Markus Warg 8398c9048d initially import ZendFramework-1.9.5 into repository
code was modified slightly, so the code differs from the original downloadable 1.9.5 version
2010-03-31 10:12:32 +02:00

169 lines
6 KiB

Take some sort of xml block
* like <dojo.button caption="blah"/> and turn
* it into a widget..
* We want to support something like:
* <body>
* <script>
* <dijit.layout.SplitContainer>
* <dijit.button/>
* <div>...</div>
* </dijit.layout.SplitContainer>
* </body>
* This is very tricky because if we parse this as XML then the <div> tag
* is actually an XML tag, not an XML tag, which is problematic in at least
* IE.
* So the strategy is this, silly as it may be: Convert EVERYTHING to HTML
* nodes, including the dijit.layout.SplitContainer by converting it to a
* div with the dojoType. Then run it through the standard parser.
* The more HTML you have relative to XML the less extra overhead this is.
* For something that is all XML we could have a different approach,
* perhaps signified by a different type of script tag. In that case we
* could just instantiate all the elements without a sourceNodeRef and then
* add the top level components to the app.
* That is very straightforward but I haven't done it.
* Right now there is no mechanism to have an intermediary bridge between
* the XML and the widget, because we are relying on dojo.parser
* to do the instantiation. It isn't clear to me why we would want
* those bridges in this approach and not in that approach.
dojox.xml.widgetParser = new function(){
var d = dojo;
this.parseNode = function(node){
var toBuild = [];
//TODO figure out the proper type
d.query("script[type='text/xml']", node).forEach(function(script){
toBuild.push.apply(toBuild, this._processScript(script));
}, this).orphan();
//instantiate everything at the end, doing it piecewise can give ID conflicts
return d.parser.instantiate(toBuild);
this._processScript = function(script){
//the text is either loaded from a separate file by the src
//attribute or underneath the src tag
var text = script.src ? d._getText(script.src) : script.innerHTML || script.firstChild.nodeValue;
var htmlNode = this.toHTML( dojox.xml.parser.parse(text).firstChild );
//make the list BEFORE we copy things over to keep the query scope as
//small as possible
var ret = d.query('[dojoType]', htmlNode);
//remove the script tag and replace with new HTML block
dojo.query(">", htmlNode).place(script, "before")
return ret;
* Given an XML node converts it to HTML where the existing HTML
* is preserved and the dojo widget tags are converted to divs
* with dojoType on them.
this.toHTML = function (/*XmlNode*/ node){
var newNode;
var nodeName = node.nodeName;
var dd = dojo.doc;
var type = node.nodeType;
///node type 3 and 4 are text and cdata
if(type >= 3){
return dd.createTextNode( (type == 3 || type == 4) ? node.nodeValue : "" );
var localName = node.localName||nodeName.split(":").pop();
// only check for namespace ONCE ever, instead of each time here,
// by mixing in the right check for each browser?
var namespace = node.namespaceURI || (node.getNamespaceUri ? node.getNamespaceUri() : "");
//TODO check for some real namespace
if(namespace == "html"){
newNode = dd.createElement(localName);
var dojoType = namespace + "." + localName;
* This is a horrible hack we need because creating a <div>
* with <option> children doesn't work well. Specifically with
* dojo.Declaration at some point the <option> tags get lost
* entirely so we need the parent of <option> tags to be <select>
* tags. (Not a problem outside of dojo.Delcaration)
* There are a couple other ways we could do this:
* 1. Look at the first element child to see if it is an option and
* if so create a <select> here.
* 2. When we add a child to parent fix up the parent then if the
* child is an <option> and the parent isn't a <select>.
* Both of those are a bit messy and slower than this.
* This is potentially a problem for other tag combinations as well,
* such as <tr> under a <table> or <li> under a <ul>/<ol>.
* (dojox.widget.SortList for example). Probably need a robust strategy for
* dealing with this. Worst case scenario for now is that user has to use
* html tag with dojoType for misbehaving widget.
newNode = newNode || dd.createElement((dojoType == "dijit.form.ComboBox") ? "select" : "div");
newNode.setAttribute("dojoType", dojoType);
// TODO:
// we should probably set this up different, mixin a function
// depending on if it is IE rather than checking every time here
// the xmlns problem and the style problem are both IE specific
d.forEach(node.attributes, function(attr){
// NOTE: IE always iterates *all* properties!!!
var name = || attr.nodeName;
var value = attr.value || attr.nodeValue;
if(name.indexOf("xmlns") != 0){
// style=blah blah blah is a problem, in IE if you use
// setAttribute here you get all sorts of problems. Maybe it
// would be better to just create a giant string of HTML
// instead of an object graph, then set innerHTML on something
// to get the object graph? That might be cleaner... that way
// is uses the browser HTML parsing exactly at is and won't
// cause any sort of issues. We could just special case style
// as well?
if(dojo.isIE && name == "style"){"cssText", value);
newNode.setAttribute(name, value);
d.forEach(node.childNodes, function(cn){
var childNode = this.toHTML(cn);
// script tags in IE don't like appendChild, innerHTML or innerText
// so if we are creating one programatically set text instead
// could special case this for IE only
if(localName == "script"){
newNode.text += childNode.nodeValue;
}, this);
return newNode;