baseuri must point to a directory on a web server * containing all the files under the _files directory. You should symlink * or copy these files and set 'baseuri' properly. * * You can also set the proper constant in your test configuration file to * point to the right place. * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Http_Client * @subpackage UnitTests * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Zend Technologies USA Inc. ( * @license New BSD License * @group Zend_Http * @group Zend_Http_Client */ abstract class Zend_Http_Client_CommonHttpTests extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * The bast URI for this test, containing all files in the _files directory * Should be set in TestConfiguration.php or TestConfiguration.php.dist * * @var string */ protected $baseuri; /** * Common HTTP client * * @var Zend_Http_Client */ protected $client = null; /** * Common HTTP client adapter * * @var Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Interface */ protected $_adapter = null; /** * Configuration array * * @var array */ protected $config = array( 'adapter' => 'Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket' ); /** * Set up the test case * */ protected function setUp() { if (defined('TESTS_ZEND_HTTP_CLIENT_BASEURI') && Zend_Uri_Http::check(TESTS_ZEND_HTTP_CLIENT_BASEURI)) { $this->baseuri = TESTS_ZEND_HTTP_CLIENT_BASEURI; if (substr($this->baseuri, -1) != '/') $this->baseuri .= '/'; $name = $this->getName(); if (($pos = strpos($name, ' ')) !== false) { $name = substr($name, 0, $pos); } $uri = $this->baseuri . $name . '.php'; $this->_adapter = new $this->config['adapter']; $this->client = new Zend_Http_Client($uri, $this->config); $this->client->setAdapter($this->_adapter); } else { // Skip tests $this->markTestSkipped("Zend_Http_Client dynamic tests are not enabled in TestConfiguration.php"); } } /** * Clean up the test environment * */ protected function tearDown() { $this->client = null; $this->_adapter = null; } /** * Simple request tests */ /** * Test simple requests * */ public function testSimpleRequests() { $methods = array('GET', 'POST', 'OPTIONS', 'PUT', 'DELETE'); foreach ($methods as $method) { $res = $this->client->request($method); $this->assertEquals('Success', $res->getBody(), "HTTP {$method} request failed."); } } /** * Test we can get the last request as string * */ public function testGetLastRequest() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri . 'testHeaders.php'); $this->client->setParameterGet('someinput', 'somevalue'); $this->client->setHeaders(array( 'X-Powered-By' => 'My Glorious Golden Ass', )); $res = $this->client->request(Zend_Http_Client::TRACE); if ($res->getStatus() == 405 || $res->getStatus() == 501) { $this->markTestSkipped("Server does not allow the TRACE method"); } $this->assertEquals($this->client->getLastRequest(), $res->getBody(), 'Response body should be exactly like the last request'); } /** * GET and POST parameters tests */ /** * Test we can properly send GET parameters * * @dataProvider parameterArrayProvider */ public function testGetData($params) { $this->client->setUri($this->client->getUri(true) . '?name=Arthur'); $this->client->setParameterGet($params); $res = $this->client->request('GET'); $this->assertEquals(serialize(array_merge(array('name' => 'Arthur'), $params)), $res->getBody()); } /** * Test we can properly send POST parameters with * application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type * * @dataProvider parameterArrayProvider */ public function testPostDataUrlEncoded($params) { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri . 'testPostData.php'); $this->client->setEncType(Zend_Http_Client::ENC_URLENCODED); $this->client->setParameterPost($params); $res = $this->client->request('POST'); $this->assertEquals(serialize($params), $res->getBody(), "POST data integrity test failed"); } /** * Test we can properly send POST parameters with * multipart/form-data content type * * @dataProvider parameterArrayProvider */ public function testPostDataMultipart($params) { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri . 'testPostData.php'); $this->client->setEncType(Zend_Http_Client::ENC_FORMDATA); $this->client->setParameterPost($params); $res = $this->client->request('POST'); $this->assertEquals(serialize($params), $res->getBody(), "POST data integrity test failed"); } /** * Test using raw HTTP POST data * */ public function testRawPostData() { $data = "Chuck Norris never wet his bed as a child. The bed wet itself out of fear."; $res = $this->client->setRawData($data, 'text/html')->request('POST'); $this->assertEquals($data, $res->getBody(), 'Response body does not contain the expected data'); } /** * Make sure we can reset the parameters between consecutive requests * */ public function testResetParameters() { $params = array( 'quest' => 'To seek the holy grail', 'YourMother' => 'Was a hamster', 'specialChars' => '<>$+ &?=[]^%', 'array' => array('firstItem', 'secondItem', '3rdItem') ); $this->client->setParameterPost($params); $this->client->setParameterGet($params); $res = $this->client->request('POST'); $this->assertContains(serialize($params) . "\n" . serialize($params), $res->getBody(), "returned body does not contain all GET and POST parameters (it should!)"); $this->client->resetParameters(); $res = $this->client->request('POST'); $this->assertNotContains(serialize($params), $res->getBody(), "returned body contains GET or POST parameters (it shouldn't!)"); } /** * Test parameters get reset when we unset them * */ public function testParameterUnset() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri . 'testResetParameters.php'); $gparams = array ( 'cheese' => 'camambert', 'beer' => 'jever pilnsen', ); $pparams = array ( 'from' => 'bob', 'to' => 'alice' ); $this->client->setParameterGet($gparams)->setParameterPost($pparams); // Remove some parameters $this->client->setParameterGet('cheese', null)->setParameterPost('to', null); $res = $this->client->request('POST'); $this->assertNotContains('cheese', $res->getBody(), 'The "cheese" GET parameter was expected to be unset'); $this->assertNotContains('alice', $res->getBody(), 'The "to" POST parameter was expected to be unset'); } /** * Header Tests */ /** * Make sure we can set a single header * */ public function testHeadersSingle() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri . 'testHeaders.php'); $headers = array( 'Accept-encoding' => 'gzip,deflate', 'X-baz' => 'Foo', 'X-powered-by' => 'A large wooden badger' ); foreach ($headers as $key => $val) { $this->client->setHeaders($key, $val); } $acceptHeader = "Accept: text/xml,text/html,*/*"; $this->client->setHeaders($acceptHeader); $res = $this->client->request('TRACE'); if ($res->getStatus() == 405 || $res->getStatus() == 501) { $this->markTestSkipped("Server does not allow the TRACE method"); } $body = strtolower($res->getBody()); foreach ($headers as $key => $val) $this->assertContains(strtolower("$key: $val"), $body); $this->assertContains(strtolower($acceptHeader), $body); } /** * Test we can set an array of headers * */ public function testHeadersArray() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri . 'testHeaders.php'); $headers = array( 'Accept-encoding' => 'gzip,deflate', 'X-baz' => 'Foo', 'X-powered-by' => 'A large wooden badger', 'Accept: text/xml,text/html,*/*' ); $this->client->setHeaders($headers); $res = $this->client->request('TRACE'); if ($res->getStatus() == 405 || $res->getStatus() == 501) { $this->markTestSkipped("Server does not allow the TRACE method"); } $body = strtolower($res->getBody()); foreach ($headers as $key => $val) { if (is_string($key)) { $this->assertContains(strtolower("$key: $val"), $body); } else { $this->assertContains(strtolower($val), $body); } } } /** * Test we can set a set of values for one header * */ public function testMultipleHeader() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri . 'testHeaders.php'); $headers = array( 'Accept-encoding' => 'gzip,deflate', 'X-baz' => 'Foo', 'X-powered-by' => array( 'A large wooden badger', 'My Shiny Metal Ass', 'Dark Matter' ), 'Cookie' => array( 'foo=bar', 'baz=waka' ) ); $this->client->setHeaders($headers); $res = $this->client->request('TRACE'); if ($res->getStatus() == 405 || $res->getStatus() == 501) { $this->markTestSkipped("Server does not allow the TRACE method"); } $body = strtolower($res->getBody()); foreach ($headers as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) $val = implode(', ', $val); $this->assertContains(strtolower("$key: $val"), $body); } } /** * Redirection tests */ /** * Test the client properly redirects in default mode * */ public function testRedirectDefault() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri . 'testRedirections.php'); // Set some parameters $this->client->setParameterGet('swallow', 'african'); $this->client->setParameterPost('Camelot', 'A silly place'); // Request $res = $this->client->request('POST'); $this->assertEquals(3, $this->client->getRedirectionsCount(), 'Redirection counter is not as expected'); // Make sure the body does *not* contain the set parameters $this->assertNotContains('swallow', $res->getBody()); $this->assertNotContains('Camelot', $res->getBody()); } /** * Make sure the client properly redirects in strict mode * */ public function testRedirectStrict() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri . 'testRedirections.php'); // Set some parameters $this->client->setParameterGet('swallow', 'african'); $this->client->setParameterPost('Camelot', 'A silly place'); // Set strict redirections $this->client->setConfig(array('strictredirects' => true)); // Request $res = $this->client->request('POST'); $this->assertEquals(3, $this->client->getRedirectionsCount(), 'Redirection counter is not as expected'); // Make sure the body *does* contain the set parameters $this->assertContains('swallow', $res->getBody()); $this->assertContains('Camelot', $res->getBody()); } /** * Make sure redirections stop when limit is exceeded * */ public function testMaxRedirectsExceeded() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri . 'testRedirections.php'); // Set some parameters $this->client->setParameterGet('swallow', 'african'); $this->client->setParameterPost('Camelot', 'A silly place'); // Set lower max redirections // Try with strict redirections first $this->client->setConfig(array('strictredirects' => true, 'maxredirects' => 2)); $res = $this->client->request('POST'); $this->assertTrue($res->isRedirect(), "Last response was not a redirection as expected. Response code: {$res->getStatus()}. Redirections counter: {$this->client->getRedirectionsCount()} (when strict redirects are on)"); // Then try with normal redirections $this->client->setParameterGet('redirection', '0'); $this->client->setConfig(array('strictredirects' => false)); $res = $this->client->request('POST'); $this->assertTrue($res->isRedirect(), "Last response was not a redirection as expected. Response code: {$res->getStatus()}. Redirections counter: {$this->client->getRedirectionsCount()} (when strict redirects are off)"); } /** * Test we can properly redirect to an absolute path (not full URI) * */ public function testAbsolutePathRedirect() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri . 'testRelativeRedirections.php'); $this->client->setParameterGet('redirect', 'abpath'); $this->client->setConfig(array('maxredirects' => 1)); // Get the host and port part of our baseuri $uri = $this->client->getUri()->getScheme() . '://' . $this->client->getUri()->getHost() . ':' . $this->client->getUri()->getPort(); $res = $this->client->request('GET'); $this->assertEquals("{$uri}/path/to/fake/file.ext?redirect=abpath", $this->client->getUri(true), "The new location is not as expected: {$this->client->getUri(true)}"); } /** * Test we can properly redirect to a relative path * */ public function testRelativePathRedirect() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri . 'testRelativeRedirections.php'); $this->client->setParameterGet('redirect', 'relpath'); $this->client->setConfig(array('maxredirects' => 1)); // Set the new expected URI $uri = clone $this->client->getUri(); $uri->setPath(dirname($uri->getPath()) . '/path/to/fake/file.ext'); $uri = $uri->__toString(); $res = $this->client->request('GET'); $this->assertEquals("{$uri}?redirect=relpath", $this->client->getUri(true), "The new location is not as expected: {$this->client->getUri(true)}"); } /** * HTTP Authentication Tests * */ /** * Test we can properly use Basic HTTP authentication * */ public function testHttpAuthBasic() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri. 'testHttpAuth.php'); $this->client->setParameterGet(array( 'user' => 'alice', 'pass' => 'secret', 'method' => 'Basic' )); // First - fail password $this->client->setAuth('alice', 'wrong'); $res = $this->client->request(); $this->assertEquals(401, $res->getStatus(), 'Expected HTTP 401 response was not recieved'); // Now use good password $this->client->setAuth('alice', 'secret'); $res = $this->client->request(); $this->assertEquals(200, $res->getStatus(), 'Expected HTTP 200 response was not recieved'); } /** * Test we can unset HTTP authentication * */ public function testCancelAuth() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri. 'testHttpAuth.php'); // Set auth and cancel it $this->client->setAuth('alice', 'secret'); $this->client->setAuth(false); $res = $this->client->request(); $this->assertEquals(401, $res->getStatus(), 'Expected HTTP 401 response was not recieved'); $this->assertNotContains('alice', $res->getBody(), "Body contains the user name, but it shouldn't"); $this->assertNotContains('secret', $res->getBody(), "Body contains the password, but it shouldn't"); } /** * Cookie and CookieJar Tests * */ /** * Test we can set string cookies with no jar * */ public function testCookiesStringNoJar() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri. 'testCookies.php'); $cookies = array( 'name' => 'value', 'cookie' => 'crumble' ); foreach ($cookies as $k => $v) { $this->client->setCookie($k, $v); } $res = $this->client->request(); $this->assertEquals($res->getBody(), serialize($cookies), 'Response body does not contain the expected cookies'); } /** * Make sure we can set object cookies with no jar * */ public function testSetCookieObjectNoJar() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri. 'testCookies.php'); $refuri = $this->client->getUri(); $cookies = array( Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('chocolate=chips', $refuri), Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('crumble=apple', $refuri) ); $strcookies = array(); foreach ($cookies as $c) { $this->client->setCookie($c); $strcookies[$c->getName()] = $c->getValue(); } $res = $this->client->request(); $this->assertEquals($res->getBody(), serialize($strcookies), 'Response body does not contain the expected cookies'); } /** * Make sure we can set an array of object cookies * */ public function testSetCookieObjectArray() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri. 'testCookies.php'); $refuri = $this->client->getUri(); $cookies = array( Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('chocolate=chips', $refuri), Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('crumble=apple', $refuri), Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('another=cookie', $refuri) ); $this->client->setCookie($cookies); $strcookies = array(); foreach ($cookies as $c) { $strcookies[$c->getName()] = $c->getValue(); } $res = $this->client->request(); $this->assertEquals($res->getBody(), serialize($strcookies), 'Response body does not contain the expected cookies'); } /** * Make sure we can set an array of string cookies * */ public function testSetCookieStringArray() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri. 'testCookies.php'); $cookies = array( 'chocolate' => 'chips', 'crumble' => 'apple', 'another' => 'cookie' ); $this->client->setCookie($cookies); $res = $this->client->request(); $this->assertEquals($res->getBody(), serialize($cookies), 'Response body does not contain the expected cookies'); } /** * Make sure we can set cookie objects with a jar * */ public function testSetCookieObjectJar() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri. 'testCookies.php'); $this->client->setCookieJar(); $refuri = $this->client->getUri(); $cookies = array( Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('chocolate=chips', $refuri), Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('crumble=apple', $refuri) ); $strcookies = array(); foreach ($cookies as $c) { $this->client->setCookie($c); $strcookies[$c->getName()] = $c->getValue(); } $res = $this->client->request(); $this->assertEquals($res->getBody(), serialize($strcookies), 'Response body does not contain the expected cookies'); } /** * File Upload Tests * */ /** * Test we can upload raw data as a file * */ public function testUploadRawData() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri. 'testUploads.php'); $rawdata = file_get_contents(__FILE__); $this->client->setFileUpload('myfile.txt', 'uploadfile', $rawdata, 'text/plain'); $res = $this->client->request('POST'); $body = 'uploadfile myfile.txt text/plain ' . strlen($rawdata) . "\n"; $this->assertEquals($body, $res->getBody(), 'Response body does not include expected upload parameters'); } /** * Test we can upload an existing file * */ public function testUploadLocalFile() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri. 'testUploads.php'); $this->client->setFileUpload(__FILE__, 'uploadfile', null, 'text/x-foo-bar'); $res = $this->client->request('POST'); $size = filesize(__FILE__); $body = "uploadfile " . basename(__FILE__) . " text/x-foo-bar $size\n"; $this->assertEquals($body, $res->getBody(), 'Response body does not include expected upload parameters'); } public function testUploadLocalDetectMime() { $detect = null; if (function_exists('finfo_file')) { $f = @finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME); if ($f) $detect = 'finfo'; } elseif (function_exists('mime_content_type')) { if (mime_content_type(__FILE__)) { $detect = 'mime_magic'; } } if (! $detect) { $this->markTestSkipped('No MIME type detection capability (fileinfo or mime_magic extensions) is available'); } $file = dirname(realpath(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'staticFile.jpg'; $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri. 'testUploads.php'); $this->client->setFileUpload($file, 'uploadfile'); $res = $this->client->request('POST'); $size = filesize($file); $body = "uploadfile " . basename($file) . " image/jpeg $size\n"; $this->assertEquals($body, $res->getBody(), 'Response body does not include expected upload parameters (detect: ' . $detect . ')'); } public function testUploadNameWithSpecialChars() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri. 'testUploads.php'); $rawdata = file_get_contents(__FILE__); $this->client->setFileUpload('/some strage/path%/with[!@#$&]/myfile.txt', 'uploadfile', $rawdata, 'text/plain'); $res = $this->client->request('POST'); $body = 'uploadfile myfile.txt text/plain ' . strlen($rawdata) . "\n"; $this->assertEquals($body, $res->getBody(), 'Response body does not include expected upload parameters'); } public function testStaticLargeFileDownload() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri . 'staticFile.jpg'); $got = $this->client->request()->getBody(); $expected = $this->_getTestFileContents('staticFile.jpg'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $got, 'Downloaded file does not seem to match!'); } /** * Test that one can upload multiple files with the same form name, as an * array * * @link */ public function testMutipleFilesWithSameFormNameZF5744() { $rawData = 'Some test raw data here...'; $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri . 'testUploads.php'); $files = array('file1.txt', 'file2.txt', ''); $expectedBody = ''; foreach($files as $filename) { $this->client->setFileUpload($filename, 'uploadfile[]', $rawData, 'text/plain'); $expectedBody .= "uploadfile $filename text/plain " . strlen($rawData) . "\n"; } $res = $this->client->request('POST'); $this->assertEquals($expectedBody, $res->getBody(), 'Response body does not include expected upload parameters'); } /** * Test that lines that might be evaluated as boolean false do not break * the reading prematurely. * * @see */ public function testZF4238FalseLinesInResponse() { $this->client->setUri($this->baseuri . 'ZF4238-zerolineresponse.txt'); $got = $this->client->request()->getBody(); $expected = $this->_getTestFileContents('ZF4238-zerolineresponse.txt'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $got); } /** * Internal helpder function to get the contents of test files * * @param string $file * @return string */ protected function _getTestFileContents($file) { return file_get_contents(dirname(realpath(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); } /** * Data provider for complex, nesting parameter arrays * * @return array */ static public function parameterArrayProvider() { return array( array( array( 'quest' => 'To seek the holy grail', 'YourMother' => 'Was a hamster', 'specialChars' => '<>$+ &?=[]^%', 'array' => array('firstItem', 'secondItem', '3rdItem') ) ), array( array( 'someData' => array( "1", "2", 'key' => 'value', 'nesting' => array( 'a' => 'AAA', 'b' => 'BBB' ) ), 'someOtherData' => array('foo', 'bar') ) ), array( array( 'foo1' => 'bar', 'foo2' => array('baz', 'w00t') ) ) ); } /** * Data provider for invalid configuration containers * * @return array */ static public function invalidConfigProvider() { return array( array(false), array('foo => bar'), array(null), array(new stdClass), array(55) ); } }