dojo.provide("dojox.lang.functional.sequence"); dojo.require("dojox.lang.functional.lambda"); // This module adds high-level functions and related constructs: // - sequence generators // If you want more general sequence builders check out listcomp.js and // unfold() (in fold.js). // Defined methods: // - take any valid lambda argument as the functional argument (function(){ var d = dojo, df = dojox.lang.functional; d.mixin(df, { // sequence generators repeat: function(/*Number*/ n, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object*/ z, /*Object?*/ o){ // summary: builds an array by repeatedly applying a unary function N times // with a seed value Z. N should be greater than 0. o = o ||; f = df.lambda(f); var t = new Array(n), i = 1; t[0] = z; for(; i < n; t[i] = z =, z), ++i); return t; // Array }, until: function(/*Function|String|Array*/ pr, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object*/ z, /*Object?*/ o){ // summary: builds an array by repeatedly applying a unary function with // a seed value Z until the predicate is satisfied. o = o ||; f = df.lambda(f); pr = df.lambda(pr); var t = []; for(; !, z); t.push(z), z =, z)); return t; // Array } }); })();