dojo.provide(""); dojo.require(""); dojo.require(""); dojo.require(""); dojo.require("dojo.AdapterRegistry"); (function(){ var d = dojo; dojo.declare("", null, { constructor: function(/*Object*/args){ // summary: // Initializer for the FlickrStore store. // description: // The FlickrStore is a Datastore interface to one of the basic services // of the Flickr service, the public photo feed. This does not provide // access to all the services of Flickr. // This store cannot do * and ? filtering as the flickr service // provides no interface for wildcards. if(args && args.label){ this.label = args.label; } }, _storeRef: "_S", label: "title", _assertIsItem: function(/* item */ item){ // summary: // This function tests whether the item passed in is indeed an item in the store. // item: // The item to test for being contained by the store. if(!this.isItem(item)){ throw new Error(" a function was passed an item argument that was not an item"); } }, _assertIsAttribute: function(/* attribute-name-string */ attribute){ // summary: // This function tests whether the item passed in is indeed a valid 'attribute' like type for the store. // attribute: // The attribute to test for being contained by the store. if(typeof attribute !== "string"){ throw new Error(" a function was passed an attribute argument that was not an attribute name string"); } }, getFeatures: function(){ // summary: // See return { '': true }; }, getValue: function(item, attribute, defaultValue){ // summary: // See var values = this.getValues(item, attribute); if(values && values.length > 0){ return values[0]; } return defaultValue; }, getAttributes: function(item){ // summary: // See return [ "title", "description", "author", "datePublished", "dateTaken", "imageUrl", "imageUrlSmall", "imageUrlMedium", "tags", "link" ]; }, hasAttribute: function(item, attribute){ // summary: // See if(this.getValue(item,attribute)){ return true; } return false; }, isItemLoaded: function(item){ // summary: // See return this.isItem(item); }, loadItem: function(keywordArgs){ // summary: // See }, getLabel: function(item){ // summary: // See return this.getValue(item,this.label); }, getLabelAttributes: function(item){ // summary: // See return [this.label]; }, containsValue: function(item, attribute, value){ // summary: // See var values = this.getValues(item,attribute); for(var i = 0; i < values.length; i++){ if(values[i] === value){ return true; } } return false; }, getValues: function(item, attribute){ // summary: // See this._assertIsItem(item); this._assertIsAttribute(attribute); var u = d.hitch(this, "_unescapeHtml"); var s = d.hitch(, "fromISOString"); switch(attribute){ case "title": return [ u(item.title) ]; case "author": return [ u( ]; case "datePublished": return [ s(item.published) ]; case "dateTaken": return [ s(item.date_taken) ]; case "imageUrlSmall": return [\./, "_s.") ]; case "imageUrl": return [\./, ".") ]; case "imageUrlMedium": return [ ]; case "link": return [ ]; case "tags": return item.tags.split(" "); case "description": return [ u(item.description) ]; default: return []; } }, isItem: function(item){ // summary: // See if(item && item[this._storeRef] === this){ return true; } return false; }, close: function(request){ // summary: // See }, _fetchItems: function(request, fetchHandler, errorHandler){ // summary: // Fetch flickr items that match to a query // request: // A request object // fetchHandler: // A function to call for fetched items // errorHandler: // A function to call on error var rq = request.query = request.query||{}; //Build up the content to send the request for. var content = { format: "json", tagmode:"any" }; d.forEach( [ "tags", "tagmode", "lang", "id", "ids" ], function(i){ if(rq[i]){ content[i] = rq[i]; } } ); =||rq.userid||rq.groupid; if(rq.userids){ content.ids = rq.userids; } //Linking this up to Flickr is a PAIN! var handle = null; var getArgs = { url:, preventCache: true, content: content }; var myHandler = d.hitch(this, function(data){ if(!!handle){ d.disconnect(handle); } //Process the items... fetchHandler(this._processFlickrData(data), request); }); handle = d.connect("jsonFlickrFeed", myHandler); var deferred =; //We only set up the errback, because the callback isn't ever really used because we have //to link to the jsonFlickrFeed function.... deferred.addErrback(function(error){ d.disconnect(handle); errorHandler(error, request); }); }, _processFlickrData: function(data){ var items = []; if(data.items){ items = data.items; //Add on the store ref so that isItem can work. for(var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++){ var item = data.items[i]; item[this._storeRef] = this; } } return items; }, _unescapeHtml: function(/*String*/ str){ // summary: // Utility function to un-escape XML special characters in an // HTML string. // str: String. // The string to un-escape // returns: // HTML String converted back to the normal text (unescaped) // characters (<,>,&, ", etc,). //TODO: // Check to see if theres already compatible escape() in // dojo.string or dojo.html return str.replace(/&/gm, "&"). replace(/</gm, "<"). replace(/>/gm, ">"). replace(/"/gm, "\""). replace(/'/gm, "'"); } }); dojo.extend(,; var feedsUrl = ""; var reg = = new d.AdapterRegistry(true); reg.register("group pool", function(request){ return !!request.query["groupid"]; }, feedsUrl+"groups_pool.gne" ); reg.register("default", function(request){ return true; }, feedsUrl+"photos_public.gne" ); })(); //We have to define this because of how the Flickr API works. //This somewhat stinks, but what can you do? if(!jsonFlickrFeed){ var jsonFlickrFeed = function(data){}; }