Markus Warg 8398c9048d initially import ZendFramework-1.9.5 into repository
code was modified slightly, so the code differs from the original downloadable 1.9.5 version
2010-03-31 10:12:32 +02:00

95 lines
3.5 KiB

// this is a mixin to convert object attribute queries to
// JSONQuery/JSONPath syntax to be sent to the server.
dojo.declare("", null, {
useFullIdInQueries: false,
_toJsonQuery: function(args, jsonQueryPagination){
var first = true;
var self = this;
function buildQuery(path, query){
// it is a reference to a persisted object, need to make it a query by id
var newQuery = {};
newQuery[self.idAttribute] = self.useFullIdInQueries ? query.__id : query[self.idAttribute];
query = newQuery;
for(var i in query){
// iterate through each property, adding them to the overall query
var value = query[i];
var newPath = path + (/^[a-zA-Z_][\w_]*$/.test(i) ? '.' + i : '[' + dojo._escapeString(i) + ']');
if(value && typeof value == "object"){
buildQuery(newPath, value);
}else if(value!="*"){ // full wildcards can be ommitted
jsonQuery += (first ? "" : "&") + newPath +
((args.queryOptions && args.queryOptions.ignoreCase) ? "~" : "=") +
first = false;
// performs conversion of Dojo Data query objects and sort arrays to JSONQuery strings
if(args.query && typeof args.query == "object"){
// convert Dojo Data query objects to JSONQuery
var jsonQuery = "[?(";
buildQuery("@", args.query);
// use ' instead of " for quoting in JSONQuery, and end with ]
jsonQuery += ")]";
jsonQuery = "";
args.queryStr = jsonQuery.replace(/\\"|"/g,function(t){return t == '"' ? "'" : t;});
}else if(!args.query || args.query == '*'){
args.query = "";
var sort = args.sort;
// if we have a sort order, add that to the JSONQuery expression
args.queryStr = args.queryStr || (typeof args.query == 'string' ? args.query : "");
first = true;
for(i = 0; i < sort.length; i++){
args.queryStr += (first ? '[' : ',') + (sort[i].descending ? '\\' : '/') + "@[" + dojo._escapeString(sort[i].attribute) + "]";
first = false;
args.queryStr += ']';
// this is optional because with client side paging JSONQuery doesn't yield the total count
if(jsonQueryPagination && (args.start || args.count)){
// pagination
args.queryStr = (args.queryStr || (typeof args.query == 'string' ? args.query : "")) +
'[' + (args.start || '') + ':' + (args.count ? (args.start || 0) + args.count : '') + ']';
if(typeof args.queryStr == 'string'){
args.queryStr = args.queryStr.replace(/\\"|"/g,function(t){return t == '"' ? "'" : t;});
return args.queryStr;
return args.query;
jsonQueryPagination: true,
fetch: function(args){
this._toJsonQuery(args, this.jsonQueryPagination);
return this.inherited(arguments);
isUpdateable: function(){
return true;
matchesQuery: function(item,request){
request._jsonQuery = request._jsonQuery || dojox.json.query(this._toJsonQuery(request));
return request._jsonQuery([item]).length;
clientSideFetch: function(/*Object*/ request,/*Array*/ baseResults){
request._jsonQuery = request._jsonQuery || dojox.json.query(this._toJsonQuery(request));
// we use client side paging function here instead of JSON Query because we must also determine the total count
return this.clientSidePaging(request, request._jsonQuery(baseResults));
querySuperSet: function(argsSuper,argsSub){
return argsSub.query;
return this.inherited(arguments);