_feed = Zend_Feed::importFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/_files/TestAtomFeed.xml'); $this->_nsfeed = Zend_Feed::importFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/_files/TestAtomFeedNamespaced.xml'); } public function testRewind() { $times = 0; foreach ($this->_feed as $f) { ++$times; } $times2 = 0; foreach ($this->_feed as $f) { ++$times2; } $this->assertEquals($times, $times2, 'Feed should have the same number of iterations multiple times through'); $times = 0; foreach ($this->_nsfeed as $f) { ++$times; } $times2 = 0; foreach ($this->_nsfeed as $f) { ++$times2; } $this->assertEquals($times, $times2, 'Feed should have the same number of iterations multiple times through'); } public function testCurrent() { foreach ($this->_feed as $f) { $this->assertType('Zend_Feed_Entry_Atom', $f, 'Each feed entry should be an instance of Zend_Feed_Entry_Atom'); break; } foreach ($this->_nsfeed as $f) { $this->assertType('Zend_Feed_Entry_Atom', $f, 'Each feed entry should be an instance of Zend_Feed_Entry_Atom'); break; } } public function testKey() { $keys = array(); foreach ($this->_feed as $k => $f) { $keys[] = $k; } $this->assertEquals($keys, array(0, 1), 'Feed should have keys 0 and 1'); $keys = array(); foreach ($this->_nsfeed as $k => $f) { $keys[] = $k; } $this->assertEquals($keys, array(0, 1), 'Feed should have keys 0 and 1'); } public function testNext() { $last = null; foreach ($this->_feed as $current) { $this->assertFalse($last === $current, 'Iteration should produce a new object each entry'); $last = $current; } $last = null; foreach ($this->_nsfeed as $current) { $this->assertFalse($last === $current, 'Iteration should produce a new object each entry'); $last = $current; } } }