_util->getServer(); if ($server == 'IDS') { $this->markTestIncomplete('IDS needs special consideration for transactions'); } else { parent::testAdapterTransactionCommit(); } } public function testAdapterTransactionRollback() { $server = $this->_util->getServer(); if ($server == 'IDS') { $this->markTestIncomplete('IDS needs special consideration for transactions'); } else { parent::testAdapterTransactionCommit(); } } public function testAdapterLimitInvalidArgumentException() { $products = $this->_db->quoteIdentifier('zfproducts'); $sql = $this->_db->limit("SELECT * FROM $products", 0); $stmt = $this->_db->query($sql); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); $this->assertEquals(0, count($result), 'Expecting to see 0 rows returned'); try { $sql = $this->_db->limit("SELECT * FROM $products", 1, -1); $this->fail('Expected to catch Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception'); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { $this->assertType('Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception', $e, 'Expecting object of type Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception, got '.get_class($e)); } } /** * Used by _testAdapterOptionCaseFoldingNatural() * DB2 returns identifiers in uppercase naturally, * while IDS does not */ protected function _testAdapterOptionCaseFoldingNaturalIdentifier() { $server = $this->_util->getServer(); if ($server == 'DB2') { return 'CASE_FOLDED_IDENTIFIER'; } return 'case_folded_identifier'; } }