dojo.provide("dojox.gfx"); dojo.require("dojox.gfx.matrix"); dojo.require("dojox.gfx._base"); dojo.loadInit(function(){ //Since loaderInit can be fired before any dojo.provide/require calls, //make sure the dojox.gfx object exists and only run this logic if dojox.gfx.renderer //has not been defined yet. var gfx = dojo.getObject("dojox.gfx", true), sl, flag, match; if(!gfx.renderer){ var renderers = (typeof dojo.config.gfxRenderer == "string" ? dojo.config.gfxRenderer : "svg,vml,silverlight,canvas").split(","); // mobile platform detection // TODO: move to the base? var ua = navigator.userAgent, iPhoneOsBuild = 0, androidVersion = 0; if(dojo.isSafari >= 3){ // detect mobile version of WebKit starting with "version 3" // comprehensive iPhone test. Have to figure out whether it's SVG or Canvas based on the build. // iPhone OS build numbers from if(ua.indexOf("iPhone") >= 0 || ua.indexOf("iPod") >= 0){ // grab the build out of this. Expression is a little nasty because we want // to be sure we have the whole version string. match = ua.match(/Version\/(\d(\.\d)?(\.\d)?)\sMobile\/([^\s]*)\s?/); if(match){ // grab the build out of the match. Only use the first three because of specific builds. iPhoneOsBuild = parseInt(match[4].substr(0,3), 16); } } } if(dojo.isWebKit){ // Android detection if(!iPhoneOsBuild){ match = ua.match(/Android\s+(\d+\.\d+)/); if(match){ androidVersion = parseFloat(match[1]); // Android 1.0-1.1 doesn't support SVG but supports Canvas } } } for(var i = 0; i < renderers.length; ++i){ switch(renderers[i]){ case "svg": // iPhone OS builds greater than 5F1 should have SVG. if(!dojo.isIE && (!iPhoneOsBuild || iPhoneOsBuild >= 0x5f1) && !androidVersion && !dojo.isAIR){ dojox.gfx.renderer = "svg"; } break; case "vml": if(dojo.isIE){ dojox.gfx.renderer = "vml"; } break; case "silverlight": try{ if(dojo.isIE){ sl = new ActiveXObject("AgControl.AgControl"); if(sl && sl.IsVersionSupported("1.0")){ flag = true; } }else{ if(navigator.plugins["Silverlight Plug-In"]){ flag = true; } } }catch(e){ flag = false; }finally{ sl = null; } if(flag){ dojox.gfx.renderer = "silverlight"; } break; case "canvas": //TODO: need more comprehensive test for Canvas if(!dojo.isIE){ dojox.gfx.renderer = "canvas"; } break; } if(dojox.gfx.renderer){ break; } } if(dojo.config.isDebug){ console.log("gfx renderer = " + dojox.gfx.renderer); } } }); // include a renderer conditionally dojo.requireIf(dojox.gfx.renderer == "svg", "dojox.gfx.svg"); dojo.requireIf(dojox.gfx.renderer == "vml", "dojox.gfx.vml"); dojo.requireIf(dojox.gfx.renderer == "silverlight", "dojox.gfx.silverlight"); dojo.requireIf(dojox.gfx.renderer == "canvas", "dojox.gfx.canvas");