dojo.provide(""); /*===== dojo.mixin(djConfig,{ // urchin: String // Used by `` as the default UA-123456-7 account // number used when being created. Alternately, you can pass an acct:"" // parameter to the constructor a la: new{ acct:"UA-123456-7" }); urchin: "" }); =====*/ dojo.declare("", null, { // summary: A Google-analytics helper, for post-onLoad inclusion of the tracker, and // dynamic tracking during long-lived page cycles. // // description: // A small class object will allows for lazy-loading the Google Analytics API // at any point during a page lifecycle. Most commonly, Google-Analytics is loaded // via a synchronous script tag in the body, which causes `dojo.addOnLoad` to // stall until the external API has been completely loaded. The Urchin helper // will load the API on the fly, and provide a convenient API to use, wrapping // Analytics for Ajaxy or single page applications. // // The class can be instantiated two ways: Programatically, by passing an // `acct:` parameter, or via Markup / dojoType and defining a djConfig // parameter `urchin:` // // IMPORTANT: // This module will not work simultaneously with the core // package. If you need the ability to run Google Analytics AND your own local // analytics system, you MUST include BEFORE // // example: // | // create the tracker programatically: // | var tracker = new{ acct:"UA-123456-7" }); // // example: // | // define the urchin djConfig option: // | var djConfig = { urchin: "UA-123456-7" }; // | // | // and in markup: // |
// | // or code: // | new; // // example: // | // create and define all analytics with one tag. // |
// // acct: String // your GA urchin tracker account number. Overrides `djConfig.urchin` acct: dojo.config.urchin, // loadInterval: Integer // Time (in ms) to wait before checking for a ready Analytics API loadInterval: 42, // decay: Float // Multipler for the interval loadInterval to ensure timer does not // run amok in the event our _gat object is never defined. This // is multiplied against the last `loadInterval` and added, causing // the interval to continuosly become longer, until a `timeout` // limit is reached. decay: 0.5, // timeout: Integer // Time (in ms) for the load interval to reach before giving up // all together. Note: this isn't an overall time, this is the // time of the interval being adjusted by the `decay` property. timeout: 4200, constructor: function(args){ // summary: initialize this Urchin instance. Immediately starts the load // sequence, so defer construction until (ideally) after onLoad and // potentially widget parsing. this.tracker = null; dojo.mixin(this, args); this._loadGA(); }, _loadGA: function(){ // summary: load the ga.js file and begin initialization process var gaHost = ("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."; dojo.create('script', { src: gaHost + "" }, dojo.doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]); setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, "_checkGA"), this.loadInterval); }, _checkGA: function(){ // summary: sniff the global _gat variable Google defines and either check again // or fire onLoad if ready. if(this.loadInterval > this.timeout){ return; } setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, !window["_gat"] ? "_checkGA" : "_gotGA"), this.loadInterval); this.loadInterval *= (this.decay + 1); }, _gotGA: function(){ // summary: initialize the tracker this.tracker = _gat._getTracker(this.acct); this.tracker._initData(); this.GAonLoad.apply(this, arguments); }, GAonLoad: function(){ // summary: Stub function to fire when urchin is complete // description: // This function is executed when the tracker variable is // complete and initialized. The initial trackPageView (with // no arguments) is called here as well, so remeber to call // manually if overloading this method. // // example: // Create an Urchin tracker that will track a specific page on init // after page load (or parsing, if parseOnLoad is true) // | dojo.addOnLoad(function(){ // | new dojox.ananlytics.Urchin({ // | acct:"UA-12345-67", // | GAonLoad: function(){ // | this.trackPageView("/custom-page"); // | } // | }); // | }); this.trackPageView(); }, trackPageView: function(/* string */url){ // summary: A public API attached to this widget instance, allowing you // Ajax-like notification of updates. // // url: String // A location to tell the tracker to track, eg: "/my-ajaxy-endpoint" // // example: // Track clicks from a container of anchors and populate a `ContentPane` // | // 'tracker' is our `Urchin` instance, pane is the `ContentPane` ref. // | dojo.connect(container, "onclick", function(e){ // | var ref = dojo.attr(, "href"); // | tracker.trackPageView(ref); // | pane.attr("href", ref); // | }); this.tracker._trackPageview.apply(this, arguments); } });