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/*===== = {
// summary: Module which includes Canadian-specific methods for dojox.validate
isPhoneNumber: function(/* String */value){
// summary: Validates Canadian 10-digit phone number for several common formats
return; // Boolean
isProvince: function(/* String[2] */value) {
// summary: Validates Canadian province abbreviations (2 characters)
var re = new RegExp("^" + + "$", "i");
return re.test(value); // Boolean
isSocialInsuranceNumber: function(/* String */value) {
// summary: Validates Canadian 9 digit social insurance number for several
// common formats
// description:
// Validates Canadian 9 digit social insurance number for several
// common formats. This routine only pattern matches and does not
// use the Luhn Algorithm to validate number.
var flags = { format: [ "###-###-###", "### ### ###", "#########" ]};
return dojox.validate.isNumberFormat(value, flags); // Boolean
isPostalCode: function(value) {
// summary: Validates Canadian 6 digit postal code
// description:
// Validates Canadian 6 digit postal code.
// Canadian postal codes are in the format ANA NAN,
// where A is a letter and N is a digit, with a space
// separating the third and fourth characters.
var re = new RegExp("^" + + "$", "i");
return re.test(value); // Boolean