dojo.provide("demos.cropper.src"); dojo.require("demos.cropper.src.Preview"); dojo.require(""); dojo.require("demos.cropper.src.nav"); ;(function(d, $){ d.addOnLoad(function(){ // basic loading indicator code: var loadIndicator = d.byId("loader"), hide = d.fadeOut({ node: loadIndicator }), show = d.fadeIn({ node: loadIndicator }) ; // create a default instance of this: var preview = new image.Preview({ // hide the loader after each img onload: imageReady: d.hitch(hide, "play"), hoverable:true }, "me"); // or if no ref needed: $("#me").preview(); // setup the clicking for the thumbnails $("#picker").onclick(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); // it's the link or the img var et =, src = et.parentNode.href || et.href; if(src && preview.image.src != src){ // show the loader after each click; // when we have a src to load, set both images preview.domNode.src = preview.image.src = src; // update the title text: // d.byId("titleText").innerHTML = preview.image.alt = et.alt; } }); // hook up the nav.js link in footer text: $("#navjs").onclick(function(e){ // special syntax to trick build system d["require"]("demos.cropper.src.nav"); e.preventDefault(); }); // shortly after onLoad, track the page (prevent UI blocking) new{ acct: "UA-3572741-1", GAonLoad: function(){ this.trackPageView("/demos/cropper"); } }); }); })(dojo, dojo.query);