojo.hitch(dojo.string, "trim"); var lines = data.split("\n"); var len = lines.length; var tests = []; var test = { commands: [], expectedResult: [], line: null }; for(var i=0; i>>\s.*/)) || l.match(/^\s*>>>\s.*/)){ if(!test.line){ test.line = i+1; } // Find the test commands. if(test.expectedResult.length>0){ // Start a new test right after the expected result, // without an empty line. tests.push({ commands: test.commands, expectedResult: test.expectedResult.join("\n"), line: test.line }); test = {commands:[], expectedResult:[], line:i+1}; } l = insideComments ? trim(l).substring(2, l.length) : l; // Remove the leading slashes. l = trim(l).substring(3, l.length); // Remove the ">>>". test.commands.push(trim(l)); }else if((!insideComments || l.match(/^\/\/\s+.*/)) && test.commands.length && test.expectedResult.length==0){ // Detect the lines after the ">>>"-lines, the exptected result. l = insideComments ? trim(l).substring(3, l.length) : l; // Remove the leading slashes. test.expectedResult.push(trim(l)); }else if(test.commands.length>0 && test.expectedResult.length){ if(!insideComments || l.match(/^\/\/\s*$/)){ // Detect the empty line. tests.push({ commands: test.commands, expectedResult: test.expectedResult.join("\n"), line: test.line }); } if(insideComments && !l.match(/^\/\//)){ // If the next line is not a comment at all (doesn't start with "//"). tests.push({ commands: test.commands, expectedResult: test.expectedResult.join("\n"), line:test.line }); } test = { commands: [], expectedResult: [], line:0 }; } } return tests; }, run: function(moduleName){ // summary: // Run the doctests in the module given. // example: // doctest = new dojox.testing.DocTest(); //"dojox.testing.DocTest"); // doctest.errors should finally be an empty array. // // The above is not a doctest, because it just would // // execute itself in a never ending loop. // // >>> true==true // Test a new line terminating the test. // true // // >>> true==true // Test a new test terminating the test. // true // >>> true==true // Test a "not a comment"-line, especially an empty line terminating the test. // true // Make sure the result as printed on the console is the same as what // is returned by the test. An array is printed as follows on the console. // >>> [1,2,3,4] // [1,2,3,4] // // Test a "not a comment"-line, with some real code(!) terminating the test. // This used to be a bug, so make sure the line below the test is real // from this method! Don't write a test after it, always above! // >>> true==true // Test code on new line terminating the test. // true this.errors = []; var tests = this.getTests(moduleName); if(tests){ this._run(tests); } }, _run: function(/*Array*/tests){ // summary: // Each element in the array contains the test in the first element, // and the expected result in the second element. // tests: // Make sure that the types are compared properly. There used to be // the bug that a return value false was compared to "false" which // made the test fail. This is fixed and should be verified by the // following tests. // >>> false // false // // >>> "false" // "false" // // >>> true // true // // >>> 1 // 1 // // >>> "s" // "s" // // >>> dojo.toJson({one:1}) // "{"one":1}" // var len = tests.length; this.tests = len; var oks = 0; for(var i=0; i 50 ? viewCommands.substr(0,50) + "..." : viewCommands ); if(res.success){ // the last if-condition, dojo.toJson() adds a quote sign " // before and after the result, may be we remove it and // test the result again"OK: "+viewCommands); oks += 1; }else{ this.errors.push({ commands: t.commands, actual: res.actualResult, expected: t.expectedResult }); console.error(msg+"Failed: "+viewCommands, { commands: t.commands, actualResult: res.actualResult, expectedResult: t.expectedResult }); } }" tests ran.", oks+" Success,", this.errors.length+" Errors"); }, runTest: function(commands, expected){ var ret = { success: false, actualResult: null }; // Concat multiple commands with new lines, so "//" comments at // the end of a line don't deactivate the next line (which it // would if we only concatenated with ";"). var cmds = commands.join("\n"); ret.actualResult = eval(cmds); if( (String(ret.actualResult)==expected) || (dojo.toJson(ret.actualResult)==expected) || ( (expected.charAt(0)=='"')&& (expected.charAt(expected.length-1)=='"')&& (String(ret.actualResult)==expected.substring(1, expected.length-1)) ) ){ // the last if-condition, dojo.toJson() adds a quote sign " // before and after the result, may be we remove it and test // the result again ret.success = true; } return ret; } } );