dojo.provide("dijit.form.SimpleTextarea"); dojo.require("dijit.form.TextBox"); dojo.declare("dijit.form.SimpleTextarea", dijit.form.TextBox, { // summary: // A simple textarea that degrades, and responds to // minimal LayoutContainer usage, and works with dijit.form.Form. // Doesn't automatically size according to input, like Textarea. // // example: // | // // example: // | new dijit.form.SimpleTextarea({ rows:20, cols:30 }, "foo"); baseClass: "dijitTextArea", attributeMap: dojo.delegate(dijit.form._FormValueWidget.prototype.attributeMap, { rows:"textbox", cols: "textbox" }), // rows: Number // The number of rows of text. rows: "3", // rows: Number // The number of characters per line. cols: "20", templatePath: null, templateString: "", postMixInProperties: function(){ // Copy value from srcNodeRef, unless user specified a value explicitly (or there is no srcNodeRef) if(!this.value && this.srcNodeRef){ this.value = this.srcNodeRef.value; } this.inherited(arguments); }, filter: function(/*String*/ value){ // Override TextBox.filter to deal with newlines... specifically (IIRC) this is for IE which writes newlines // as \r\n instead of just \n if(value){ value = value.replace(/\r/g,""); } return this.inherited(arguments); }, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); if(dojo.isIE && this.cols){ // attribute selectors is not supported in IE6 dojo.addClass(this.domNode, "dijitTextAreaCols"); } }, _previousValue: "", _onInput: function(e){ // Override TextBox._onInput() to enforce maxLength restriction if(this.maxLength){ var maxLength = parseInt(this.maxLength); var value = this.textbox.value.replace(/\r/g,''); var overflow = value.length - maxLength; if(overflow > 0){ dojo.stopEvent(e); var textarea = this.textbox; if(textarea.selectionStart){ var pos = textarea.selectionStart; var cr = 0; if(dojo.isOpera){ cr = (this.textbox.value.substring(0,pos).match(/\r/g)||[]).length; } this.textbox.value = value.substring(0,pos-overflow-cr)+value.substring(pos-cr); textarea.setSelectionRange(pos-overflow, pos-overflow); }else if(dojo.doc.selection){ //IE textarea.focus(); var range = dojo.doc.selection.createRange(); // delete overflow characters range.moveStart("character", -overflow); range.text = ''; // show cursor; } } this._previousValue = this.textbox.value; } this.inherited(arguments); } });