dojo.provide(""); dojo.require(""); dojo.declare("",, { constructor: function(/*Object*/args){ // summary: // Initializer for the FlickrRestStore store. // description: // The FlickrRestStore is a Datastore interface to one of the basic services // of the Flickr service, the public photo feed. This does not provide // access to all the services of Flickr. // This store cannot do * and ? filtering as the flickr service // provides no interface for wildcards. if(args){ if(args.label) { this.label = args.label; } if(args.apikey) { this._apikey = args.apikey; } } this._cache = []; this._prevRequests = {}; this._handlers = {}; this._prevRequestRanges = []; this._maxPhotosPerUser = {}; this._id =; }, // _id: Integer // A unique identifier for this store. _id: 0, // _requestCount: Integer // A counter for the number of requests made. This is used to define // the callback function that Flickr will use. _requestCount: 0, // _flickrRestUrl: String // The URL to the Flickr REST services. _flickrRestUrl: "", // _apikey: String // The users API key to be used when accessing Flickr REST services. _apikey: null, // _storeRef: String // A key used to mark an data store item as belonging to this store. _storeRef: "_S", // _cache: Array // An Array of all previously downloaded picture info. _cache: null, // _prevRequests: Object // A HashMap used to record the signature of a request to prevent duplicate // request being made. _prevRequests: null, // _handlers: Object // A HashMap used to record the handlers registered for a single remote request. Multiple // requests may be made for the same information before the first request has finished. // Each element of this Object is an array of handlers to call back when the request finishes. // This prevents multiple requests being made for the same information. _handlers: null, // _sortAttributes: Object // A quick lookup of valid attribute names in a sort query. _sortAttributes: { "date-posted": true, "date-taken": true, "interestingness": true }, _fetchItems: function( /*Object*/ request, /*Function*/ fetchHandler, /*Function*/ errorHandler){ // summary: Fetch flickr items that match to a query // request: // A request object // fetchHandler: // A function to call for fetched items // errorHandler: // A function to call on error var query = {}; if(!request.query){ request.query = query = {}; } else { dojo.mixin(query, request.query); } var primaryKey = []; var secondaryKey = []; //Build up the content to send the request for. var content = { format: "json", method: "", api_key: this._apikey, extras: "owner_name,date_upload,date_taken" }; var isRest = false; if(query.userid){ isRest = true; content.user_id = request.query.userid; primaryKey.push("userid"+request.query.userid); } if(query.apikey){ isRest = true; content.api_key = request.query.apikey; secondaryKey.push("api"+request.query.apikey); }else if(content.api_key){ isRest = true; request.query.apikey = content.api_key; secondaryKey.push("api"+content.api_key); }else{ throw Error(" An API key must be specified."); } request._curCount = request.count; if({ =; secondaryKey.push("page" +; }else if(typeof(request.start) != "undefined" && request.start != null){ if(!request.count){ request.count = 20; } var diff = request.start % request.count; var start = request.start, count = request.count; // If the count does not divide cleanly into the start number, // more work has to be done to figure out the best page to request if(diff != 0) { if(start < count / 2){ // If the first record requested is less than half the // amount requested, then request from 0 to the count record count = start + count; start = 0; }else{ var divLimit = 20, div = 2; for(var i = divLimit; i > 0; i--){ if(start % i == 0 && (start/i) >= count){ div = i; break; } } count = start/div; } request._realStart = request.start; request._realCount = request.count; request._curStart = start; request._curCount = count; }else{ request._realStart = request._realCount = null; request._curStart = request.start; request._curCount = request.count; } = (start / count) + 1; secondaryKey.push("page" +; } if(request._curCount){ content.per_page = request._curCount; secondaryKey.push("count" + request._curCount); } if(query.lang){ content.lang = request.query.lang; primaryKey.push("lang" + request.lang); } var url = this._flickrRestUrl; if(query.setid){ content.method = "flickr.photosets.getPhotos"; content.photoset_id = request.query.setid; primaryKey.push("set" + request.query.setid); } if(query.tags){ if(query.tags instanceof Array){ content.tags = query.tags.join(","); }else{ content.tags = query.tags; } primaryKey.push("tags" + content.tags); if(query["tag_mode"] && (query.tag_mode.toLowerCase() == "any" || query.tag_mode.toLowerCase() == "all")){ content.tag_mode = query.tag_mode; } } if(query.text){ content.text=query.text; primaryKey.push("text:"+query.text); } //The store only supports a single sort attribute, even though the //Read API technically allows multiple sort attributes if(query.sort && query.sort.length > 0){ //The default sort attribute is 'date-posted' if(!query.sort[0].attribute){ query.sort[0].attribute = "date-posted"; } //If the sort attribute is valid, check if it is ascending or //descending. if(this._sortAttributes[query.sort[0].attribute]) { if(query.sort[0].descending){ content.sort = query.sort[0].attribute + "-desc"; }else{ content.sort = query.sort[0].attribute + "-asc"; } } }else{ //The default sort in the Dojo Data API is ascending. content.sort = "date-posted-asc"; } primaryKey.push("sort:"+content.sort); //Generate a unique key for this request, so the store can //detect duplicate requests. primaryKey = primaryKey.join("."); secondaryKey = secondaryKey.length > 0 ? "." + secondaryKey.join(".") : ""; var requestKey = primaryKey + secondaryKey; //Make a copy of the request, in case the source object is modified //before the request completes request = { query: query, count: request._curCount, start: request._curStart, _realCount: request._realCount, _realStart: request._realStart, onBegin: request.onBegin, onComplete: request.onComplete, onItem: request.onItem }; var thisHandler = { request: request, fetchHandler: fetchHandler, errorHandler: errorHandler }; //If the request has already been made, but not yet completed, //then add the callback handler to the list of handlers //for this request, and finish. if(this._handlers[requestKey]){ this._handlers[requestKey].push(thisHandler); return; } this._handlers[requestKey] = [thisHandler]; //Linking this up to Flickr is a PAIN! var handle = null; var getArgs = { url: this._flickrRestUrl, preventCache: true, content: content, callbackParamName: "jsoncallback" }; var doHandle = dojo.hitch(this, function(processedData, data, handler){ var onBegin = handler.request.onBegin; handler.request.onBegin = null; var maxPhotos; var req = handler.request; if(typeof(req._realStart) != undefined && req._realStart != null){ req.start = req._realStart; req.count = req._realCount; req._realStart = req._realCount = null; } //If the request contains an onBegin method, the total number //of photos must be calculated. if(onBegin){ var photos = null; if(data){ photos = (data.photoset ? data.photoset :; } if(photos && typeof(photos.perpage) != "undefined" && typeof(photos.pages) != "undefined"){ if(photos.perpage * photos.pages <= handler.request.start + handler.request.count){ //If the final page of results has been received, it is possible to //know exactly how many photos there are maxPhotos = handler.request.start +; }else{ //If the final page of results has not yet been received, //it is not possible to tell exactly how many photos exist, so //return the number of pages multiplied by the number of photos per page. maxPhotos = photos.perpage * photos.pages; } this._maxPhotosPerUser[primaryKey] = maxPhotos; onBegin(maxPhotos, handler.request); }else if(this._maxPhotosPerUser[primaryKey]){ onBegin(this._maxPhotosPerUser[primaryKey], handler.request); } } //Call whatever functions the caller has defined on the request object, except for onBegin handler.fetchHandler(processedData, handler.request); if(onBegin){ //Replace the onBegin function, if it existed. handler.request.onBegin = onBegin; } }); //Define a callback for the script that iterates through a list of //handlers for this piece of data. Multiple requests can come into //the store for the same data. var myHandler = dojo.hitch(this, function(data){ //The handler should not be called more than once, so disconnect it. //if(handle !== null){ dojo.disconnect(handle); } if(data.stat != "ok"){ errorHandler(null, request); }else{ //Process the items... var handlers = this._handlers[requestKey]; if(!handlers){ console.log("FlickrRestStore: no handlers for data", data); return; } this._handlers[requestKey] = null; this._prevRequests[requestKey] = data; //Process the data once. var processedData = this._processFlickrData(data, request, primaryKey); if(!this._prevRequestRanges[primaryKey]){ this._prevRequestRanges[primaryKey] = []; } this._prevRequestRanges[primaryKey].push({ start: request.start, end: request.start + (data.photoset ? : }); //Iterate through the array of handlers, calling each one. dojo.forEach(handlers, function(i){ doHandle(processedData, data, i); }); } }); var data = this._prevRequests[requestKey]; //If the data was previously retrieved, there is no need to fetch it again. if(data){ this._handlers[requestKey] = null; doHandle(this._cache[primaryKey], data, thisHandler); return; }else if(this._checkPrevRanges(primaryKey, request.start, request.count)){ //If this range of data has already been retrieved, reuse it. this._handlers[requestKey] = null; doHandle(this._cache[primaryKey], null, thisHandler); return; } var deferred =; deferred.addCallback(myHandler); //We only set up the errback, because the callback isn't ever really used because we have //to link to the jsonFlickrFeed function.... deferred.addErrback(function(error){ dojo.disconnect(handle); errorHandler(error, request); }); }, getAttributes: function(item){ // summary: // See return [ "title", "author", "imageUrl", "imageUrlSmall", "imageUrlMedium", "imageUrlThumb", "link", "dateTaken", "datePublished" ]; }, getValues: function(item, attribute){ // summary: // See this._assertIsItem(item); this._assertIsAttribute(attribute); switch(attribute){ case "title": return [ this._unescapeHtml(item.title) ]; // String case "author": return [ item.ownername ]; // String case "imageUrlSmall": return [ ]; // String case "imageUrl": return [ ]; // String case "imageUrlMedium": return [ ]; // String case "imageUrlThumb": return [ ]; // String case "link": return [ "" + item.owner + "/" + ]; // String case "dateTaken": return [ item.datetaken ]; case "datePublished": return [ item.datepublished ]; default: return undefined; } }, _processFlickrData: function(/* Object */data, /* Object */request, /* String */ cacheKey){ // summary: Processes the raw data from Flickr and updates the internal cache. // data: // Data returned from Flickr // request: // The original object passed in by the user. // If the data contains an 'item' object, it has not come from the REST // services, so process it using the FlickrStore. if(data.items){ return,arguments); } var template = ["http://farm", null, "", null, "/", null, "_", null]; var items = []; var photos = (data.photoset ? data.photoset :; if(data.stat == "ok" && photos &&{ items =; //Add on the store ref so that isItem can work. for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ var item = items[i]; item[this._storeRef] = this; template[1] =; template[3] = item.server; template[5] =; template[7] = item.secret; var base = template.join(""); = { s: base + "_s.jpg", m: base + "_m.jpg", l: base + ".jpg", t: base + "_t.jpg" }; if(!item.owner && data.photoset){ item.owner = data.photoset.owner; } } } var start = request.start ? request.start : 0; var arr = this._cache[cacheKey]; if(!arr){ this._cache[cacheKey] = arr = []; } dojo.forEach(items, function(i, idx){ arr[idx+ start] = i; }); return arr; // Array }, _checkPrevRanges: function(primaryKey, start, count){ var end = start + count; var arr = this._prevRequestRanges[primaryKey]; return (!!arr) && dojo.some(arr, function(item){ return ((start >= item.start)&&(end <= item.end)); }); } });