Markus Warg 8398c9048d initially import ZendFramework-1.9.5 into repository
code was modified slightly, so the code differs from the original downloadable 1.9.5 version
2010-03-31 10:12:32 +02:00

1238 lines
35 KiB

dojo.require(""); = 0; = 1;
// summary:
// The jsonPathStore implements, write, notify, and identity api's. It is a local (in memory) store
// and can take a javascript object with any arbitrary format and attach to it to provide a interface to that object
// data. It uses jsonPath as the query language to search agains this store.
metaLabel: "_meta",
hideMetaAttributes: false,
autoIdPrefix: "_auto_",
autoIdentity: true,
idAttribute: "_id",
indexOnLoad: true,
labelAttribute: "",
url: "",
_replaceRegex: /\'\]/gi,
noRevert : false,
constructor: function(options){
// jsonPathStore constructor, instantiate a new jsonPathStore
// Takes a single optional parameter in the form of a Javascript object
// containing one or more of the following properties.
// data: /*JSON String*/ || /* Javascript Object */,
// JSON String or Javascript object this store will control
// JSON is converted into an object, and an object passed to
// the store will be used directly. If no data and no url
// is provide, an empty object, {}, will be used as the initial
// store.
// url: /* string url */
// Load data from this url in JSON format and use the Object
// created from the data as the data source.
// indexOnLoad: /* boolean */
// Defaults to true, but this may change in the near future.
// Parse the data object and set individual objects up as
// appropriate. This will add meta data and assign
// id's to objects that dont' have them as defined by the
// idAttribute option. Disabling this option will keep this
// parsing from happening until a query is performed at which
// time only the top level of an item has meta info stored.
// This might work in some situations, but you will almost
// always want to indexOnLoad or use another option which
// will create an index. In the future we will support a
// generated index that maps by jsonPath allowing the
// server to take some of this load for larger data sets.
// idAttribute: /* string */
// Defaults to '_id'. The name of the attribute that holds an objects id.
// This can be a preexisting id provided by the server.
// If an ID isn't already provided when an object
// is fetched or added to the store, the autoIdentity system
// will generate an id for it and add it to the index. There
// are utility routines for exporting data from the store
// that can clean any generated IDs before exporting and leave
// preexisting id's in tact.
// metaLabel: /* string */
// Defaults to '_meta' overrides the attribute name that is used by the store
// for attaching meta information to an object while
// in the store's control. Defaults to '_meta'.
// hideMetaAttributes: /* boolean */
// Defaults to False. When enabled, calls to getAttributes() will not
// include the meta attribute.
// autoIdPrefix: /*string*/
// Defaults to "_auto_". This string is used as the prefix to any
// objects which have a generated id. A numeric index is appended
// to this string to complete the ID
// mode: ||
// Defaults to ASYNC_MODE. This option sets the default mode for this store.
// Sync calls return their data immediately from the calling function
// instead of calling the callback functions. Functions such as
// fetchItemByIdentity() and fetch() both accept a string parameter in addtion
// to the normal keywordArgs parameter. When passed this option, SYNC_MODE will
// automatically be used even when the default mode of the system is ASYNC_MODE.
// A normal request to fetch or fetchItemByIdentity (with kwArgs object) can also
// include a mode property to override this setting for that one request.
//setup a byId alias to the api call
if (options){
//regex to identify when we're travelling down metaObject (which we don't want to do)
var expr="("+this.metaLabel+"\'\])";
this.metaRegex = new RegExp(expr);
//no data or url, start with an empty object for a store
if (! && !this.url){
//we have data, but no url, set the store as the data
if ( && !this.url){
//remove the original refernce, we're now using _data from here on out
//given a url, load json data from as the store
if (this.url){
url: options.url,
handleAs: "json",
load: dojo.hitch(this, "setData"),
sync: this.mode
_loadData: function(data){
// summary:
// load data into the store. Index it if appropriate.
if (this._data){
delete this._data;
if (dojo.isString(data)){
this._data = dojo.fromJson(data);
this._data = data;
if (this.indexOnLoad){
this._updateMeta(this._data, {path: "$"});
onLoadData: function(data){
// summary
// Called after data has been loaded in the store.
// If any requests happened while the startup is happening
// then process them now.
while (this._fetchQueue.length>0){
var req = this._fetchQueue.shift();
setData: function(data){
// summary:
// set the stores' data to the supplied object and then
// load and/or setup that data with the required meta info
buildIndex: function(path, item){
// parse the object structure, and turn any objects into
// jsonPathStore items. Basically this just does a recursive
// series of fetches which itself already examines any items
// as they are retrieved and setups up the required meta information.
// path: /* string */
// jsonPath Query for the starting point of this index construction.
if (!this.idAttribute){
throw new Error("buildIndex requires idAttribute for the store");
item = item || this._data;
var origPath = path;
path = path||"$";
path += "[*]";
var data = this.fetch({query: path,mode:});
for(var i=0; i<data.length;i++){
var parts, attribute;
var newPath = data[i][this.metaLabel]["path"];
if (origPath){
//console.log("newPath: ", newPath);
//console.log("origPath: ", origPath);
//console.log("path: ", path);
//console.log("data[i]: ", data[i]);
parts = origPath.split("\[\'");
attribute = parts[parts.length-1].replace(this._replaceRegex,'');
//console.log("attribute: ", attribute);
//console.log("ParentItem: ", item, attribute);
if (!dojo.isArray(data[i])){
this._addReference(data[i], {parent: item, attribute:attribute});
this.buildIndex(newPath, data[i]);
parts = newPath.split("\[\'");
attribute = parts[parts.length-1].replace(this._replaceRegex,'');
this._addReference(data[i], {parent: this._data, attribute:attribute});
this.buildIndex(newPath, data[i]);
_correctReference: function(item){
// summary:
// make sure we have an reference to the item in the store
// and not a clone. Takes an item, matches it to the corresponding
// item in the store and if it is the same, returns itself, otherwise
// it returns the item from the store.
if(this.index[item[this.idAttribute]] && (this.index[item[this.idAttribute]][this.metaLabel]===item[this.metaLabel])){
return this.index[item[this.idAttribute]];
return item;
getValue: function(item, property){
// summary:
// Gets the value of an item's 'property'
// item: /* object */
// property: /* string */
// property to look up value for
item = this._correctReference(item);
return item[property];
getValues: function(item, property){
// summary:
// Gets the value of an item's 'property' and returns
// it. If this value is an array it is just returned,
// if not, the value is added to an array and that is returned.
// item: /* object */
// property: /* string */
// property to look up value for
item = this._correctReference(item);
return dojo.isArray(item[property]) ? item[property] : [item[property]];
getAttributes: function(item){
// summary:
// Gets the available attributes of an item's 'property' and returns
// it as an array. If the store has 'hideMetaAttributes' set to true
// the attributed identified by 'metaLabel' will not be included.
// item: /* object */
item = this._correctReference(item);
var res = [];
for (var i in item){
if (this.hideMetaAttributes && (i==this.metaLabel)){continue;}
return res;
hasAttribute: function(item,attribute){
// summary:
// Checks to see if item has attribute
// item: /* object */
// attribute: /* string */
item = this._correctReference(item);
if (attribute in item){return true;}
return false;
containsValue: function(item, attribute, value){
// summary:
// Checks to see if 'item' has 'value' at 'attribute'
// item: /* object */
// attribute: /* string */
// value: /* anything */
item = this._correctReference(item);
if (item[attribute] && item[attribute]==value){return true}
if (dojo.isObject(item[attribute]) || dojo.isObject(value)){
if (this._shallowCompare(item[attribute],value)){return true}
return false;
_shallowCompare: function(a, b){
//summary does a simple/shallow compare of properties on an object
//to the same named properties on the given item. Returns
//true if all props match. It will not descend into child objects
//but it will compare child date objects
if ((dojo.isObject(a) && !dojo.isObject(b))|| (dojo.isObject(b) && !dojo.isObject(a))) {
return false;
if ( a["getFullYear"] || b["getFullYear"] ){
//confirm that both are dates
if ( (a["getFullYear"] && !b["getFullYear"]) || (b["getFullYear"] && !a["getFullYear"]) ){
return false;
if (!,b)){
return true;
return false;
for (var i in b){
if (dojo.isObject(b[i])){
if (!a[i] || !dojo.isObject(a[i])){return false}
if (b[i]["getFullYear"]){
if(!a[i]["getFullYear"]){return false}
if (,b)){return false}
if (!this._shallowCompare(a[i],b[i])){return false}
if (!b[i] || (a[i]!=b[i])){return false}
//make sure there werent props on a that aren't on b, if there aren't, then
//the previous section will have already evaluated things.
for (i in a){
if (!b[i]){return false}
return true;
isItem: function(item){
// summary:
// Checks to see if a passed 'item'
// is really a jsonPathStore item. Currently
// it only verifies structure. It does not verify
// that it belongs to this store at this time.
// item: /* object */
// attribute: /* string */
if (!dojo.isObject(item) || !item[this.metaLabel]){return false}
if (this.requireId && this._hasId && !item[this._id]){return false}
return true;
isItemLoaded: function(item){
// summary:
// returns isItem() :)
// item: /* object */
item = this._correctReference(item);
return this.isItem(item);
loadItem: function(item){
// summary:
// returns true. Future implementatins might alter this
return true;
_updateMeta: function(item, props){
// summary:
// verifies that 'item' has a meta object attached
// and if not it creates it by setting it to 'props'
// if the meta attribute already exists, mix 'props'
// into it.
if (item && item[this.metaLabel]){
dojo.mixin(item[this.metaLabel], props);
cleanMeta: function(data, options){
// summary
// Recurses through 'data' and removes an
// meta information that has been attached. This
// function will also removes any id's that were autogenerated
// from objects. It will not touch id's that were not generated
data = data || this._data;
delete data[this.idAttribute];
delete data[this.metaLabel];
for(var i=0; i<data.length;i++){
if(dojo.isObject(data[i]) || dojo.isArray(data[i]) ){
}else if(dojo.isObject(data)){
for(i in data){
fetch: function(args){
//console.log("fetch() ", args);
// summary
// fetch takes either a string argument or a keywordArgs
// object containing the parameters for the search.
// If passed a string, fetch will interpret this string
// as the query to be performed and will do so in
// SYNC_MODE returning the results immediately.
// If an object is supplied as 'args', its options will be
// parsed and then contained query executed.
// query: /* string or object */
// Defaults to "$..*". jsonPath query to be performed
// on data store. **note that since some widgets
// expect this to be an object, an object in the form
// of {query: '$[*'], queryOptions: "someOptions"} is
// acceptable
// mode: ||
// Override the stores default mode.
// queryOptions: /* object */
// Options passed on to the underlying jsonPath query
// system.
// start: /* int */
// Starting item in result set
// count: /* int */
// Maximum number of items to return
// sort: /* function */
// Not Implemented yet
// The following only apply to ASYNC requests (the default)
// onBegin: /* function */
// called before any results are returned. Parameters
// will be the count and the original fetch request
// onItem: /*function*/
// called for each returned item. Parameters will be
// the item and the fetch request
// onComplete: /* function */
// called on completion of the request. Parameters will
// be the complete result set and the request
// onError: /* function */
// colled in the event of an error
// we're not started yet, add this request to a queue and wait till we do
if (!this._data){
return args;
query = args;
args={query: query, mode:};
var query;
if (!args || !args.query){
if (!args){
var args={};
if (!args.query){
if (dojo.isObject(args.query)){
if (args.query.query){
query = args.query.query;
query = args.query = "$..*";
if (args.query.queryOptions){
if (!args.mode) {args.mode = this.mode;}
if (!args.queryOptions) {args.queryOptions={};}
var results = dojox.jsonPath.query(this._data, query, args.queryOptions);
var tmp=[];
var count=0;
for (var i=0; i<results.length; i++){
if(args.start && i<args.start){continue;}
if (args.count && (count >= args.count)) { continue; }
var item = results[i]["value"];
var path = results[i]["path"];
if (!dojo.isObject(item)){continue;}
//this automatically records the objects path
this._updateMeta(item,{path: results[i].path});
//if autoIdentity and no id, generate one and add it to the item
if(this.autoIdentity && !item[this.idAttribute]){
var newId = this.autoIdPrefix + this._autoId++;
//add item to the item index if appropriate
results = tmp;
var scope = args.scope ||;
if ("sort" in args){
console.log("TODO::add support for sorting in the fetch");
if ({
return results;
if (args.onBegin){
args["onBegin"].call(scope, results.length, args);
if (args.onItem){
for (var i=0; i<results.length;i++){
args["onItem"].call(scope, results[i], args);
if (args.onComplete){
args["onComplete"].call(scope, results, args);
return args;
dump: function(options){
// summary:
// exports the store data set. Takes an options
// object with a number of parameters
// data: /* object */
// Defaults to the root of the store.
// The data to be exported.
// clone: /* boolean */
// clone the data set before returning it
// or modifying it for export
// cleanMeta: /* boolean */
// clean the meta data off of the data. Note
// that this will happen to the actual
// store data if !clone. If you want
// to continue using the store after
// this operation, it is probably better to export
// it as a clone if you want it cleaned.
// suppressExportMeta: /* boolean */
// By default, when data is exported from the store
// some information, such as as a timestamp, is
// added to the root of exported data. This
// prevents that from happening. It is mainly used
// for making tests easier.
// type: "raw" || "json"
// Defaults to 'json'. 'json' will convert the data into
// json before returning it. 'raw' will just return a
// reference to the object
var options = options || {};
var d = || this._data;
if (!options.suppressExportMeta && options.clone){
data = dojo.clone(d);
if (data[this.metaLabel]){
var data=d;
if (!options.suppressExportMeta && data[this.metaLabel]){
data[this.metaLabel]["last_export"]=new Date().toString()
//console.log("Exporting: ", options, dojo.toJson(data));
case "raw":
return data;
case "json":
return dojo.toJson(data, options.pretty || false);
getFeatures: function(){
// summary:
// return the store feature set
return {
"": true,
"": true,
"": true,
"": true
getLabel: function(item){
// summary
// returns the label for an item. The label
// is created by setting the store's labelAttribute
// property with either an attribute name or an array
// of attribute names. Developers can also
// provide the store with a createLabel function which
// will do the actaul work of creating the label. If not
// the default will just concatenate any of the identified
// attributes together.
item = this._correctReference(item);
var label="";
if (dojo.isFunction(this.createLabel)){
return this.createLabel(item);
if (this.labelAttribute){
if (dojo.isArray(this.labelAttribute)) {
for(var i=0; i<this.labelAttribute.length; i++){
if (i>0) { label+=" ";}
label += item[this.labelAttribute[i]];
return label;
return item[this.labelAttribute];
return item.toString();
getLabelAttributes: function(item){
// summary:
// returns an array of attributes that are used to create the label of an item
item = this._correctReference(item);
return dojo.isArray(this.labelAttribute) ? this.labelAttribute : [this.labelAttribute];
sort: function(a,b){
console.log("TODO::implement default sort algo");
//Identity API Support
getIdentity: function(item){
// summary
// returns the identity of an item or throws
// a not found error.
if (this.isItem(item)){
return item[this.idAttribute];
throw new Error("Id not found for item");
getIdentityAttributes: function(item){
// summary:
// returns the attributes which are used to make up the
// identity of an item. Basically returns this.idAttribute
return [this.idAttribute];
fetchItemByIdentity: function(args){
// summary:
// fetch an item by its identity. This store also provides
// a much more finger friendly alias, 'byId' which does the
// same thing as this function. If provided a string
// this call will be treated as a SYNC request and will
// return the identified item immediatly. Alternatively it
// takes a object as a set of keywordArgs:
// identity: /* string */
// the id of the item you want to retrieve
// mode: ||
// overrides the default store fetch mode
// onItem: /* function */
// Result call back. Passed the fetched item.
// onError: /* function */
// error callback.
var id;
if (dojo.isString(args)){
id = args;
args = {identity: id, mode:}
if (args){
id = args["identity"];
if (!args.mode){args.mode = this.mode}
if (this.index && (this.index[id] || this.index["identity"])){
if ({
return this.index[id];
if (args.onItem){
args["onItem"].call(args.scope ||, this.index[id], args);
return args;
if ({
return false;
args["onItem"].call(args.scope ||, new Error("Item Not Found: " + id), args);
return args;
_makeItAnItem: function(data, pInfo){
// Summary:
// add the meta data to the item and descendants
var meta={};
if(this.idAttribute && !data[this.idAttribute]){
throw new Error("requireId is enabled, new items must have an id defined to be added");
var newId = this.autoIdPrefix + this._autoId++;
if(!pInfo && !pInfo.attribute && !this.idAttribute && !data[this.idAttribute]){
throw new Error("Adding a new item requires, at a minimum, either the pInfo information, including the pInfo.attribute, or an id on the item in the field identified by idAttribute");
pInfo.attribute = data[this.idAttribute];
//add this item to the index
this._updateMeta(data, meta)
//keep track of all references in the store so we can delete them as necessary
this._addReference(data, {parent: pInfo.item, attribute: pInfo.attribute});
//mark this new item as dirty
//Itemize the children the children if any
if(data[pInfo.attribute] && dojo.isArray(data[pInfo.attribute])){
for(var i=0; i<data[pInfo.attribute].length; i++){
this._makeItAnItem(data[pInfo.attribute][i], {item: data, attribute: pInfo.attribute});
return data;
//Write API Support
newItem: function(data, options){
// summary:
// adds a new item to the store at the specified point.
// Takes two parameters, data, and options.
// data: /* object */
// The data to be added in as an item. This could be a
// new javascript object, or it could be an item that
// already exists in the store. If it already exists in the
// store, then this will be added as a reference.
// options: /* object */
// item: /* item */
// reference to an existing store item
// attribute: /* string */
// attribute to add the item at. If this is
// not provided, the item's id will be used as the
// attribute name. If specified attribute is an
// array, the new item will be push()d on to the
// end of it.
// oldValue: /* old value of item[attribute]
// newValue: new value item[attribute]
//default parent to the store root;
var pInfo ={item:this._data};
if (options){
if (options.parent){
options.item = options.parent;
dojo.mixin(pInfo, options);
this._makeItAnItem(data, pInfo);
pInfo.oldValue = this._trimItem(pInfo.item[pInfo.attribute]);
pInfo.newValue = pInfo.item[pInfo.attribute];
//Notification API
this.onNew(data, pInfo);
//Notification API for the children
if(data[pInfo.attribute] && dojo.isArray(data[pInfo.attribute])){
for(var i=0; i<data[pInfo.attribute].length; i++){
this.onNew(data[pInfo.attribute][i], {item: data, attribute: pInfo.attribute});
//returns the original item, now decorated with some meta info
return data;
_addReference: function(item, pInfo){
// summary
// adds meta information to an item containing a reference id
// so that references can be deleted as necessary, when passed
// only a string, the string for parent info, it will only
// it will be treated as a string reference
//console.log("_addReference: ", item, pInfo);
var rid = '_ref_' + this._referenceId++;
if (!item[this.metaLabel]["referenceIds"]){
this._references[rid] = pInfo;
deleteItem: function(item){
// summary
// deletes item and any references to that item from the store.
// If the desire is to delete only one reference, unsetAttribute or
// setValue is the way to go.
item = this._correctReference(item);
console.log("Item: ", item);
if (this.isItem(item)){
console.log("refs map: " , this._references);
console.log("item to delete: ", item);
var rid = item[this.metaLabel]["referenceIds"].pop();
var pInfo = this._references[rid];
console.log("deleteItem(): ", pInfo, pInfo.parent);
var parentItem = pInfo.parent;
var attribute = pInfo.attribute;
if(parentItem && parentItem[attribute] && !dojo.isArray(parentItem[attribute])){
this.unsetAttribute(parentItem, attribute);
delete parentItem[attribute];
if (dojo.isArray(parentItem[attribute])){
console.log("Parent is array");
var oldValue = this._trimItem(parentItem[attribute]);
var found=false;
for (var i=0; i<parentItem[attribute].length && !found;i++){
if (parentItem[attribute][i][this.metaLabel]===item[this.metaLabel]){
if (found){
var del = parentItem[attribute].splice(i-1,1);
delete del;
var newValue = this._trimItem(parentItem[attribute]);
delete this._references[rid];
delete this.index[item[this.idAttribute]];
_setDirty: function(item){
// summary:
// adds an item to the list of dirty items. This item
// contains a reference to the item itself as well as a
// cloned and trimmed version of old item for use with
// revert.
//if an item is already in the list of dirty items, don't add it again
//or it will overwrite the premodification data set.
if(this.noRevert){ // improve loading time since every new Item is dirty
for(var i=0; i<this._dirtyItems.length; i++){
this._dirtyItems.push({item: item, old: this._trimItem(item)});
this._updateMeta(item, {isDirty: true});
setValue: function(item, attribute, value){
// summary:
// sets 'attribute' on 'item' to 'value'
item = this._correctReference(item);
var old = item[attribute] | undefined;
setValues: function(item, attribute, values){
// summary:
// sets 'attribute' on 'item' to 'value' value
// must be an array.
item = this._correctReference(item);
if (!dojo.isArray(values)){throw new Error("setValues expects to be passed an Array object as its value");}
var old = item[attribute] || null;
unsetAttribute: function(item, attribute){
// summary:
// unsets 'attribute' on 'item'
item = this._correctReference(item);
var old = item[attribute];
delete item[attribute];
save: function(kwArgs){
// summary:
// Takes an optional set of keyword Args with
// some save options. Currently only format with options
// being "raw" or "json". This function goes through
// the dirty item lists, clones and trims the item down so that
// the items children are not part of the data (the children are replaced
// with reference objects). This data is compiled into a single array, the dirty objects
// are all marked as clean, and the new data is then passed on to the onSave handler.
var data = [];
if (!kwArgs){kwArgs={}}
while (this._dirtyItems.length > 0){
var item = this._dirtyItems.pop()["item"];
var t = this._trimItem(item);
var d;
case "json":
d = dojo.toJson(t);
case "raw":
d = t;
_markClean: function(item){
// summary
// remove this meta information marking an item as "dirty"
if (item && item[this.metaLabel] && item[this.metaLabel]["isDirty"]){
delete item[this.metaLabel]["isDirty"];
revert: function(){
// summary
// returns any modified data to its original state prior to a save();
while (this._dirtyItems.length>0){
var d = this._dirtyItems.pop();
this._mixin(d.item, d.old);
_mixin: function(target, data){
// summary:
// specialized mixin that hooks up objects in the store where references are identified.
var mix;
if (dojo.isObject(data)){
if (dojo.isArray(data)){
for (var i=0; i<data.length;i++){
if (dojo.isObject(data[i])){
if (dojo.isArray(data[i])){
if (data[i][this.metaLabel] && data[i][this.metaLabel]["type"] && data[i][this.metaLabel]["type"]=='reference'){
this._mixin(mix, data[i]);
for (var i in target){
if (i in data){continue;}
delete target[i];
for (var i in data){
if (dojo.isObject(data[i])){
if (dojo.isArray(data[i])){
if (data[i][this.metaLabel] && data[i][this.metaLabel]["type"] && data[i][this.metaLabel]["type"]=='reference'){
this._mixin(mix, data[i]);
isDirty: function(item){
// summary
// returns true if the item is marked as dirty.
item = this._correctReference(item);
return item && item[this.metaLabel] && item[this.metaLabel]["isDirty"];
_createReference: function(item){
// summary
// Create a small reference object that can be used to replace
// child objects during a trim
var obj={};
return obj;
_trimItem: function(item){
// copy an item recursively stoppying at other items that have id's
// and replace them with a refrence object;
var copy;
if (dojo.isArray(item)){
copy = [];
for (var i=0; i<item.length;i++){
if (dojo.isArray(item[i])){
}else if (dojo.isObject(item[i])){
if (item[i]["getFullYear"]){
}else if (item[i][this.idAttribute]){
} else {
return copy;
if (dojo.isObject(item)){
copy = {};
for (var attr in item){
if (!item[attr]){ copy[attr]=undefined;continue;}
if (dojo.isArray(item[attr])){
copy[attr] = this._trimItem(item[attr]);
}else if (dojo.isObject(item[attr])){
if (item[attr]["getFullYear"]){
copy[attr] =[attr]);
}else if(item[attr][this.idAttribute]){
} else {
} else {
return copy;
/* */
onSet: function(/* item */ item,
/*attribute-name-string*/ attribute,
/*object | array*/ oldValue,
/*object | array*/ newValue){
// summary: See
// No need to do anything. This method is here just so that the
// client code can connect observers to it.
onNew: function(/* item */ newItem, /*object?*/ parentInfo){
// summary: See
// No need to do anything. This method is here just so that the
// client code can connect observers to it.
onDelete: function(/* item */ deletedItem){
// summary: See
// No need to do anything. This method is here just so that the
// client code can connect observers to it.
onSave: function(items){
// summary:
// notification of the save event..not part of the notification api,
// but probably should be.
//console.log("onSave() ", items);
onRevert: function(){
// summary:
// notification of the revert event..not part of the notification api,
// but probably should be.
//setup an alias to byId, is there a better way to do this?;