dojo.provide("dojox.cometd.HttpChannels"); dojo.require(""); dojo.require("dojox.cometd.RestChannels"); // Note that cometd _base is _not_ required, this can run standalone, but ifyou want // cometd functionality, you must explicitly load/require it elsewhere, and cometd._base // MUST be loaded prior to HttpChannels ifyou use it. // summary: // HttpChannels - An HTTP Based approach to Comet transport with full HTTP messaging // semantics including REST. HttpChannels is exactly the same as RestChannels, loading HttpChannels simply ensures that http parsing // capabilities are present for application/http messages // description: // This can be used: // 1. As a cometd transport // 2. As an enhancement for the REST RPC service, to enable "live" data (real-time updates directly alter the data in indexes) // 2a. With the JsonRestStore (which is driven by the REST RPC service), so this has real-time data. Updates can be heard through the notification API. // 3. As a standalone transport. To use it as a standalone transport looks like this: // |; // | dojox.cometd.HttpChannels.get("/myResource",{callback:function(){ // | // this is called when the resource is first retrieved and any time the // | // resource is changed in the future. This provides a means for retrieving a // | // resource and subscribing to it in a single request // | }); // | dojox.cometd.HttpChannels.subscribe("/anotherResource",{callback:function(){ // | // this is called when the resource is changed in the future // | }); // Channels HTTP can be configured to a different delays: // | dojox.cometd.HttpChannels.autoReconnectTime = 60000; // reconnect after one minute // dojox.cometd.HttpChannels = dojox.cometd.RestChannels;