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dojo.declare("dojox.embed.Object", dijit._Widget, {
// summary:
// A widget you can use to embed either a Flash or Quicktime
// movie.
// example:
// From markup:
// | <div dojoType="dojox.embed.Object" src="path/to/movie.swf"></div>
// example:
// Programmatic:
// | var mov=new dojox.embed.Object({
// | src: "path/to/movie.swf"
// | }, node);
// width: Number?
// The width of the movie. If not provided, the width of this.domNode is used.
// height: Number?
// The height of the movie. If not provided, the height of this.domNode is used.
// src: String
// The URL of the movie to embed.
// movie: HTMLEmbed
// The eventual reference to the movie embedded. If you are looking to script
// control over the movie, you'd access it this way.
// params: Object
// A property bag that is created postCreate. Any additional attributes you
// define on your domNode will be collected and placed into this, which will
// then be passed to the movie constructor.
// reFlash: RegExp
// Expression used on the src property to determine if this is Flash or Quicktime.
// reQtMovie: RegExp
// Expression used on the src property to determine if this is Flash or Quicktime.
// reQtAudio: RegExp
// Expression used on the src property to determine if this is Flash or Quicktime.
width: 0,
height: 0,
src: "",
movie: null,
params: null,
reFlash: /\.swf|\.flv/gi,
reQtMovie: /\.3gp|\.avi|\.m4v|\.mov|\.mp4|\.mpg|\.mpeg|\.qt/gi,
postCreate: function(){
// summary
// Constructs the movie and places it in the document.
if(!this.width || !this.height){
// get the width and height from the domNode
var box=dojo.marginBox(this.domNode);
this.width=box.w, this.height=box.h;
// the default embed constructor.
var em=dojox.embed.Flash;
// figure out what kind of movie this is.
if(this.src.match(this.reQtMovie) || this.src.match(this.reQtAudio)){
// loop through any attributes and set up our params object.
// ignore list
var ignore = {
dojoType: "",
width: "",
height: "",
"class": "",
style: "",
id: "",
src: ""
var attrs=this.domNode.attributes;
for(var i=0, l=attrs.length; i<l; i++){
// set up our arguments.
var kwArgs={
path: this.src,
width: this.width,
height: this.height,
params: this.params
// set up the movie. (em)(kwArgs, this.domNode);