dojo.provide("dojox.html.metrics"); (function(){ var dhm = dojox.html.metrics; // derived from Morris John's emResized measurer dhm.getFontMeasurements = function(){ // summary // Returns an object that has pixel equivilents of standard font size values. var heights = { '1em':0, '1ex':0, '100%':0, '12pt':0, '16px':0, 'xx-small':0, 'x-small':0, 'small':0, 'medium':0, 'large':0, 'x-large':0, 'xx-large':0 }; if(dojo.isIE){ // we do a font-size fix if and only if one isn't applied already. // NOTE: If someone set the fontSize on the HTML Element, this will kill it."100%"; } // set up the measuring node. var div=dojo.doc.createElement("div"); var ds =; ds.position="absolute"; ds.left="-100px";"0"; ds.width="30px"; ds.height="1000em"; ds.border="0"; ds.margin="0"; ds.padding="0"; ds.outline="0"; ds.lineHeight="1"; ds.overflow="hidden"; dojo.body().appendChild(div); // do the measurements. for(var p in heights){ ds.fontSize = p; heights[p] = Math.round(div.offsetHeight * 12/16) * 16/12 / 1000; } dojo.body().removeChild(div); div = null; return heights; // object }; var fontMeasurements = null; dhm.getCachedFontMeasurements = function(recalculate){ if(recalculate || !fontMeasurements){ fontMeasurements = dhm.getFontMeasurements(); } return fontMeasurements; }; var measuringNode = null, empty = {}; dhm.getTextBox = function(/* String */ text, /* Object */ style, /* String? */ className){ var m; if(!measuringNode){ m = measuringNode = dojo.doc.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; = "-10000px"; = "0"; dojo.body().appendChild(m); }else{ m = measuringNode; } // reset styles m.className = ""; = "0"; = "0"; = "0"; = "0"; // set new style if(arguments.length > 1 && style){ for(var i in style){ if(i in empty){ continue; }[i] = style[i]; } } // set classes if(arguments.length > 2 && className){ m.className = className; } // take a measure m.innerHTML = text; return dojo.marginBox(m); }; // determine the scrollbar sizes on load. var scroll={ w:16, h:16 }; dhm.getScrollbar=function(){ return { w:scroll.w, h:scroll.h }; }; dhm._fontResizeNode = null; dhm.initOnFontResize = function(interval){ var f = dhm._fontResizeNode = dojo.doc.createElement("iframe"); var fs =; fs.position = "absolute"; fs.width = "5em"; fs.height = "10em"; = "-10000px"; if(dojo.isIE){ f.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(f.contentWindow.document.readyState == "complete"){ f.onresize = f.contentWindow.parent[dojox._scopeName].html.metrics._fontresize; } }; }else{ f.onload = function(){ f.contentWindow.onresize = f.contentWindow.parent[dojox._scopeName].html.metrics._fontresize; }; } //The script tag is to work around a known firebug race condition. See comments in bug #9046 f.setAttribute("src", "javascript:''"); dojo.body().appendChild(f); dhm.initOnFontResize = function(){}; }; dhm.onFontResize = function(){}; dhm._fontresize = function(){ dhm.onFontResize(); } dojo.addOnUnload(function(){ // destroy our font resize iframe if we have one var f = dhm._fontResizeNode; if(f){ if(dojo.isIE && f.onresize){ f.onresize = null; }else if(f.contentWindow && f.contentWindow.onresize){ f.contentWindow.onresize = null; } dhm._fontResizeNode = null; } }); dojo.addOnLoad(function(){ // getScrollbar metrics node try{ var n=dojo.doc.createElement("div"); = "top:0;left:0;width:100px;height:100px;overflow:scroll;position:absolute;visibility:hidden;"; dojo.body().appendChild(n); scroll.w = n.offsetWidth - n.clientWidth; scroll.h = n.offsetHeight - n.clientHeight; dojo.body().removeChild(n); //console.log("Scroll bar dimensions: ", scroll); delete n; }catch(e){} // text size poll setup if("fontSizeWatch" in dojo.config && !!dojo.config.fontSizeWatch){ dhm.initOnFontResize(); } }); })();