code was modified slightly, so the code differs from the original downloadable 1.9.5 version
106 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable file
106 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable file
#version should be something like 0.9.0beta or 0.9.0
#svnUserName is the name you use to connect to Dojo's subversion.
#The svn revision number to use for tag. Should be a number, like 11203
#If no svnRevision number, get the latest one from he repo.
if [ "$svnRevision" = "" ]; then
svnRevision=`svn info http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/util/trunk/buildscripts/build_release.sh | grep Revision | sed 's/Revision: //'`
#Make the SVN tag.
svn mkdir -m "Using r$svnRevision to create a tag for the $version release." https://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/tags/$tagName
svn copy -r $svnRevision https://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/branches/1.3/dojo https://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/tags/$tagName/dojo -m "Using r$svnRevision to create a tag for the $version release."
svn copy -r $svnRevision https://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/branches/1.3/dijit https://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/tags/$tagName/dijit -m "Using r$svnRevision to create a tag for the $version release."
svn copy -r $svnRevision https://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/branches/1.3/dojox https://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/tags/$tagName/dojox -m "Using r$svnRevision to create a tag for the $version release."
svn copy -r $svnRevision https://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/branches/1.3/util https://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/tags/$tagName/util -m "Using r$svnRevision to create a tag for the $version release."
svn copy -r $svnRevision https://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/branches/1.3/demos https://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/tags/$tagName/demos -m "Using r$svnRevision to create a tag for the $version release."
#Check out the tag
mkdir ../../build
cd ../../build
svn co https://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/tags/$tagName $buildName
cd $buildName/util/buildscripts
#Update the dojo version in the tag
java -jar ../shrinksafe/js.jar changeVersion.js $version ../../dojo/_base/_loader/bootstrap.js
cd ../../dojo
svn commit -m "Updating dojo version for the tag." _base/_loader/bootstrap.js
#Erase the SVN dir and replace with an exported SVN contents.
cd ../..
rm -rf ./$buildName/
svn export http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/tags/$tagName $buildName
# clobber cruft that we don't want in builds
rm -rf ./$buildName/dijit/themes/noir
rm -rf ./$buildName/dojox/off/demos
rm -rf ./$buildName/dijit/bench
#Make a shrinksafe bundle
cp -r $buildName/util/shrinksafe $buildName/util/$shrinksafeName
cd $buildName/util
zip -rq $shrinksafeName.zip $shrinksafeName/
tar -zcf $shrinksafeName.tar.gz $shrinksafeName/
mv $shrinksafeName.zip ../../
mv $shrinksafeName.tar.gz ../../
cd ../..
rm -rf $buildName/util/$shrinksafeName
#Make a -demos bundle (note, this is before build. Build profile=demos-all if you want to release them)
# the -demos archives are meant to be extracted from the same folder -src or release archives, and have
# a matching prefixed folder in the archive
zip -rq $demoName.zip $buildName/demos/
tar -zcf $demoName.tar.gz $buildName/demos/
# prevent demos/ from appearing in the -src build
rm -rf $buildName/demos
#Make a src bundle
mv $buildName $srcName
zip -rq $srcName.zip $srcName/
tar -zcf $srcName.tar.gz $srcName/
mv $srcName $buildName
#Run the build.
cd $buildName/util/buildscripts/
chmod +x ./build.sh
./build.sh profile=standard version=$1 releaseName=$buildName cssOptimize=comments.keepLines optimize=shrinksafe.keepLines cssImportIgnore=../dijit.css action=release
# remove tests and demos, but only for the actual release:
chmod +x ./clean_release.sh
./clean_release.sh ../../release $buildName
cd ../../release/
#Pause to allow manual process of packing Dojo.
echo "You can find dojo in $currDir/$buildName/dojo/dojo.js"
read -p "Build Done. If you want to pack Dojo manually, do it now, then press Enter to continue build packaging..."
#Continuing with packaging up the release.
zip -rq $buildName.zip $buildName/
tar -zcf $buildName.tar.gz $buildName/
mv $buildName.zip ../../
mv $buildName.tar.gz ../../
#copy compressed and uncompressed Dojo to the root
cp $buildName/dojo/dojo.js* ../../
# md5sum the release files
cd ../../
for i in *.zip; do md5sum $i > $i.md5; done
for i in *.gz; do md5sum $i > $i.md5; done
for i in *.js; do md5sum $i > $i.md5; done
echo "Build complete. Files are in: $outDirName"
cd ../util/buildscripts