Markus Warg 8398c9048d initially import ZendFramework-1.9.5 into repository
code was modified slightly, so the code differs from the original downloadable 1.9.5 version
2010-03-31 10:12:32 +02:00

130 lines
6.3 KiB

dojo.provide(""); = /^__|^(apply|call|callee|caller|constructor|eval|prototype|this|unwatch|valueOf|watch)$|__$/; = {
keywords: ["break", "case", "catch", "const", "continue","debugger", "default", "delete", "do",
"else", "enum","false", "finally", "for", "function","if", "in", "instanceof", "new",
"null","yield","return", "switch",
"throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "var", "void", "while"],
validate : function(/*string*/script,/*Array*/safeLibraries,/*Object*/safeGlobals) {
// summary:
// pass in the text of a script. If it passes and it can be eval'ed, it should be safe.
// Note that this does not do full syntax checking, it relies on eval to reject invalid scripts.
// There are also known false rejections:
// Nesting vars inside blocks will not declare the variable for the outer block
// Named functions are not treated as declaration so they are generally not allowed unless the name is declared with a var.
// Var declaration that involve multiple comma delimited variable assignments are not accepted
// script:
// the script to execute
// safeLibraries:
// The safe libraries that can be called (the functions can not be access/modified by the untrusted code, only called)
// safeGlobals:
// These globals can be freely interacted with by the untrusted code
var keywords = this.keywords;
for (var i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) {
var badThis = "|this| keyword in object literal without a Class call";
var blocks = []; // keeps track of the outer references from each inner block
throw new Error("Illegal unicode characters detected");
throw new Error("Conditional compilation token is not allowed");
script = script.replace(/\\["'\\\/bfnrtu]/g, '@'). // borrows some tricks from json.js
// now clear line comments, block comments, regular expressions, and strings.
// By doing it all at once, the regular expression uses left to right parsing, and the most
// left token is read first. It is also more compact.
replace(/\/\/.*|\/\*[\w\W]*?\*\/|\/(\\[\/\\]|[^*\/])(\\.|[^\/\n\\])*\/[gim]*|("[^"]*")|('[^']*')/g,function(t) {
return t.match(/^\/\/|^\/\*/) ? ' ' : '0'; // comments are replaced with a space, strings and regex are replaced with a single safe token (0)
replace(/\.\s*([a-z\$_A-Z][\w\$_]*)|([;,{])\s*([a-z\$_A-Z][\w\$_]*\s*):/g,function(t,prop,prefix,key) {
// find all the dot property references, all the object literal keys, and labels
prop = prop || key;
throw new Error("Illegal property name " + prop);
return (prefix && (prefix + "0:")) || '~'; // replace literal keys with 0: and replace properties with the innocuous ~
script.replace(/([^\[][\]\}]\s*=)|((\Wreturn|\S)\s*\[\s*\+?)|([^=!][=!]=[^=])/g,function(oper) {// check for illegal operator usages
if(!oper.match(/((\Wreturn|[=\&\|\:\?\,])\s*\[)|\[\s*\+$/)){ // the whitelist for [ operator for array initializer context or [+num] syntax
throw new Error("Illegal operator " + oper.substring(1));
script = script.replace(new RegExp("(" + safeLibraries.join("|") + ")[\\s~]*\\(","g"),function(call) { // find library calls and make them look safe
return "new("; // turn into a known safe call
function findOuterRefs(block,func) {
var outerRefs = {};
block.replace(/#\d/g,function(b) { // graft in the outer references from the inner scopes
var refs = blocks[b.substring(1)];
for (var i in refs) {
if(i == badThis) {
throw i;
if(i == 'this' && refs[':method'] && refs['this'] == 1) {
// if we are in an object literal the function may be a bindable method, this must only be in the local scope
i = badThis;
if(i != ':method'){
outerRefs[i] = 2; // the reference is more than just local
block.replace(/(\W|^)([a-z_\$A-Z][\w_\$]*)/g,function(t,a,identifier) { // find all the identifiers
throw new Error("Names may not start with _");
outerRefs[identifier] = 1;
return outerRefs;
var newScript,outerRefs;
function parseBlock(t,func,a,b,params,block) {
block.replace(/(^|,)0:\s*function#(\d)/g,function(t,a,b) { // find functions in object literals
// note that if named functions are allowed, it could be possible to have label: function name() {} which is a security breach
var refs = blocks[b];
refs[':method'] = 1;//mark it as a method
block = block.replace(/(^|[^_\w\$])Class\s*\(\s*([_\w\$]+\s*,\s*)*#(\d)/g,function(t,p,a,b) { // find Class calls
var refs = blocks[b];
delete refs[badThis];
return (p||'') + (a||'') + "#" + b;
outerRefs = findOuterRefs(block,func); // find the variables in this block
function parseVars(t,a,b,decl) { // find var decls
decl.replace(/,?([a-z\$A-Z][_\w\$]*)/g,function(t,identifier) {
if(identifier == 'Class'){
throw new Error("Class is reserved");
delete outerRefs[identifier]; // outer reference is safely referenced here
if(func) {
parseVars(t,a,a,params); // the parameters are declare variables
block.replace(/(\W|^)(var) ([ \t,_\w\$]+)/g,parseVars); // and vars declare variables
// FIXME: Give named functions #name syntax so they can be detected as vars in outer scopes (but be careful of nesting)
return (a || '') + (b || '') + "#" + (blocks.push(outerRefs)-1); // return a block reference so the outer block can fetch it
do {
// get all the blocks, starting with inside and moving out, capturing the parameters of functions and catchs as variables along the way
newScript = script.replace(/((function|catch)(\s+[_\w\$]+)?\s*\(([^\)]*)\)\s*)?{([^{}]*)}/g, parseBlock);
while(newScript != script && (script = newScript)); // keep going until we can't find anymore blocks
parseBlock(0,0,0,0,0,script); //findOuterRefs(script); // find the references in the outside scope
for (i in outerRefs) {
if(!(i in safeGlobals)) {
throw new Error("Illegal reference to " + i);